I am so incredibly lucky. I get to hear from grateful participants and family members—like Patrick’s mom—all the time. It’s a constant source of inspiration! But during our critical 2017 Annual Fund Drive , I want to take a moment to share this family’s story with you. Because it’s your support that makes life-changing experiences like this one possible through the Adaptive Sports Foundation.

10-year-old Patrick has autism. Arriving at the Adaptive Sports Center and not knowing quite what to expect, he was nervous—and so were his parents. They were used to people not knowing how to relate to Patrick, and they worried how things would go.

But then Patrick’s instructor arrived. Mat knelt down and started talking directly to Patrick. And in that moment, everything changed. Patrick started to relax, and he eagerly listened to everything Mat had to say. Soon, he was following Mat and the other instructors outside. And his mom says, “Once they got him on a snowboard, they could not get him off!”

To see Patrick greeted with such warmth and attentiveness … to watch his enthusiasm and confidence grow… to witness him doing something they never imagined possible … it was an incredible, life-changing experience for Patrick, and his parents.

It is your support that makes stories like Patrick’s possible!

As a committed donor, you know well the life-changing, transformative power of adaptive sports. You know just what Patrick’s parents mean when they say, “It is amazing how much impact one experience, one day, one moment in time can have on one’s life.”

You’ve shown such great passion for this cause. That’s why I’m asking you to support our 2017 Annual Fund Drive in an extra special way by making a monthly commitment of $10 or even $15 .
Through your support, you have provided hope, joy and a place where dreams can be realized for people like Patrick and their families. By donating to our Annual Fund Drive today, you will be able to Change more Lives Through Sports!

Todd Munn
Executive Director