The Armed Services YMCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution today is tax deductible and a letter acknowledging your participation will be provided.

Since 1943, it has been our mission here at the Armed Services YMCA at Camp Pendleton to enhance the lives of military personnel and their family in spirit, mind and body through programs relevant to the unique challenges of military life. 

We have been serving the Camp Pendleton military community for 75 years, the ASYMCA provides over 20 unique and widely diverse programs each year. Over time, our flexible approach has changed and created services, sometimes quickly, to meet the emerging needs of our families. 

With no financial support from either the federal or state governments, your Armed Services YMCA at Camp Pendleton depends on local support for all of our programs.  

This event supports critical programs and services for Active Duty military and their families whether they reside on base (in 16 different housing areas consisting of 7,800 homes) or in one of the local communities of Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad, San Marcos, San Clemente, Fallbrook, and Temecula. 

There are approximately 80,000 individuals who live and work aboard the base consisting of about 40,000 active duty, and about 40,000 family members. This does not include an additional 26,000 students who attend three formal schools located on base throughout the year.  

During 2017, we at the Armed Services YMCA Camp Pendleton served 52,277 military active duty and family members. Please join us in continuing our Mission to help many more Military families. 
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Run starts at Oceanside Harbor (Large parking across from Joe's Crab Shack). Check in at 8:45, Kickstands up at 9:30!

Finish at Rainbow Oaks Restaurant in Rainbow, California.

Click below to view Sponsorship levels.

Single Rider Registration: $30.00
Rider + Passenger: $40.00

Registration includes:

2018 Armed Services YMCA T-Shirt (Campaign Design)
Coffee and Breakfast cake at check-in
Music & Raffle prizes to conclude the run!

A beautiful and scenic ride, indeed!
Sponsor and/or Register today
Sponsor & Registration Instructions:
  1. Click the "Registration button
  2. You will be directed to our "Donation" page.
  3. Once there select other amount, type in dollar amount based on registration and/or sponsorship levels. (Listed above)
  4. Go down to "I would like my donation to go toward funding", Select "Poker Run"
  5. Complete personal information and payment.
  6. In the memo/comment box indicate your registration/sponsorship level.
All proceeds benefit our Military families!
Once registered & to save time...Click on the link,
complete the waiver and bring to the event.
PO Box 555028 Bldg 16144, A Street, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 – 5028
(P) 760 385 4921