Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
." - Psalm 96
NO! The church is not open again. Sadly, members and guests may not just drop by or hang out. The few of us in the building on a limited basis are adhering to strict sanitation measures. If you believe that some matter requires your presence here, or if you wish to visit the church for devotional purposes, please make arrangements in advance; contacting Br. Nathanael Rahm in the parish offices. Thank you for considering the health and safety of all.
Commemoration of
Argula von Grumbach
Scholar and Reformer
Wednesday in the Sixth Week
after Pentecost
(Proper 10)
This evening, July 15
Evening Prayer 6:00 p.m.
* note the new starting time *
Low Mass, 6:30 p.m.
Via Zoom, connect below
7th Sunday after Pentecost July 19
8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer + 9:00 a.m. Live-Streamed Mass
10:15 a.m.
Conversations with Noah Riggenbach
(see below)
11:00 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour
(See connection information below.)
Illustration from the book
Blasts from the Ram's Horn,
1902, The Ram's Horn Co., Chicago
From the Rector:
News ... 43 floors of it ...
Architect's rendering of a 43-floor high rise proposed for the southeast corner of
LaSalle and Maple, directly south of the Ascension parking lot.
Dear people of Ascension,
The big news here this week has to do with the 43-floor high rise development proposed for the southeast corner of LaSalle Drive and Maple Street. The subject property is all or mostly owned by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral in the middle of the same 1000 block of LaSalle.
The project's general details and dynamics may be gleaned from a Tribune article linked below. Another link will take you to an invitation from 2nd Ward Alderman, Brian Hopkins, to join in a public hearing, by Zoom, this evening.
You may be asking:
Why is this 'big news?
Well, for starters, if the project goes forward, we at Ascension will be contending with a major building site for a year or two. Permanently increased congestion will follow.
A related concern for me has to do with city infrastructure, already strained due to several other similar towers recently built or under construction nearby. (As one example: Two recent heavy rainfalls led to backups into our sacristy and in other fixtures. The plumber who investigated at considerable expense -- with cameras -- concluded that the culprit is a now-inadequate neighborhood sewer system.)
Any complaining from the north side of Maple may of course look like the
calling the
black. Similar towers have been proposed for the south end of Ascension's property a number of times since the 1980s. When we most recently looked at that option, I personally felt that the timing was wrong. Even so, I would prefer to keep that option available to us. Arguably, the development now proposed could diminish our chances for future development of our own property.
Please join me at the meeting this evening if you're able.
Patrick +
Ongoing Conversations about Theology
with Noah Riggenbach, Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
Those who took part this past Sunday, July 12, enjoyed a lively and thoughtful conversation, with good participation and questioning by all. Each unit is independent of the others, and all are welcome. Please join us.
July 19 -
Where is God in Pandemic
We naturally wonder if, where or how God is with us in global circumstances like the present. In addition to wondering about the nature or presence of God, we may wonder about how to understand and practice our Christian faith -- our worship, fellowship and mission -- amidst so much disruption and uncertainty.
July 12 -
Being Christ's voice and hands in the world. Noah will revisit questions he posed in our first gathering on July 5. How do we better connect our theology (ortho-
doxy, the doctrines we share) with the actual practices of our faith (ortho-
praxy). What conclusions might we reach with regard to our witness together as a parish in response to present troubles, concerns and questions?
Congratulations, Elizabeth 'Ellie' Roberts and Joshua Simpson
Being more or less continuously quarantined since mid-March at Joshua's parents' home in Western Massachusetts, they've had plenty of time to live in close quarters, observe, pray, and reach the conclusion that they should marry! I confirmed early this morning their plans to go ahead with a civil ceremony today. They look forward to the Church's blessing and the sacrament of marriage to be celebrated at Ascension when feasible in coming months.
Yes! That's
Father Shane Patrick Gormley
(former Ascension curate/assisting priest)
on the right. He's pictured here with his fiancee,
Dr. Leslie Smebak
, graduate of the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and Resident in Family Medicine at the West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park. Their evolving wedding plans have led to Ascension's altar and nuptials (with a small, socially-distancing group of guests) now scheduled for October, with Bishop Lee presiding. Please keep them in your prayers.
Vestry Meeting via Zoom:
Saturday, July 18, 1 p.m.
Among other things, the Wardens and I will present for discussion some leadership strategies and models for the coming year. The Vestry will also begin to look at some likely expenses, not anticipated in our 2020 operating budget, that may be required for us to return to in-person worship. Vestry meetings, whether in person or via Zoom, are open to all.
Behold, below: two new roofs!
Both were installed over the past week. Both replaced roofs that had been troublesome for years. On the left, below, the two uppermost of three roofs over the Ascension parish house. The contractor proposed adding vents (bottom left photo), a standard roofing feature that had never been addressed on the largest and uppermost roof. To the right below, the coach house. Thanks to Sexton George Panice for securing the bids, making recommendations to the Vestry and remaining on site to supervise the work.
Due to COVID-19,
Church of the
Ascension’s Treasurer and Bookkeeper are limiting the amount of time they spend working in the parish offices
. All checks received at Ascension via the United States Postal Service, not always a reliable service in our area, will be bank deposited approximately every 4-6 weeks.
You may contact the Treasurer by email anytime at
his Week's Featured Chorister
Tyler Lee,
Year of my first service at Ascension
: 2017
One or two of my favorite Mass settings/motets that I’ve sung at Ascension
: Rheinberger Double-Choir Mass in E-flat, literally anything written by David White
One of my favorite things about singing at Ascension is
: the people that I work with and the friendly and welcoming community
What else do I do outside of Ascension?
Dungeons and Dragons mostly, love storytelling and creative writing.
Next week’s Featured Chorister will be this Sunday’s soloist, Peter Wesoloski
Sunday's Organ Repertoire
Opening Voluntary
Reyland Variations, op. 33 [1811]
Var. 1-6
Ferdinand Ries (1784-1838)
Offertory Hymn
Hymn 302 “
Father, we thank thee"
Closing Voluntary
Reyland Variations, op. 33 [1811]
Var. 7-10
Ferdinand Ries
Ascension Connections
(with your click and God's help)
Meeting ID:
792 031 7452
Password: 1133
Join-by-Phone Option: (312) 626-6799
Weekly Ascension Schedule
for the (stay-at-home) time being
All connections are
via Zoom (click here)
except for Morning Prayer,
via Facebook (click here).
8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. Mass
10:15 a.m. Scripture reflection
11:00 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour
6:10 p.m. Evening Prayer via Zoom
6:30 p.m. Low Mass
Join us for Morning Prayer, Mondays through Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. on Facebook Live. We've created
a dedicated group as part of Ascension's Facebook page here
where you can find these videos. (Or navigate from the Ascension Facebook page by clicking on "Groups" at the left side of the screen.) Pray with us while watching live or while visiting the videos later. If, having seen these, you find that you'd like to officiate, please reach out to
Br. Jonathan Wheat, SMJ
(pictured here) or
MB Hwang
Mondays-Fridays, 6:00 p.m.
Please note the addition of
Evening Prayer on Fridays!
Yes, but I still haven't Zoomed ...
Please give generously as you are able.
Treasurer Susan Schlough has asked me to remind you of Ascension's ongoing expenses at this time. To the extent that you are able, payment on your pledges or the offering of Holy Day or other special gifts will be greatly appreciated. You may still write a check and mail it to the church, or online payment is possible through the buttons at various places on our website. Thank you!
Ascension Prayer List as of July 15
For our individual and shared courage and wisdom in addressing matters related to race and racism and for the reconciling witness of the Church.
For our prayers
: Charley Taylor, August 'Augie' Alonzo, Jim Berger, Ethel Martin, Kuni Sakai, Dean Pineda, Carnola Malone, Charlene MacDougal, Mary Drell, Jim Lo Bello, Mary Lou Devens, Marty Stenson, Donna Neglia, Jessica, Maxim, Ted Long, Ken Kelling, Beth Hall, David Byerly, Nicholas Carl, Sal Martinez, Salem, Marta Alverado, Leigh McDonald, Bonnie Joseph, Ricaro Avila.
n Thanksgiving
Upcoming Birthdays
: The Rev. Paul Ahn, 7/11; Ethel Martin, 7/13;, Peter Milano, 7/16;
Catherine Wilson, 7/16; Xiomara Green, 7/18
Upcoming Anniversaries
: James Baran & David Robertson,
, 7/18/2013
Requiescat in pace
: Oliver William Porter, 7/13/1999; Edward Jacobs, 7/13/2000;
Jerry Haapanen, 7/13/2017; Beatrice ‘Bea’ Haapanen, 7/16/2017; Jack Simmerling, 7/18/2013
Prayers for the departed
Father Edwin A. ‘Gregory’ Norris, XIV Rector of Church of the Ascension
Elinor Dahmer
All who have died due to complications of COVID-19
For all law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
For all who have been unjustly killed as a result of law enforcement misconduct.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Thanks be to God!
(and Virtual Verger MB Hwang)
The Ascension nave/sanctuary
webcam is now live again.
Thanks for your patience as we adjust some features in coming days.
Today's Last Word is brief--a note recently penned by Ascension parishioner Mary Jane Kowalski and included in a mailing to the church along with some other materials. The few of us who are now at the church when it is safe to be here are so grateful when any of you check in! The photo is of Mary Jane and husband Tim at (I believe) our 2019 Michaelmas Celebration. -
Fr. Raymond
The Very Rev. Patrick Raymond,
Susan Schlough,
Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm BSG,
Parish Office