Some of you know that my customary way to just stop has been to break bones. Yes, sometimes two, or sprain both feet! All amount to a full stop. Enforced! No negotiation! I'm not kidding. The day I was to start my Transformational Speaking book tour, I broke bones in both legs and was confined to bed for a week until the swelling subsided and I could be trussed up. (My friend Lisa called it "extreme avoidance.") Then when I launched Transformational Speaking Online, I broke my hip in the middle of our series of 8 weekly community calls. I didn't see my home again for nearly 3 weeks. When my dear friend Margaret died, I missed two stairs and her memorial service in San Miguel de Allende when I sprained both feet. In the shamanic path, we know that breaking a bone is about breaking a pattern. It was clear to me in all the above cases that my pattern was to move too fast to pay attention to what my body and soul were telling me. Here's what happened: [continue reading ...] |