Welcome to the pre-conference SIG on Policies and Environment newsletter...
Dear Policies and Environment SIG members,
We are delighted to be joining you at the ISBNPA conference in Arizona. After a long ‘online’ presence, it is great to have the opportunity to meet many colleagues we have known, but not seen for a long time and indeed meet new people, see new faces and make new connections. Well done ASU and ISBNPA on getting this hybrid event up and running.
To this end, we would strongly encourage you to join us at the SIG meeting, which takes place on Friday May 20th, 12:05-13:20, Room 156. Other SIG events include the pre-congress workshop (details below). There are also many interesting presentations in the programme dealing with topics of interest to both the environment and policy context. Congratulations to those presenters who have been shortlisted for the ISBNPA awards, best of luck in your presentations.
In this newsletter we showcase a collaboration corner, we feature some interesting papers and present the shortlisted candidates for oral and poster presentations at ISBNPA 2022. Finally, this is a call to action, we are seeking members to join our Policies and Environment SIG leadership team, if you are interested in any of the many roles available, please contact Janas or I and let us know.
Have a wonderful conference,
See you in Arizona,
Catherine and Janas
Policies & Environment SIG Co-Chairs
Professor Catherine Woods
Policies & Environment SIG Co-Chair
Policy/Environment Issue of Expertise/Interest
- Development of national physical activity policies.
- Physical activity policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Systems approaches to addressing physical inactivity.
Dr. Janas Harrington
Policies & Environment SIG Co-Chair
Policy/Environment Issue of Expertise/Interest
- Upstream determinants of population diets.
- Association between diet patterns and chronic disease.
- National physical activity policies.
- Food and nutrition policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
- Systems approaches to addressing physical inactivity.
Join us at the first-ever hybrid ISBNPA Annual Meeting on May 18-21, 2022, in Phoenix, US! You will be able to choose the in-person or the online meeting, so everyone has access to this great event no matter where they live or work.
The Organizing Committee of ISBNPA 2022 Annual Meeting are pleased to offer you this wide selection of workshops that will take place on May 18, 2022.
Workshop #5 entitled evaluating implementation of public policy for the promotion of physical activity and healthy nutrition: Why, how and what should this involve, takes place from 08:30 – 12:30 on Wednesday, 18th May. We look forward to seeing some of you there!
For more information, https://annualmeeting.isbnpa.org/
Joreintje Mackenbach is a registered epidemiologist and assistant professor at the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science at the Amsterdam Public Health research institute, based at the VU University Medical Center. Joreintje has a background in Health Sciences (Policy & Management and Public Health) and obtained her PhD in 2016 (cum laude) with a thesis on 'obesogenic environments'. Her research is dedicated to the upstream determinants of lifestyle behaviours and chronic disease risk, with a specific focus on food environments. Joreintje has an ongoing collaboration with Matthew Hobbs through a connection made at an ISBNPA conference years ago, and although based in different continents (the Netherlands and New Zealand) they have successfully published 3 manuscripts together, with another in the making.
Paper 1
Gelius, P., Messing, S., Tcymbal, A., Breda, J., Whiting, S., & Abu-Omar, K. Policy instruments in health promotion: A comparison of WHO policy guidance for tobacco, alcohol, nutrition and physical activity. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. https://doi.org/10.34172/ijhpm.2021.95
Author details:
Peter Gelius, Ph.D., Department of Sport Science and Sport, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Peter Gelius is a research associate at the Department of Sport Science and Sport at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). He also is a co-director of the department’s WHO Collaboration Centre for Physical Activity and Public Health. His main research interests include physical activity policy, knowledge co-production in health promotion, and health promotion theory. He has been involved in several projects related to policy monitoring and participatory physical activity promotion, including the transdisciplinary Capital4Health consortium. He regularly consults the World Health Organization on issues of physical activity policy.
Paper 2
Messing, S., Krennerich, M., Abu-Omar, K., Ferschl, S., & Gelius, P. Physical activity as a human right? Health and Human Rights Journal 23(2): 201–211. (HTML | PDF)
Author details:
Sven Messing, Ph.D., Department of Sport Science and Sport, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Sven Messing is a research associate at the Department of Sport Science and Sport at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). He also is a researcher at the department's WHO Collaboration Centre for Physical Activity and Public Health. With a background in political science, his research focuses on policies and interventions to promote physical activity. He has been involved in the development of Germany's National Recommendations for Physical Activity and Physical Activity Promotion and other national and international projects.
- Gelius, P., Messing, S., Forberger, S. et al. The added value of using the HEPA PAT for physical activity policy monitoring: a four-country comparison. Health Res Policy Sys 19, 22 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-021-00681-6
- Designing a Healthy Food-Store Intervention; A Co-Creative Process Between Interventionists and Supermarket Actors: https://www.ijhpm.com/article_4137.html
- Olstad DL, Nejatinamini S, Kirkpatrick SI, Vanderlee L, Livingstone KM, Campbell DJT, Tang K, Minaker LM, Hammond D. Stress-Related Poor Diet Quality Does Not Explain Socioeconomic Inequities in Health: A Structural Equation Mediation Analysis of Gender-Specific Pathways. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Mar;122(3):541-554.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.09.018. Epub 2021 Oct 7. PMID: 34626824. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34626824/
- Sara Nejatinamini, Jenny Godley, Leia M Minaker, Tolulope T Sajobi, Gavin R McCormack, Martin J Cooke, Candace I J Nykiforuk, Lawrence de Koning, Dana Lee Olstad, Quantifying the contribution of modifiable risk factors to socio-economic inequities in cancer morbidity and mortality: a nationally representative population-based cohort study, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2021, Pages 1498–1511, https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyab067
- Dana Lee Olstad, Sara Nejatinamini, Charlie Victorino, Sharon I Kirkpatrick, Leia M Minaker, Lindsay McLaren, Trends in Socioeconomic Inequities in Diet Quality between 2004 and 2015 among a Nationally Representative Sample of Children in Canada, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 151, Issue 12, December 2021, Pages 3781–3794, https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxab297
- Dana Lee Olstad, Sara Nejatinamini, Charlie Victorino, Sharon I Kirkpatrick, Leia M Minaker, Lindsay McLaren, Socioeconomic inequities in diet quality among a nationally representative sample of adults living in Canada: an analysis of trends between 2004 and 2015, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 114, Issue 5, November 2021, Pages 1814–1829, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqab249
- Woods CB, Volf K, Kelly L, Casey B, Gelius P, Messing S, Forberger S, Lakerveld J, Zukowska J, Bengoechea EG; PEN consortium. The evidence for the impact of policy on physical activity outcomes within the school setting: A systematic review. J Sport Health Sci. 2021 May;10(3):263-276. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2021.01.006. Epub 2021 Jan 19. PMID: 33482424; PMCID: PMC8167338.
- The influence of unhealthy food and beverage marketing through social media and advergaming on diet-related outcomes in children - A systematic review https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/obr.13441
- Nudging customers towards healthier food and beverage purchases in a real-life online supermarket: a multi-arm randomized controlled trial: https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-021-02205-z
Don't see your recent publication listed? Let us know!
Upcoming Conferences/Events
Policy symposium on NCD prevention: Brussels 14-16 June 2022
With the objective to share and discuss lessons learned from PEN with contributions from the Joint Action (JA) Best-ReMaP and the H2020 projects CO-CREATE and STOP, a symposium titled 'Future directions for nutrition and physical activity policies to prevent NCDs across Europe' will be held from 14th to 16th June 2022 in Brussels, Belgium.
The following oral presentations have been shortlisted by the SIG for the ISBNPA 2022 awards.
Jack Benton, University Of Manchester
- The impact of urban canal improvements on canal usage, physical activity and other well-being promoting behaviours: a natural experimental study.
Mindy McEntee, Arizona State University
- Moderating effects of neighborhood walkability on intervention components to increase MVPA in a randomized controlled trial
Jayna Dave, Baylor College Of Medicine
- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of School Mealtime Management and Its Link to Food Intake and Waste
The following poster presentations have been shortlisted by SIG for the ISBNPA 2022 awards.
Alison Cantley, Arizona State University
- Walkability around the worksite and self-reported and accelerometer-measured physical activity
Jayna Dave, Baylor College of Medicine
- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Waste from School Lunches
Michaeline Anglemire, Tulane University
- Geographic patterns of applications to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in New Orleans, Louisiana in the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic
Come meet these excellent researchers at our SIG meeting:
SIG.1.11 - Policies and environments
Friday, May 20, 2022
12:05 - 13:20
Room 156
Encourage your colleagues to sign up for our SIG newsletter!
You or your colleagues can join this mailing list by updating your membership profile and adding the SIG to your preferences; or by sending an email to executivedirector@isbnpa.org
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