Megan from Parkland called Zach in the auto department yesterday as she received her Foremost renewal of a whopping $3800.00 for 6 months. A quick shop of the nation’s 18 top auto markets and Zach found her a better policy with Travelers for only $2900.00 for the year!!! That’s a savings of almost $5000.00 in just one year. That’s a nice savings and a heck of a lot more then 15%!!!!!!
M&L Insurance offers Free auto quotes with 18+ of the top national auto carriers…Just take a picture of your renewal and send it to us and we will do all the shopping you will ever need. No need to sacrifice coverage or service, as we only sell the Top auto carriers in the Country.
AllstateClients… Is your Auto Insurance renewing soon? You definitely want to call or send us a picture of your renewal offer. This is our Number one carrier that clients are switching from to one of our many “A” Rated companies.
Giecoclients… Ouch, So you received your renewal and it’s through the roof. Call us. We can easily make a change easy and trouble free and not only save money for South Florida clients, but also in most cases get you better coverage.
State Farm clients … Your last few renewals going up , up, up…Call us Today or just send us a picture of the renewal and we will do the rest.
Anybody else... Don’t delay, no matter who you are insured with give us a call and let us prove to you that you can save Huge premium dollars…Or maybe just let us confirm that you are with the right carrier at the right price.
Don’t hesitate…Calling M&L today could save you hundreds if not thousands ….Spend your money on yourself not insuring your cars, boats, RV or motorcycles