A year after Dobbs: End abortion stigma & disenfranchised grief

Therapist Lisa Rowe's calls for meeting suffering with compassion & care

Abortion stigma and disenfranchised grief have hurt women in post-Roe America. In an op-ed at The Messenger published on the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, Support After Abortion CEO Lisa Rowe showed how compassion is the way to reach women struggling from both challenges to their mental health.

From the op-ed:

At my organization, Support After Abortion, we see the negative link between abortion opposition and women’s mental health every day. Some women tell us they feel like they aren’t welcome at church, or they can’t tell family members what happened to them out of fear of judgment and being disowned. Other women fear being prosecuted under anti-abortion laws.

However, this narrative doesn’t tell the whole story. Our recent study of women who experienced medication abortion found that 55% of self-described pro-choice women struggled afterwards. Other women call Support After Abortion’s Help Line with stories of not being able to share their feelings because their friends and family think that abortion leads to only positive outcomes.

The solution is meeting women who suffer where they are, no matter who they are: 

Compassion and openness are the keys to reducing isolation. We should begin by telling women in this situation that we are sorry for her loss. This simple acknowledgment of right now – her pain, confusion, and loneliness – lets her know that we are ready to meet her, and join her, wherever she is in her journey. Her isolation is over because someone in the world is hearing her heart.

Rowe is a licensed therapist and social worker who has spent 20 years treating at-risk teens, sex trafficking survivors, and most recently women struggling before and after challenging pregnancies. She is available to provide insight on creating a culture of compassion and healing for women and men who suffer after abortion.

About Support After Abortion

Support After Abortion provides gold-standard research and education that promotes compassion, collaboration, and capacity to create high-quality care for women and men suffering from abortion’s adverse impacts. Its free resources include an After Abortion Help Line, a national therapist and counseling directory, and an introductory abortion healing program.