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We're looking forward to many more spirited adventures with you in 2023. This coming year, we invite you into the company of like-hearted friends to blossom and grow into your fullest potential. Let's walk this extraordinary path of awakening together. But first, let's get our year off to a flying start...
A sparkling start to 2023

Let's start 2023 as we mean to go on in this uplifting livestream healing experience with Lars and Naleea. In this online session, they will show us how it IS possible to walk through these times of change while remaining anchored in our true presence. They will guide us to connect to our own inner divine presence, and teach us how we can maintain that presence. LEARN MORE.
Discover the new year's energetic code

Hailed as the 'super guru of London', Alla has been at the forefront of holistic wellbeing for the past 30 years. In this exclusive livestream talk, she reveals the vibrational signature of the next 12-month cycle and what it means to our energy flow. Famed for her no-nonsense approach and practical application of metaphysical knowledge, Alla will prescribe her winning strategy for unlocking the wellbeing code of 2023. LEARN MORE.
Learn something new

Take a journey to develop with spirit and lay the foundations of your psychic and mediumistic self in Gary's ever-popular 10-week Foundation course. This will be an exciting journey of empowerment and spiritual development as you experience the joy of the spirit world. Each week there will be a guided meditation which will help you meet, connect and understand spirit. This course sells fast so book now! LEARN MORE.

Learn how to hear sounds and voices from Spirit in this online workshop. As well as developing your extra-sensory hearing - ie. your clairaudience, you'll also explore how to decode the symbolic information you receive from Spirit. LEARN MORE.

Discover what it takes to walk the path of the psychic medium in this 10-week online journey. You'll learn intuitive techniques, helpful tools and useful insights that support the development of your psychic awareness. Don't miss this opportunity! LEARN MORE.

The system of Reiki is influenced by the shamanic worldview of folk religion and other esoteric practices. This livestream workshop guides you into the heart of Reiki to discover its origins. By reclaiming these core concepts, you can breathe new life into your Reiki practice. LEARN MORE.

Poppets are magical dolls that can be effectively used in spellcraft, especially for protection. Join Lucya to learn how to make your own magical poppet, and explore various traditional and modern uses for these magical little helpers. LEARN MORE.
New Year, new start!
Join a beginner's course to embark upon the adventure of a lifetime - discovering the power of your intuition! Wondering which course to choose? Your training starts now - pick one that feels right...

Psychics use their intuition to receive information and guidance for themselves and others. This online course teaches you how to develop your abilities so you can do it too. LEARN MORE.

We are all born with a team of helpers. They are our biggest champions and offer incredible guidance. Meet them in this 8-week course. LEARN MORE.

Casey Mackey's award-winning beginners' course is all about learning the foundations of how to speak to spirit. LEARN MORE.

This livestream course is designed to help you get started on your journey of psychic development. LEARN MORE.

In the supportive and inclusive space of this online course, you will learn the essentials for a firm foundation in psychic and intuitive work. LEARN MORE.

This 6-week online course gives you a solid foundation from which you can develop a safe and sound psychic mediumship practice. LEARN MORE.
...or deepen your studies
Completed a beginner's course? Then join us for the next step at Foundation level! SEE ALL.
Accomplished Foundation level? Progress to an Intermediate or Intermediate/Advanced course.
Finished your Intermediate course? You're ready to proceed to Advanced level. SEE ALL.
Keep on growing and enhancing your skills with our Open-to-All courses! SEE ALL.
Come along to the College
The College is currently closed for the festive holidays, but our Pop-In Days resume every Wednesday and Friday, 11am-4pm, from 11 January. We also have a packed in-person programme of events with some of your favourite tutors, including Lars Muhl, Gerrie March, Lucy Aumonier and Nicholas Pearson. Our in-person events are held in the beautiful Lecture Hall, which means places are limited, so book now!
IN-PERSON: Clear the way for 2023

With so many challenging energies around, there's no better time to learn the art of space clearing! Learn how to uplift the energy of yourself and your home in this in-person workshop. You'll discover how to locate negative energy and what to do about it, as well as how to arrange your home to support your best life using Feng Shui principles.  LEARN MORE.

Get your 2023 off to a flying start with this uplifting mini-cleanse at the College with the co-founder of The Organic Pharmacy, Margo Marrone. You'll experience the powerful cleansing effects of tools such as sage, palo santo, candle magic and sound healing to ensure we are set for a sparkling year ahead. LEARN MORE.
7 potent rituals to empower your 2023
Here we are, on the cusp of a brand new year. These cool, quiet days right after the Winter Solstice, and before the new year gets underway are the PERFECT time to take stock, re-evaluate and decide on your course for the coming year. In our latest blog post, we share our favourite new year rituals for a sparkling start to the next 12 months.
Everyone can become a College member
Anyone can become a College member - and it means you also get fantastic discounts on all our events, and receive plenty of freebies along the way, including our Midweek Meditations! Add membership to your basket at checkout and your discount will be automatically applied.
The College of Psychic Studies | [email protected]