Visit us at the Association for Jewish Studies Conference
in Boston, December 18-20, 2022
CMJS will have an exhibit booth at the 2022 AJS annual conference. Find us under the "Scholarship in Jewish and Israel Studies at Brandeis University" banner.
CMJS researchers will also be presenting at the following sessions:
[Panel Session] It’s Jewish Identity, but Not as You Know It: Novel Approaches, Foci, and Findings in Contemporary Jewish Identity
Mon, December 19, 3:00 to 4:30pm, Sheraton Boston Fairfax B 3rd Floor (AV)
Seekers and Servers: The Role of Metaphor in Jewish Identity Research
Presenter: Adina Bankier-Karp
The Port Jew and Nuestra América: Narratives of Collective Responsibility and Belonging Presenter: Dalia Wassner
[Panel Session] Rethinking Counting and Categorizing Jews
Mon, December 19, 3:00 to 4:30pm, Sheraton Boston Back Bay Blrm C 2nd Floor (AV)
On the Decreasing Usefulness of Denomination as a Measure of Jewish Life
Presenter: Matthew Brookner
Understanding Jewish Diversity: Using Extant Data to Understand the Uniqueness of Ethnoreligious Subgroups
Presenters: Leonard Saxe, Janet Krasner Aronson
[Roundtable] Social Science, Cultural Studies, and the Good: Making Our Work Matter
Tue, December 20, 8:30 to 10:00am, Sheraton Boston Commonwealth 4th Floor (AV)
Discussant: Matthew Boxer
[Panel Session] Jewish Sociolinguistics and Identity Construction
Tue, December 20, 8:30 to 10:00am, Sheraton Boston Fairfax B 3rd Floor (AV)
Distinctively Jewish? Personal Names of American Jews
Presenter: Alicia Chandler
[Roundtable] American Jewish “Diversity” and the US Racial Binary
Tue, December 20, 10:15 to 11:45am, Sheraton Boston Arnold Arboretum E 5th Floor
Discussant: Leonard Saxe