Dear friends,
The final in-person service of the year at Saint Mark's Cathedral was held on March 8, 2020. Now, after a full year of closure, Saint Mark's Cathedral is delighted to announce the resumption of in-person worship in the cathedral nave. With the numbers of COVID-19 cases in King country continuing to move in the right direction, and as more and more are vaccinated, now is the right time to take this important step, in conformity with all relevant Washington State and King County guidelines, and with the consent of the Bishop.
The congregation will at first be limited to 30 pre-registered worshippers, who will remain masked and distanced at all times. Reopening will be guided by the Reopening Plan, which was adopted and posted on the cathedral website last fall. (Please note that the Reopening Plan is currently being revised and updated by the Reopening Committee. It will be posted during the week of March 15.)
As described in the plan, the public reopening will be preceded by one Sunday with a "trial congregation" of staff and Vestry members, to try out and double-check the registration procedures and entry protocols. This trial opening will occur on Sunday, March 14, so you will see some folks present on that day.
Online registration for worship on Sunday will open on the preceding Monday—so registration for March 21 will open on March 15, registration for March 28 will open March 22, and so forth. Registration by phone will also be an option.
Much more information, including a detailed description and walk-though of the registration process, will be released in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on your email, as well as on the Reopening Planning page for updates as they come.
I know this past year has been terribly difficult, and I long for us all to be in the cathedral together again. Your safety remains our chief priority, and this will unfold over time. I appreciate your patience, and your persistence in this community. I am,
Yours faithfully,