October 30, 2023

ISC's October Newsletter

Scenes from Our 2023 Festival

Thanks to everyone who attended the National Storytelling Festival in person or via our livestream! We're sharing a few of our favorite photos from the weekend on the ISC website. Take a peek into our signature event and learn why Jonesborough is called the Storytelling Capital of the World.

Photo Gallery

A Free Gift (and Festival Merch)

Jonesborough artist William Bledsoe has been creating artwork to celebrate the National Storytelling Festival since 1989. By popular request, we have partnered with Bledsoe to offer a free digital download of his 2023 composition, "Storytelling in Progress," as wallpaper for your computer and mobile phone. The commemorative poster (signed and dated) is available in our gift shop, along with some other Festival merch.

Shop Here

2023 Holiday Concert Tickets

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol with Tim Lowry

December 1 at 2 pm & 7:30 pm

Tim's performance of the holiday classic has become a beloved ISC tradition.

Jingle Tales & Tunes with

Regi Carpenter, Andy Offutt Irwin, and Bil Lepp

December 6-8 at 2 pm & 7:30 pm

A new holiday variety show featuring stories, songs, and plenty of holiday cheer!

On Sale Now

ISC + Girl Scouts Collab

Storytelling just got a whole lot cuter. ISC has partnered with our local Girl Scouts to offer a new Storytelling Badge. In September, a large group of scouts joined us to hear Megan Wells perform—and polish their own public speaking skills. The badges are still available for any scout who wants to earn one!

Get Ready for Giving Tuesday

It's almost here! This year, Giving Tuesday falls on November 28, which is somehow less than a month away. (Where did autumn go?) Please save the date and keep us in mind for your charitable giving this year.

We are the International Storytelling Center

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ISC is proud to produce world-class storytelling events alongside applied storytelling programming and educational resources. You are an integral part of our movement to build a better world through the power of storytelling. Consider showing some love by making a one-time gift or becoming a regular donor today.

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Festival Tickets
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In association with the Smithsonian Institution.

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