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July is sarcoma awareness month

Sarcoma is a cancer of the bones and soft tissue and can occur all over the body. You may have heard of sarcoma as the "forgotten" cancer because of the lack of awareness compared to other cancers.

The Sarcoma Foundation of America estimates that 17,100 people in the United States will be diagnosed in 2022. It accounts for 1% of adult cancers, and 15-20% of childhood cancers. 

Learn about the diagnostic and treatment process for sarcoma

Cancer Term of the Month: Melanoma

angiosarcoma: A type of cancer that begins in the cells that line blood vessels or lymph vessels. Cancer that begins in blood vessels is called hemangiosarcoma. Cancer that begins in lymph vessels is called lymphangiosarcoma.

Spotlight on:

Ari J. Rosenberg, MD

Meet 2022 Young Investigator Award Recipient, Dr. Rosenberg. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Chicago. His work asks: can circulating tumor DNA guide how doctors should use immunotherapy in head and neck cancer?

Dr. Rosenberg intends to develop a personalized, dynamic, biomarker-driven treatment roadmap for patients with recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck cancer, allowing doctors to strategically combine immunotherapy with chemotherapy to improve treatment efficacy while reducing treatment-related toxicity.

The data Dr. Rosenberg plans to collect will be a first step towards a novel, adaptive, and personalized treatment program of immunotherapy and chemotherapy that will lead to improved survival and lower side effects in patients with recurrent and metastatic head and neck cancer, allowing doctors to implement personalized treatment strategies rather than a “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Learn More About His Work

That's all for now, but we'll be back soon with some exciting updates about a collaboration that's in the works.

Stay well,

Cancer Research Foundation

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Cancer Research Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to funding early career scientists with bold ideas in the field of Cancer Research.

We're venture philanthropists on a mission.