Dear Cardinal Family,
John Paul II High School stands in solidarity with all those who embrace and promote the dignity of the human person.
John Paul II High School joins the Catholic Diocese of Dallas in mourning the tragic and senseless deaths of George Floyd, and all people of color in our country. Our school, and our faith community, must stand in solidarity against the systemic racial injustice present today in our community, our country, and our world.
Let us harken the words of our chief shepherd, Bishop Edward J. Burns, taken from his homily last Sunday; “
With all of the turmoil in this world, in this country, in our communities, Lord give us the peace that we long for now especially, as we are faced with the upheavals of all the wounds of our society: hatred, racism, and anger. Lord, we long for the peace that only you can give. We want that peace, and we will work for that peace as we recognize the need to work for justice, to uphold the dignity of every human life, and to recognize that everyone is created in God’s image. And that out of the darkness of our lives, we are able to see through the eyes of Jesus Christ that whomever is before us is either a brother or sister. It is important for us to acknowledge the dignity in which our God created us and then uphold that dignity before all the world.”
Today, and in the days to come, let us lift our prayers to the Risen Christ, who heals all wounds and comforts all the afflicted.
Yours in Christ,
Deacon Jake Schroepfer