August 24, 2021
To the Fairfax County Community,

This morning I visited the Dulles Expo Center to learn more about what is happening on the ground with the Afghan refugees arriving at the site. The Expo Center is serving as a federal (not County) processing site, in between refugees' entry flight to Dulles International Airport and their final destination. People are only at this site for an average of five to eight hours. Dulles Airport and the Dulles Expo Center are the first stops in the country for anyone coming to the US from Afghanistan, although understandably more will be set up moving forward.

I was touched to hear the human side of what we are seeing on the news. To say that those seeking refuge in the US have had a difficult few days would be an understatement. The toll of leaving your home and all of your possessions for a new country across the world isn't easy, even in the best of circumstances. Despite that, people were smiling, laughing, and grateful.

Currently, Fairfax County is serving a federally reimbursable support role (public safety, public health, emergency management as needed) for Virginia and the Department of State to ensure a smooth entry into the US. While we can't be sure how many people will ultimately relocate to Fairfax County, I want to be clear that we look forward to welcoming all who want to join our diverse community.

We are so lucky to live in such a caring community. Many of you have asked how you can help and where to provide donations. I want to note however, donations are not being accepted at the Dulles Expo Center at this time, so please do not bring anything. In addition, if you can, we ask that you do not call 911 with questions on how to donate. Know that there will be plenty of opportunities in the coming months. That said, if you are immediately looking for ways to help, I suggest you refer to the Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington County, Lutheran Social Services National Capital Area, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council. These are trusted partners that are committed to helping refugees.
Speaking with Dillon from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management at the Dulles Expo Center today.
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
Active and Thriving Community Grants
  • At the last Board meeting in July, the Board approved a third grant program since the pandemic began: the Active and Thriving Community Grants Program.
  • Grant applications will be accepted between August 31-September 14. The application portal will open on Tuesday, August 31.
  • Funded through the Federal American Rescue Plan Act, the total amount available for the grant program is $10 million.
  • The grant will help the most negatively impacted small businesses and nonprofit organizations remain in business and retain employees. It will also help our most vulnerable residents by supporting programs and services that provide a social safety net and promote positive childhood environments. This effort will sustain business sectors which employ disproportionately higher numbers of low-income and minority workers and assist impacted small businesses and nonprofits by mitigating financial hardship, funding implementation of COVID-19 prevention or mitigation tactics, or both.
  • More information, including eligibility, can be found here.
Transportation Priorities
  • What are your transportation priorities? Is it to reduce congestion? Decrease fuel consumption? The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority has launched a survey to better understand the transportation needs of the community.
  • You can learn more about the survey, NVTA, and reducing traffic in Fairfax County here.
Vaccine Resources:

COVID-19 Resources:

  • Fairfax County Health Department
  • To view the number of cases in Fairfax County this page is updated at noon daily.
  • Visit the County site on COVID-19Health Department Website, and see their FAQs.
  • To view multilingual health materials visit the County's Language Portal.
  • Sign up for text message alerts: text FFXCOVID to 888777. Para inscribirse, textear FFXCOVIDESP a 888777.
  • Call the Health Department from 9am-7pm weekdays and 9:30am-5pm on weekends: 703-267-3511
  • Email: This account will be staffed Monday through Friday, 8am-8pm.
  • Inova has a helpful FAQ.
Jeff McKay
Contact my Office
| 703.324.2321 |
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