Hope and healing for this generation!
Volume 10, Edition 9
September 2016
Don Piper Ministries ... A New Season?
When Don Piper answered the call to share his remarkable story in all 50 states and many other countries he had no idea that over 12 years later that he would still be doing that. What an amazing and anointed time it has been.

After meeting with the Don Piper Board of Directors (Dr. Mark Forrest, Rev. Sonny Steed, and Rev. Cliff McArdle) in April we have begun a season of prayer about the next season in Don's life. And we have prayerfully concluded that it is time to consider lessening the stress of traveling for him in preparation for his potential return to a more local ministry. After all, local pastoral ministry is what he did for nearly 20 years prior to writing his books. You may remember that Don was a senior pastor, an associate pastor, minister of education, youth minister, single adult minister and senior adult minister prior to itinerant ministry.

His desire is perhaps begin a ministry as a teaching pastor or artist in residence at a local church beginning in the fall of 2017, if not before. As beloved supporters of his ministry, we're asking for your prayers as we consider the next season of ministry.

If you or someone you know would like to host him for speaking engagements we ask that you consider scheduling between now and mid-2017. His intention is to consider out-of-town speaking opportunities on a case-by-case basis after July 2017. Health and ministerial obligations will factor in those decisions. Be advised that there are already events calendared after that date, so we are serious about continuing to answer the call unless providentially hindered.

You've all been so kind and supportive, we can never thank you enough for the opportunities that we've had to meet you and share with you over these years. We will prayerfully continue to do that, just in a different way. After all, for everything there is a season. Thank you beyond words for your prayers and encouragement!  

A pretty new Penny!

*Since we last visited the Piper clan has had a new edition. She's the charming and beautiful Penelope  "Penny" Evelyn Piper born to Joe and Courtney on March 30. Joining her cousins Carlee and Will, they comprise three of the most magnificent grandchildren ever born. (prejudice fully intended)

MARANATHA ... A writer's conference for you!!!

Don will be a keynote speaker at the Maranatha Christian Writer's Conference in Waukegan, Michigan, September 28 through October 1, 2016. It's a beautiful conference center and the conference will be packed with outstanding and very useful writers/speakers information and world-class presentations. If you've ever thought of publishing that book (that each of us has in them), you'll meet famous authors, speakers, publishers, editors, agents, and a lot of folks just like you at the Maranatha Christian Writer's Conference. For details log on to:

Don would love to see you there. Who just might find your name on the spine of book someday!

Baton Rouge ... A weekend of hope

Baton Rouge, the home of Don, Eva, and Nicole's alma mater Louisiana State University, has experience an unprecedented time of tragedy and sadness recently. The needs are monumental following racial unrest, the murder of three members of the law enforcement community, and massive local flooding resulting in over 140,000 homes and business destroyed or damaged beyond repair. Don is partnering with local Baton Rouge Pastor David Melville to bring hope and healing with a series of local events and fundraising opportunities in October.

During the weekend of October 14-16 various venues will host "A Weekend of Hope for Louisiana." You can help by contributing to/or sponsoring the weekend through Don Piper Ministries or designate funds specifically for relief by noting that in the memo of your check. You can also contribute using PayPal on DPM website. Everyone can pray for the healing touch of God in southern Louisiana. They may be down, but knowing them as the Piper family does, these folks are not out!


Don spoke at the Texas Capitol Fellowship Bible Study in June and following his presentation he was presented a beautiful plaque honoring him "for outstanding leadership by example and his contribution to Texas" from the Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.   

Even more exciting is that Don is to be the Keynote speaker of the 2018 Governor's Prayer Breakfast in May in Austin. Chuck Norris, Ravi Zacharias, Nick Vujicic, and John Hagee are some of the most recent keynote speakers.


16-18 Zion, Illinois, Christian Assembly of God, Three day, four-service rally
24-25 Virginia, Minnesota, True Hope Fellowship, Two day, three-service rally
29-30 Muskegon, Michigan, Maranatha Christian Writers Conference, Keynote
1 Muskegon, Michigan, Maranatha Christian Writers Conference
2 The Woodlands, Texas, Celebration Church, Three services
9 Las Vegas, Nevada, Abundant Grace Church, Morning service
10 Houston, Texas, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chapel
14-16 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Various locations, A Weekend of Encouragement
18 Parkersburg, West Virginia, St. Paul's United Methodist Church
19-21 Hartford, Vermont, Praise Chapel Fall Conference
23 San Angelo, Texas, Concho Valley Baptist Assoc., AM service and evening rally
27 Alexandria, Louisiana, Senior Adult Event
5 Conroe, Texas, FaithFest 2016, Heritage Park, Keynote
6 OPEN, (200 mile radius from Houston only for this date)
13 Tampa, Florida, Grace and Faith Church
11 Beeville, Texas, New Life Church, two services
25 Celebrating the Savior's Birth!
1 Another year by the grace of God!
15 Lumberton, Texas, Woodcrest United Methodist Church, two services
22 Corpus Christi, Texas, Padre Island Baptist Church, two services
26-28 Greenville, Texas, Shady Grove Baptist Church, Revival services
1Greenville, Texas, Shady Grove Baptist Church, Revival service
5 The Villages, Florida, New Covenant United Methodist Church, Eva leads women's conference.
26 Brookings, South Dakota, Area-wide rally w/ Bill Wiese, Holy Life Tabernacle
2 Lebanon, Missouri, LifePointe Church, evening service
27 Lee's Summit, Missouri, Woods Chapel UMC, Truman Habitat For Humanity Prayer Breakfast
13-15 Bossier City, Louisiana, Don speaks at 100th Anniversary of founding of Bossier High School, his alma mater
20 Houston, Texas, Christopher Donald Piper graduates from Law School...Esquire!

  • We have had some technical difficulties with our office phone, but have worked them out. That number is: 281-991-6100. You may also schedule Don by emailing us at:
  • Hard to believe that it's been a year on September 11 since the worldwide premier of 90 Minutes in Heaven: The Movie. Countless lives have been changed by viewing it. It continues to be available on various pay-per-view platforms and can be ordered in DVD and Blu-Ray formats through our ministry or on most of the usual places (Amazon, Wal-Mart, et al). Wow! Our life is a movie!
  • Because it's an issue very close to his heart, Don has been featured speaker at some Right to Life events this year.
  • This year Don has been honored to preach in Illinois (at least 10 times), Alabama, Indiana, Florida (20 times), Missouri, California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and of course dozens of times in Texas. What a delight to be able to preach three consecutive Wednesdays at our home church, Pasadena's First Baptist.
  • Don was very privileged to be the keynote speaker at National Exchange Club's Annual Convention held this year in Houston, July 15, 2016.
Most of the time, churches and other groups invite Don to share his testimony in venues across America and in many other countries. But remember Don was a pastor long before he became involved in itinerant evangelism. So in the past 35 years he has accumulated hundreds of sermons on virtually every Biblical topic one can imagine. So he is doing a lot more sermon series in churches in addition to his testimony. He has entire series on many topics that we'd like to share with you. Call the ministry office for a list of sermons.
And Don is renowned as a performer of costumed Biblical character monologs. Recently Don performed four bible characters for consecutive Wednesday night audiences of hundreds at New Covenant United Methodist Church in The Villages, Florida. Our dear friend Pastor Harold Hendren arranged for Don to be there for four weeks as Don brought these four Bible characters to life: The Innkeeper, The Centurion, Simon of Cyrene, and Peter at Capernaum.


Incidentally, Don is particularly well known for his characterization of the Innkeeper at this time of year. Don's portrayal of the hotel owner who missed his chance to witness the birth of Jesus because he was too busy with paying customers is both touching and convicting. Contact our office to schedule "The Innkeeper" for your November/December event or service and you'll be blessed.

And consider having Don for sermon series, such as "The Seven Last Sayings from the Cross," "The Ten Commandments," "How to Live on the Way to Heaven," "How to Overcome," ""Return to God" and many more.        



Contact Information

4800 Fairmont Parkway
PO Box 300
Pasadena, TX 77505