Does God care about Sri Lankans?  
You bet He does!  In this letter you will read of a woman totally paralyzed for months, completely bedridden and without hope.  She was completely healed without anyone laying hands on her
 or anyone being in the same room with her.  
Miles away a few believers  cried out to God in her behalf 
and He lifted the paralysis.  

Dear  Praying  Friends and Families,
Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ,

T he Lord has been wonderful to our family and the work of Lanka Missions School (LMS).  Our churches are growing and we are excited to see new souls being touched and save by His grace. We continue experiencing the hand of God directing and anointing us to minister the word of God and win the lost in the tea plantation sector.
In previous letters we shared how we were able to teach and train the "Kingdom Builders" group members.  These are ordinary brothers and sisters  from our New Philadelphia churches  who volunteer to serve God in evangelism and discipleship. This group continues to grow each month. We noticed that even though we gather once a month for teaching and training, the members come together with joy and excitement. There are many testimonies of how the Lord has been using them to reach the lost and bring children into the kingdom of God.
They were excited, saying that they had no clue how the Lord could use simple people like them to minister the Word of God. They have prayed for the sick, the demon possessed and many have been delivered by the power of the Lord.
God's Miracles Still Continue
We shared in our last Newsletter about Sister Manael (Buddhist Convert) from New Philadelphia Church in the Black Water area. The Lord has been using this lady to bring many Buddhist people to the church.  

In the month of September on my way to attend the KB (Kingdom Builders) program I stopped at the Black Water Church to pick up a few volunteers. Sister Manael, Sister Rashathi and a few others were waiting for us. While they were waiting they began a conversation with a man already known by Sister Manael as he passed by them in the main road.

 He was a Buddhist man and his whole family has been affected by evil spirits (but they believed their god was angry with them and punishing the family) and his wife became totally paralyzed unable to walk. Their youngest son was mentally affected and they were about to lose their house and property.
The man was planning to meet his Buddhist Priest in the temple to find solution to all the problems they were facing. He told the ladies that he had gone to many other Buddhist and Hindu temples and nothing has happened except he is confused and seeking help to resolve the problems he and his family facing at that time.
The ladies confirmed there is solution, which was to be redeemed from the demonic curse on his family by believing in Jesus and allowing God to help them. They shared the Gospel message with him on the main road and convinced the man there is a way out of all his problems by just trusting in God. The man began to believ e what he was told and he was ready to receive prayers for all his problems.
We arrived and the Sisters told us what happened.  While I was in the van with others we prayed for this man, his wife and their son and we left. We prayed that the Lord would send His word to heal the lady lying paralyzed in her bed. The man left happily for home after the prayers made and he promised to bring his wife to the Sunday morning service. (This happened on Saturday morning).
Because God Did Something Huge In This Family
(What He has done for others He will do for you) 

We were told that when the man went home his wife was out of the bed and sitting in a chair by herself. Remember, she was totally paralyzed for many months and needed to be carried in and out of the house. The man couldn't believe his own eyes to see his wife sitting in a chair and asked her how this was possible.
The wife told him while she was in the bed she felt someone came close to touch her and she was healed instantly, immediately able to get up from the bed without any help. They rejoiced together and the next day she attended the morning worship at Black Water Church.

Because God Was Not Done!

In that morning service Pastor Benjamine said the lady testified in church how someone touched and healed her while she was in the bed. However, she said that she had to use a walking stick to get to the Church because she was weak. Her husband brought her close to the church and let her go by herself.
When she arrived close to the church she heard a voice saying throw the stick in your hand and enter into the Church. She said there was no one in that place but she immediately obeyed and entered the church. She said she was completely healed.  The whole church rejoiced and praised the Lord for this great miracle.   We invite you to take a moment to rejoice with this lady and the believers. Praise the Lord. 
I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents!
Luke 15:10
Lanka Missions School
We continue to hold ministry training classes on Friday with many students attending. Pastor Robert and I teach classes by taking turns each week.  There are many new students who want to come and study next semester. Please, do remember to pray for the training and teaching that is being done in the LMS training center every week.

New Philadelphia Churches
The Pastors and workers serve God faithfully and the churches are growing slowly but steadily every day. Their Sunday children classes held in the church and outside the church is growing in large numbers. Young people are involved doing many activities in the church and outside the churches as well.
The volunteer group "Kingdom Builders" has become a big help within the church. They are beginning to bring many lost to Christ.  They visit homes and hold many bible cell groups, winning house wives and their husbands to the Lord. They were excited the Lord is using them to minster to heathens, children's and adults. They even counsel families and solve many disputes, especially between husbands and wives, but between families as well. Please pray for the upcoming Christmas Children programs and other church programs and all our ministry needs in your prayers.

Prayer Concerns
A). Pray for the KB (Kingdom Builders) group and their commitment and desire to serve God     through the Church.
B). Pray for the training we give the KB members once a month and ask the Lord to increase the numbers next year 2016.
C). Pray the lectures at Lanka Missions School and training center will adequately equip the students and their families to successfully plant churches.   Pray also for the current students and for the Lord to bring us the best incoming students.
D). Pray that all pastors and workers would be used by the Lord to more effectively build His Kingdom.
E). Pray for the upcoming Sunday School Christmas Programs that the Holy Spirit would touch the hearts of the many unsaved people who come to view this wonderful event.
F). Pray for the final day of services held for pastors, workers, and all other staff members as we share a great fellowship lunch together.
G). Pray the Lord will help us continue the VISION he has given to win the lost and establish churches to mature the saints.

Lanka Ministries International is a ministry of faith relying on the prayers and support of Gods people.  Thank you for interceding in our behalf for the above needs.

Your financial support is always a welcome blessing.
Checks made out to LMI can be sent to:
Lanka Ministries International
 PO Box 311
 Greentown, Indiana 46936.

We wish you all God's blessings and Happy Thanksgiving Day.
In His Service,
Rev. Anton and Wimala George
Kandy, Sri Lanka
We also take this time to thank Dr. Logan, Pastor Kevin, Pastor Gary and Sister Anita for the help they extend for the ministry. Also, our special thanks to those who uphold us and the LMI/LMS ministry in their sincere prayers and by the way of donations and gifts provided each month. We thank God for each one of you and for your concern and love shown to my family and for the Lord's work until now.
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