April 2, 2020
Nixa News | April 2020 Edition
In this month's edition you can read about...

  • A video message from Mayor Steele
  • #NixaStrong: Where to find resources to protect your family and help you recover from the economic impact of the pandemic
  • April 7 election postponed to June 2
  • ImagineNixa.com - Help us imagine what Nixa's future will be like after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Christian County leading southwest Missouri in census responses
  • Emergency Blood Drive April 10th at JTSD
  • And more!

As always, you can find much more information at Nixa.com and engage with us on our official social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Nextdoor.
A Pep-Talk for Nixa from Mayor Brian Steele...
Hey everybody, Brian Steele, Mayor for the City of Nixa, coming to you from my kitchen table/office, and I wanted to send you all a message of encouragement.
Nixa is going to get through this pandemic and its economic fallout.
It’s already painful I know. We all hate having to cancel public events, close city offices, and I never thought I would have to issue a stay-home order.
An order which is distancing us from our friends and our normal day-to-day routines.
This pandemic is sickening people in our community, hurting our local businesses, and many hardworking people across our nation are struggling to make ends meet.

We face layoffs, furloughs, and an uncertain economic outlook.
Myself and other community leaders continue to take this threat seriously, but we are also determined to do whatever it takes to bring our city back healthy and economically strong when this is all over.
To that end we have launched NixaStrong.com as a resource for everyone in the community to use.

Whether you need help or you want to help, NixaStrong.com is a website that can connect you with the help you need as well as opportunities to donate, volunteer, and share vital information.
We will also be sharing the latest updates and trying to keep you informed as the situation continues to evolve.
To get through this pandemic and the economic downturn, we all have to work together. We’ve all got to go above and beyond to help our neighbors.
Nixa is an amazing community, and our strength shows in the actions we’ve already taken and the support we are already giving to one another.
But I’m asking everyone to get creative in going one step further.

Look for a new way to support a struggling local business or to help a stranger. These selfless acts are what makes this such an excellent community.
And remember, if you can stay home, please do but don’t let yourself become emotionally isolated. Continue to stay connected digitally while we maintain the physical distancing which is so vital to stopping the spread of COVID-19.
No part of this is easy, but the sacrifices we’re making together are protecting our families, our friends and our community.
We CAN stop COVID-19 in our community and we WILL recover.

This challenge will prove once again that Nixa is one of the strongest communities not only in Missouri, but in the nation.

We’re gonna get through this together -- We are #NixaStrong.

Thanks for listening, and please visit NixaStrong.com.
Need help? Want to help? Visit  NixaStrong.com
This is a new webpage where folks can find the help they need and find a way to help a neighbor.

At NixaStrong.com you will find links for:
  • What to do if you're sick
  • Information on protecting your family from COVID-19 and price gougers
  • Information for job-seekers and how to apply for unemployment benefits
  • Food assistance options
  • Opportunities to volunteer and donate to help your neighbors
  • Resources to help our local businesses
  • List of businesses offering pick-up and delivery options

To see the latest COVID-19 updates from the City of Nixa, visit: https://www.nixa.com/community/covid-19-information
Video announcement of the Christian County Stay-At-Home emergency order
On March 26th, 2020, Christian County and the cities of Nixa and Ozark began a 30-day stay-at-home emergency order to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

In this video, Christian County Presiding Commissioner Ralph Phillips, Nixa Mayor Brian Steele, and Ozark Mayor Rick Gardner explain the emergency order and share key messages we want the community to keep in mind during the ongoing pandemic.

Questions about the stay-at-home order? Use our interactive FAQ here:
General Municipal Election Postponed to June 2 by order of the Governor
Governor Parson has postponed the April 7 general municipal elections, they are now rescheduled across the state to June 2nd. The current mayor and council members will continue to serve until the election.

On June 2nd, 2020, Nixa residents will vote to either accept or reject 4 proposed updates to our Home Rule Charter which have been recommended by the Home Rule Charter Review Commission. That commission reviewed the entire charter and concluded that each of the proposed updates would allow the city to operate more efficiently.

None of the proposed updates would impact taxation, representation, or city services.

Working For You
City Offices Closed
City offices closed, essential services remain operational
Nixa city offices and the Nixa Recycle Center are closed to the public through April 24th due to the Mayor's stay-at-home order. We are continuing all essential government services, but we have sent all non-essential employees to work from home.

City Hall staff are still available by phone and email: cityhall@nixa.com

The Nixa Utilities billing office is closed to the public but we are still answering phones and emails. We are also accepting bill payments online, by phone, drop box, and drive-thru. (We are also offering promotional discounts for Nixa Utilities customers who pay online or who sign up for ACH automatic payments.)

The Nixa Police station is closed to the public but the department is still fully operational.

The X Center is closed as are playground equipment and other facilities at our parks. (Find more updates from Nixa Parks by scrolling further down in this newsletter.)

To see the latest updates about city facility closures and updates from our various departments visit:
Help us imagine Nixa's future!
While you are quarantined at home, please help imagine Nixa's future after the pandemic, visit wwww.imaginenixa.com. Join the conversation by May 17!

Be specific!

If you have already visited the site, please visit again. The conversation continues to evolve and ideas are taking shape each week.

Also, be sure to vote for all the ideas you like!

Imagine Nixa will close on May 17th, and then we will begin the process of considering and analyzing each idea to determine what action steps to include in our 5-year plan. The plan will be adopted by council and will be shared with the public this fall, so you can see how your ideas impacted the plan for Nixa's future.

Tell your neighbors to share their ideas too!
How to Respond to the 2020 Census
The census is how we get an accurate population count. It is a simple questionnaire about yourself and everyone who is living with you April 1st.

(You may complete the census survey before or after April 1st, but only count the people living in your home on April 1st.)

You may respond to the census survey online at www.my2020census.gov. You may also respond to the census by calling 844-330-2020, or by completing the paper form and mailing it back. Most people have received their invitation to respond to the census at their physical address, but you don't have to have an invitation in order to complete it. Just visit www.my2020census.gov to get started.

When responding, remember to count everyone living in your home or apartment, even babies!

Learn more about the census at 2020census.gov.

So far, Christian County is #3 in the State of Missouri for census response rate, and we're leading southwest Missouri. If you've already completed your census, be sure to encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same!
2020 Nixa Parks Program Guide
Exceptional City Staff
Employee Spotlight
Carrie Brown
Carrie Brown is an Account Specialist with the Nixa Utilities billing department. She has served the City for 23 years.

Carrie has experience in several departments across the city government. She began as the sole member of the "mowing crew", then spent time as the coordinator at the recycle center, and transferred to serve as the administrator of the municipal court before coming over to the Nixa Utilities billing office.

Carrie primarily runs the drive-thru window for our department, but has multiple other various tasks as well. Carrie is extremely friendly and professional when dealing with our customers. She has several "regulars" who ask about her if she happens not to be there. Carrie's cash drawers always balance perfectly and she's a terrific team player. She was also nominated for the Team Player Award for 2019 at the annual employee meeting and holiday celebration. She is an invaluable asset to her department and the whole organization. Thank you for your dedication and hard work, Carrie!
City Events
Nixa Community Emergency Blood Drive
April 10: Nixa Community Emergency Blood Drive
Nixa Public Schools, the City of Nixa, and the Nixa Chamber of Commerce are hosting an emergency blood drive through the American Red Cross on Friday, April 10 at the John Thomas School of Discovery FEMA Shelter Gym at 312 N. Market St.

YOU MUST SIGN UP to donate.

Sponsor Code: NIXAHERO

Each donor will be emailed a $5 Amazon Gift Card!

1-800-Red Cross
About blood drives
CANCELLED: Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, Nixa PD and the DEA have canceled the April 25 th  Take Back Day at CVS Pharmacy in Nixa. Nixa Police will work with the DEA and the Nixa CVS pharmacy to schedule our next DEA Take Back Day in October. We will let you know once that event is scheduled.
Movies in the Park 2020
May 22: Movie in the Park - Incredibles 2
The Movies in the Park series is presented by the Massengale Group. All movies are held at McCauley Park, begin at dusk, and all movies are FREE! Please bring lawn chairs or blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase. All movies are 
dependent on weather. No smoking and no alcohol. 
Friday, May 22nd:  Incredibles 2 (PG) 
Saturday, June 20th:  Frozen 2 (PG) 
Saturday, July 18th:  Jumanji: The Next Level (PG 13) 
Saturday, August 8th:  Toy Story 4 (G) 
September 12th:  Aladdin (PG Live Action)
The Nixa Senior Center is currently closed due to the ongoing pandemic for which our senior citizens are at especially high risk.

Once the pandemic eases and it becomes safe to hold events of large groups of people and the Nixa Senior Center is able to open again, we will resume holding the monthly "Update" programs.

For now, please visit NixaStrong.com for the latest information.

Learn more about the Nixa Senior Center at the   Nixa Senior Center   website.
Parks Programs
Parks Updates: Pandemic closes The X Center
Nixa Parks logo
With the stay-at-home emergency order, The X Center will be closed through April 24th, 2020 .

Fitness Memberships: Paid-in-full & 90-Day memberships will be extended the number of days The X Center has been closed. Monthly Installment Billed memberships will be extended 14 days and will not be billed in April. 

Spring Sports (Soccer, Flag Football, and Volleyball): Spring sports are currently postponed. We are working on a schedule to play the full 6 game season for each sport at a later date.

We will continue to reassess as this ongoing situation continues to evolve and will notify you of any future changes.
Summer It Up:
Join Nixa Parks and Recreation for Summer It Up! The schedule is packed with field trips, activities, games, crafts, contests, guest speakers, and much, much more! The day camp is offered Monday through Friday (with the exception of Memorial Day and the 4th of July), from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. The program is open to children ages 5 to 12 years old; entering Kindergarten - 6th grade.

Summer camp will begin May 22nd and end the day Nixa Public Schools start school for the 2020-2021 school year. Registration will begin March 2nd. The fees for the program are as follows: $25 (per family) registration fee, Members (per week) $96.50, Non-Members (per week) $110.
Aquatics Passes, Lessons, and Programs
Let’s get ready for summer! The Aquatics Center opens May 23rd. Registration for Pre-Season Pool Passes, Swim Lessons, Swim Team, and Jr. Lifeguards is open now! Call 725.5486, go online to nixaparks.com, or email  info@nixparks.com  for more information!
T-Ball/Baseball/Softball UPDATE
This is an instructional league that has been designed to continue a child’s all around development from t-ball to baseball or softball. Each division is a progressional step up from the previous division.

Season Dates:  The six game season begins the week of June 8th.

Open To:  The program is open to boys and girls ages 3 years old to currently in 6th grade (Must be 3 years old by May 11th).

Location:  Rotary Park and Nixa Schools.

Fees:  Members $42, Nixa Residents $47, Non-Residents $55.

Registration:  Ends April 29th.To register call 725.5486 or register online at nixaparks.com.

Game Days:
3&4 year old T-Ball: Thursday evenings.
5 year old/Kindergarten T-Ball: Saturday mornings.
1st/2nd grade (boys): Monday evenings.
1st/2nd grade (girls): Tuesday evenings.
3rd/4th grade (boys and girls): Tuesday evenings.
5th/6th grade (boys): Monday evenings.
5th/6th grade (girls): Thursday evenings.
*Game nights are subject to change.
More Nixa Parks Events, Programs, & Sports Leagues
For the latest info on all the events happening at Nixa Parks and The X Center, follow the link to NixaParks.com
FYI: For Your Information
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Follow us on Facebook , Nextdoor, Twitter !

City Hall: 725-3785
Police: 725-2510
911 Non-emergency and Animal Control: 582-1030
Nixa Utilities and report an outage: 725-3229
Public Works: 725-2353
Parks: 725-5486
Nixa Utilities ad
Nixa City Hall | 417-725-3785 | CityHall@Nixa.com | Nixa.com