Coronavirus Updates from CCHI

Dear Friends,

Like you, we are concerned about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will impact the health and well being of our families, our staff (especially our frontline healthcare workers), our communities and our country. Mass General is closely monitoring the situation and is continuing to implement a wide range of measures to mitigate the spread of disease. The latest updates on what the hospital is doing to protect our patients and staff, as well as FAQs and other important resources, can be found here.

We have also put together a shorter list of commonly asked questions and answers that includes what you can do to help prevent transmission of COVID-19, what you should do if you are sick, and other important links and resources which can be found here.

But, information is changing rapidly, so it is best to stay up to date by checking back frequently to:

For us at the Center for Community Health Improvement, in person meetings and events have been cancelled, and most of our staff are working remotely, practicing "social distancing" to slow the spread of this virus. Our coalitions in Charlestown, Chelsea and Revere are closely monitoring their community's needs, working with many of you to share information across sectors and help residents to find the resources and obtain the services they need. Many of our community health workers and medical interpreters continue to work in the health centers as their role is even more critical at this time. And, our Youth Programs team is checking in with young people and families remotely to encourage social distancing and maintain some routine while kids are out of school.

We know that during these unprecedented times, the inequities faced by many in our communities become all the more apparent, forcing us all to work harder and smarter. We will keep you posted through email and on our social media channels, but please reach out with any questions, concerns or needs.

Thank you for your partnership - the phrase "we're all in this together" has never had greater meaning.
Leslie Aldrich, MPH
Executive Director, MGH CCHI