Although I am happy for my young adult to embark on this exciting chapter, I can’t help the flurry of emotions I’m experiencing.

Change isn’t easy whether it’s giving your teen the freedom to fly, going back to the office and networking in-person, or preparing for the unknown this fall/winter amid a Covid resurgence.

Recognize that whatever feelings you have right now are real and you are entitled to them, so feel them – in the coaching world we call this processing your emotions – a step we need to experience to move past them. 
This will also help you demonstrate empathy for members of your team who may be going through their own emotional moments. There’s a lot happening – be kind to yourself and others. With a little grace we’ll all get through it.

And if anyone wants to meet me for coffee or dinner this fall – when I’m missing my son – reach out! 
Creating the Workforce of the Future
Do we need to change the way we work to adapt to the digital age?

Transformation initiatives have been underway for more than a decade, but the pandemic greatly accelerated the process. When our world went into lockdown, gaps in companies’ technology infrastructure became apparent and breakdowns in process came to the forefront.
For a deeper dive into managing the workforce of the future, and how to build a supportive culture, check out senior consultant John Gillen's latest blog:

Connect With Your Peers
Looking to connect with other middle market CEO’s to discuss the future of work and timely top-of-mind issues?

Join us at Crothers Consulting’s CEO People, Culture & Leadership Roundtable. CEO's from companies with 20+ employees are welcome to join our complimentary facilitated discussion.

We meet the first and third Tuesday of every month at 8:15 a.m., via Zoom. Contact Isabelle for more information.
to our President, Laura Crothers Osborn, who has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) New Jersey. 
In her new role she will be fulfilling ACG's mission of fostering growth in the middle market business community.
ICYMI: A Quick Read
In our most recent blog spot, Senior HR Consultant Carolyn Kaminsky shared her thoughts on It’s Performance Review Time: Approach It As An Opportunity, Not A Chore.

Check out her strategies to help you connect with your people, better understand their goals, and gain valuable insight into what truly motivates them.
We hope you find these ideas helpful!
Stay safe and continue to lead courageously,

Crothers Consulting, LLC