Utah Disability Today
The official newsletter of the Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice
Institute for Disability ribbon graphic
Phone: (435) 797-1981
You received this monthly newsletter because you are a friend of the Institute for Disability (formerly the Center for Persons with Disabilities). Keep reading for news, resources, events and job openings!
From the Director: IDRPP In a Post-COVID World
The world around us is going through an era of change and upheaval.

While last year challenged us, it was also a record-breaking year for us in many areas. We surpassed our prior benchmarks for the total number of people served, projects managed, research and evaluation studies completed, and peer-reviewed publications accepted.

Read more on our blog.
USU's WebAIM Improves Vaccine Website Accessibility in NY and Beyond
IDRPP's WebAIM provided accessibility information for New York vaccination websites, helping agencies make sure people with disabilities could sign up for vaccines. Read more.
In Memoriam: IDRPP Remembers Connie Pehrson
On September 23, the Institute for Disability lost a family member with the passing of Connie Pehrson. She began writing for what was then the Center for Persons with Disabilities in 2008, blogging for us at a time when we were still figuring out what a blog was. Read more.
Person holding IPad and giving a presentation to a group of people.
Disability Studies & the History of the Victorian Freak Show
October 26 at 1:00 PM
Participate via Zoom.

Project SCOPE Session: Trauma & the ARC Framework
October 27 at 12 pm
For more information, visit Project SCOPE's website.
Register on the website.

National Resource Center for Paraeducators (NRCP) Western Regional Conference
October 27-28
Register on the website.

An American Indian/Alaska Native Perspective on Mental Health, Disability, and a Greater Understanding of Native Culture
October 28 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Register on the website.

ACRE Employment Specialist Training - Online
November 2-4
Register on the website.

Early ECHO Session: Building Resiliency
November 3 at 12 PM
For more information, visit Early ECHO's website.
Register on the website.

Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities (LCPD)
November 4 at 12:30 PM
Participate via Zoom.

Project SCOPE Session: Trauma, Substance Exposure & Language Development
November 10 at 12 PM
For more information, visit Project SCOPE's website.
Register on the website.

Project SCOPE Session: Systems of Care/Organizing the Community of Practice
November 17 at 12 PM
For more information, visit Project SCOPE's website.
Register on the website.

Workplace Supports Training - Taylorsville
November 17 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM (completion of online modules required in advance)
Register on the website.
Stack of colorful books
See photo and video examples of important developmental milestones that children should reach from two months to five years of age.

This curriculum covers students, parents, and educators with the intent to empower every person with the tools they need to be a good digital citizen.

This fact sheet provides an overview of concepts related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Learn about diversity in the United States among people with disabilities.

This guide covers various approaches people with disabilities can take, whether they ride buses, subways, Uber, Lyft, or something else entirely. It offers ideas for communication, physical protection, technology, and much more.

New resources available for pediatric care providers, as well as for supporting medical home teams in building partnerships with families and implementing family-centered telehealth. These resources cover different strategies for telehealth implementation.