December 17, 2024
A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. -Isaiah 11: 1
As the calendar year draws to a close, and the liturgical year begins, this first verse from Isaiah has been resonating with me. When I walk every morning, the trees have been bare, the leaves blown and swept away, and yet I often see the tips of new growth on branches. I am comforted by the dormancy of winter, as nature draws inward for renewal and strength. And I know enough about this cycle to know that there is much that happens unseen. Roots are deepening, the cilia and cell connections remain active, despite what is seemingly evident.
I have been enriched by the connections that you have invited me to be a part of this year. I have witnessed deep and fruitful labor. You have shown me what is already bearing results and been forthright in the many challenges facing your churches, your communities and this Presbytery. You have been open to a new person asking lots of questions, and you have been extraordinarily generous in dwelling with me in that space of unknowing, as we discern together where God is calling us.
As we move forward into 2025, I feel that hope, which is as small, and as powerful, as a tiny green shoot growing out of strong roots nestled in the cold ground. God is at work, unseen, active, and mighty.
The same strength and love that brings the Christ to us again in the holy darkness of the womb is the power that gives birth in us, and with us, and through us in the time to come.
Let us inhabit these words of blessing together, as the hope of Christmas envelops us:
O Wisdom
Lord and Ruler
Root of Jesse
Key of David
Rising Sun
King of the Nations
Come, Lord Jesus!
Grace and Peace to you,
Rev. Leslie