September 7, 2021
All Eden Prairie High School Students,

We have each thought about the week ahead for quite some time.  In the past year and a half, we’ve experienced more than any of us probably ever imagined and many emotions have come with those experiences.  As I’ve prepared for the new school year, I’ve felt excitement, nervousness, and pretty much everything in between.  I’ve longed for us to “return to normal” while also hoping that we don’t lose sight of some things we’ve learned through this time.  There has been a lot to take in and make sense of, but my commitments to you have never been clearer to me.

This year marks my fourth as your principal.  I enter it with humility, gratitude, confidence in who we are and who we can become as a school community, and a deep commitment to each of your success.  My ultimate goal is for each of you to leave EPHS equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to do whatever it is you want to do next.  To achieve this, we believe that you need to be able to answer “Yes” to three interdependent questions that have come to be our driving force--Do I belong here?, Is this meaningful?, Can I do this?  Several metrics indicate to me that we are starting the year from a strong position.  However, what really matters to me is that you feel like you belong in your high school, that the experiences matter to you, and that you believe you can do anything you set your mind to.  I feel so fortunate to work in a school that aspires to this and with students who deserve our best every day.  

I recognize that each of us experience our school in different ways.  We each bring different stories, identities, hopes, fears, talents and more to our school each day.  Indeed, this diversity is what makes our school great.  The opportunities created by diversity are realized when we see the value in each other as human beings, slow down to listen to each other in an effort to understand and not just to respond, presume positive intentions, and choose to focus on the assets we each bring.  Most of the time, we do this well.  And, I want to push each of us to do this more this year.  I make that commitment to you today and ask that you help hold me accountable to it.  

Seniors, you are particularly instrumental to the year ahead.  You are the first class I will have known for all four years, and I’m filled with optimism as I reflect on how you’ve grown into the remarkable young adults you are.  You are passionate about important topics, aware of the bigger picture, and have a great sense of humor.  You’re serious about your work, yet still know how to have fun.  Each of you has a leadership role in our school, whether that be formal or informal.  Simply, each of you has the influence to make a positive difference in our school, and we are grateful for the important role you’ll play this year.  With you at the helm, we are in good hands.

Eagles, a new year is upon us.  I believe this will be our year.  I got your back--let’s be there for each other.  Let’s get it.


Robb Virgin, Principal
Eden Prairie High School
17185 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55346