
August, 2019-Corrected
In This Issue

  • AAAA Convention: A Rousing Success!
  • Antique Trader and Antique Week: An Editorial
  • Vintage Food Casting Call
  • In Memoriam: Michael Hunt
  • Wanted Items
AAAA Convention: A Rousing Success!
The 2019 AAAA Convention will always be remembered as one of our most successful events. Record-breaking AAAA attendance, combined with a good showing from the public and the added excitement of our Ice Screamers and Graniteware collaborators, and you have a memorable convention! Almost 300 people participated in some aspect of our gathering.

The word that kept coming up to describe our attendees was "friendly". There was an unparalleled level of camaraderie, warmth, and fellowship throughout the convention that made for a very special atmosphere.

All of our scheduled events went very smoothly. We have many individuals to thank for that including Lennny Kirby (Master of Ceremonies of Games and Raffles), Gary Cicci & Denise Preble (Favorite Advertising Exhibit), Bob and Bev Hunt (Silent Auction), Michele Lefkovitz (Hospitality Suite), and of course, too many volunteers to mention by name. The weather even cooperated by shifting from a blast furnace to pleasant temperatures and blue skies just in time for our arrival. Upon our departure, temperatures once again soared. Whew!

Convention attendees were requested to submit candid photos that they took at the event for publication in the Checkerboard and PastTimes. Thank you to all of those that did! A number of those images appear in this issue.

Gordon Addington went a step further--he fashioned a group of photos into a video and added movement and music. Click here to be treated to this beautiful video! Thank you Gordon!

The September issue of PastTimes will provide additional convention news and photos (there will be no repeat images).
The Hotel
The Crowne Plaza Hotel has been our convention site every other year for quite some time. What makes this hotel special is the staff. Many of the key staff members have worked with us on previous conventions. Numerous attendees expressed appreciation for the attentiveness and helpfulness of the hotel personnel.

In planning the event, the hotel leadership bent over backwards to try to accommodate any requests we made. The proximity of the hotel to many nearby exceptional antique-hunting sites makes this location a favorite!
Room Hopping

Approximately 50 rooms were "open for business". A wonderful array of material was offered for sale and most dealers reportedly did very well. Graniteware collectors and Ice Screamers participated in both room hopping and selling which added to the sales volume and traffic. As always, Room Hopping was a Convention favorite.
Silent Auction

The Silent Auction went off without a hitch, thanks to the leadership skills of Bob and Bev Hunt (pictured immediately below). Two rounds of items were offered and many highly desirable items changed hands. The event was very well-attended.
Favorite Advertising Exhibit

Gorgeous antique advertising graced the Convention ballroom for this popular annual event. Twenty members entered at least one item in the exhibit. Ninety people cast their votes for "Best-in-Class" awards.

In addition, this year, attendees were treated to two special exhibits: (1) a display of Ted Wahlfeld's collection of rare advertising pressed glass and (2) a sample of LtCol John William's collection of WWI US Marine recruiting posters and US Marine tobacco tins. LtCol Williams delighted the crowd by accompanying the display attired in a WWI Marine uniform.

Best-in-Class winners and their entries are pictured appear below.

This event was skillfully planned and executed by Gary Cicci and Denise Preble (pictured below).
Gary Cicci, wearing the fabulous coat that he won in one of the raffles. The vintage advertising-themed coat belonged to the late AAAA member, Burton Spiller and was donated by his good friend John DeVolder.
Gary Cicci and Denise Preble did a wonderful job of overseeing the Favorite Advertising Exhibit. Their competent leadership resulted in an enjoyable, entertaining, and exciting experience for Convention attendees.
Bill Morford receives the the Best-in-Show award from AAAA President Steve Lefkovitz in the Favorite "Other Item" category and also the President's Choice award for his Black Cat Clock.
The Best-in Show award in the "Signs-Paper or Cardboard" Category went to Linda Seeley for her Joseph Early Calendar
Myron Huffman won the Best-in Show award in the "Tobacco-Tins & Pouches" category for his Old Virginia Cheroots bin
The Best-in-show award in the "Tin Other Than Tobacco" category was awarded to Phil Sarrel for his Stollwerck Clock Works submission.
Ted Wahlfeld was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for displaying his vast, one-of-a-kind advertising pressed glass collection.
LtCol John Williams was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for displaying a sample of his extensive collection of WWI US Marine recruiting posters and US Marine tobacco tins.

Here is a selection of some of the other gems displayed in the Favorite Advertising Exhibit:

Attendees were treated to three excellent seminars.

On Wednesday evening, a Panel Discussion was conducted as an outgrowth of our collaboration with the Ice Screamers. Three AAAA panelists participated (Tim Schweighart, Gary Cicci, and John Devolder) and three Ice Screamers participated (Larry Fussell, Jim Phillips, and Lenore Peloso). Several questions were posed to the panelists by moderators Paul Lefkovitz (from AAAA) and Heather Tomasello (the Ice Screamers' Convention Manager). The panelists did an outstanding job of providing thoughtful, witty, and insightful responses to the questions. Members of the audience also weighed in. The time just flew by!

When the panel discussion concluded, Heather Tomasello (below, right) surprised everybody by serving free ice cream from her authentic, vintage 1940's ice cream vending tricycle! What fun! Thanks Heather!
On Thursday afternoon, Margaret Carpenter and Alice Muncaster presented a delightful and well-received seminar entitled, “The Cat Made Me Buy It!”. This presentation celebrated the presenters' 40+ year passion for collecting cats in antique advertising: packaging, point-of-sale displays, promotional items, posters/signs, print ads and more. From commonplace to rare and from North America to Eastern Europe, they covered cats who helped sell products and services from the late 1800s to the 1950s. The photos they displayed from their collections covered pretty much every genre of vintage advertising so there was something for everybody to enjoy. They also set up a table with examples from their collections and copies of some of the popular books on cats in advertising that were authored by Alice.
On Friday morning, David Meinz conducted a very informative and valuable seminar entitled, " VITAMANIA: Vitamins, Past & Present!". This was a departure from most other AAAA Convention seminars in that it extended well beyond the normal parameters of vintage advertising. Yes, there was an enjoyable video tour of David's mind-blowing collection of vitamin-related advertising, but then David focused on something even more important--our health. In his role as an international expert and author on human nutrition, he offered sage advice regarding which vitamins we should be taking and he also provided other insights into living a long and healthy life.
Raffles and Games

Once again, Lenny Kirby (pictured below) served as Master of Ceremonies for the games and raffles that were conducted at dinner Thursday and Friday evening. As always, he was smooth as silk as he gave away dozens of great prizes. Our thanks go to Lenny and to all of the attendees who purchased raffle tickets and participated in the games. The funds generated go directly to the support of AAAA.
Convention Sponsors

AAAA wishes to thank its 2019 Convention Sponsors for their vital support! Their donations made possible the wonderful prizes for the raffles and games. Our 2019 supporters were:

  • Adamstown Antique Mall
  • Antique Trader
  • Bob Nance (in Renningers & Adamstown Antique Mall)
  • Chupp's Auctions
  • German Trading Post
  • Indy Ad Show (Northstar Collective)
  • Kovels Antiques
  • Lancaster County Antique Center
  • Mad Hatter Antique Mall
  • Morphy Auctions
  • Pine Hills Antique Mall
  • Shupp's Grove Antique Market
  • Time Matters Antique Mall

Please patronize our Convention Sponsors at every opportunity!
People Having Fun
Ice Screamers

The Ice Screamers, one of our collaborating groups this year, contributed greatly to the success of our Convention. They greatly ramped up their involvement this time around, co-leading our opening seminar (pictured below), treating all AAAA attendees to free ice cream right after the seminar (pictured below), actively participating as buyers and sellers in room hopping, welcoming AAAA members to their fun Ice Cream Tasting event (pictured below), participating in our Silent Auction, collaborating on promotional activities, and extending AAAA members free admission to attend their big Exhibit, Show & Sale (including a complementary serving of ice cream). A great deal of cross-buying and selling took place between the two clubs. Most importantly, some strong bonds were established between the two organizations this year.
We hope to see you at next year's Convention at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Dublin (Columbus), Ohio! It will take place July 8-11, 2020!
Antique Trader and AntiqueWeek: An Editorial
By Paul Lefkovitz

Do you subscribe to either Antique Trader or AntiqueWeek...or both? As the editor of this publication, I'd like to say I think you should.

You may not have heard, but Antique Trader, along with its parent company F +W Publishing recently went into bankruptcy. The well-read antique columnist Harry Rinker went on record in stating there was almost no chance that Antique Trader would survive in any form.

I'm pleased to report that he was dead wrong. The company was broken up and, in a public auction, pieces were purchased by several different entities. Fortunate for all of us, Antique Trader was picked up by a family-run company that already publishes hobbyist/enthusiast types of magazines--a great fit!

What we almost lost was an outstanding source of fun and useful information about antiques and collectibles. Antique Trader has been an AAAA Convention Sponsor each year since we started the program and has been a good friend to our club. They also devote very significant coverage to antique advertising in their pages. Any collector of antique advertising would enjoy subscribing to this publication. An annual subscription consisting of 26 issues costs only $26.00. For information about subscribing, click here.

Newspapers of all types are in the cross-hairs of extinction all across the country. Hobby publications are even more vulnerable. Magazines like Antique Trader need your support and you will be benefiting your hobby if you subscribe.

I also want to mention AntiqueWeek because they have also been a good friend to AAAA and also liberally cover antique advertising in their stories and ads. I am not privy to information about their financial status but will assume they could also use the subscription support of AAAA members. An annual subscription consisting of 52 issues costs only $41.00. For subscription information, click here.

I don't get on a soap-box very often so thank you for listening!
Vintage Food Casting Call
AAAA has been made aware of a "major cable TV network" that is looking for vintage food and consumable products from 20 - 200 years old. The show's producers would like to learn what is out there in terms of collections of vintage food products. However, their ultimate aim is to open previously unopened food products on air to "see how they have stood the test of time". I was unable to learn how they would reimburse owners for the significant reduction in the value of such products.

Click here to find out more about this unusual project and how to get involved.

Disclaimer: AAAA has not vetted this offer in any way and will not assume any responsibility if you get involved. AAAA is simply presenting this as a news item.
In Memoriam: Michael Hunt
By Amy Vehling

Michael Hunt, a long-time antique advertising dealer and collector passed away on August 11, 2019.  He died peacefully at home after fighting cancer for about a year. Michael and his wife, Sharon, were in charge of several conventions in the early years of AAAA. Michael did the Indy Ad Show and was one of the charter dealers. He was co-chair and helped establish Pepsi Fest Indy, a convention held annually for Pepsi Cola collectors which was started in 1987 and is still held in Indy every March.  He also was co-author of the first Pepsi Cola collectible price guides, Vol I, II, and III.

He will be missed dearly.
Wanted Items

In this column are those sought-after items of desire that seem to be elusive. If you know where any of these items can be acquired or if you have one available, please click the link to reply directly to the seeker. To place a listing in this column, click here . There is no fee for AAAA members. Up to three listings per member are permitted.

Morton Salt, older items, and also Pacific Coast Borax , especially a crate or box. email or call Peggy Dailey at 612-522-9211.

Comic Book Related Advertising Items: Must be from before 1980. To reply, click here .

Clarke’s Vegetable Sherry Wine Bitters, Sharon, MA & Rockland, ME: All sizes, variants, smooth/pontil base. Especially need labeled Clarke’s any size! Also, any Clarke’s ephemera…trade cards, almanacs, newspaper ads, etc. Charlie Martin Jr., 781-248-8620. Email:

George Petty: Advanced collector looking for unique or rare items. Photo’s, store displays and non paper items. NO Esquire pages. Pete Perrault. To reply, click here or call (502) 290-7661.

Ice Cream Advertising: Mr. Ice Cream desires better graphic ice cream advertising including: postcards (Advertising and RPPC), trade cards, letterheads, billheads, booklets, poster stamps, blotters, magic lantern slides, pinbacks, watchfobs, and pocket mirrors. Allan Mellis, 1115 West Montana St. Chicago, Illinois 60614-2220. To reply, click here.

Wanted Top Condition: “Totem” (25 count) square upright cigar tin , Continental Cubes tobacco tin (medium size kidney shaped slide lid) 6” tall, Continental Cubes tobacco tin (larger flip lid pocket tin) 5” tall, Convention Hall Coffee tin (Kansas City tin) one pound GREEN and/or YELLOW version, Bob White tobacco tin small box (Ginna) size 3” by 4” by 2.5”. To reply, click here.

Stock food, poultry food, veterinary advertising wanted.  Posters, medicine packages, give-aways. Email or call (256) 520-5211.

White Plastic 7" Tall "Pole Sign" Thermometers advertising local/regional gasoline/oil/service station brands such as: SPEEDWAY 79; SUPER 98; TOPCO; ROCKET; HANCOCK; BELL; OKLAHOMA. NOT the major national brands like Texaco. Peter Capell. To reply, click here.

Singer Sewhandy Model 20-Green-regular paint, not hammertone. To reply, click here.

National Biscuit Company, Nabisco, Uneeda Biscuit, Uneeda Bakers, Muth Bakery, NBC Bread toys, signage, tins, containers, displays, historical items. Please Email or call (937) 205-2232.

Early Cigarette Rolling Papers: Pre-1940’s - American, Zig Zag, Braunstein Freres, Bambino, and Ottoman papers wanted. To reply, click here.

Antique/Collectible Banking and Financial System "Give-a way" and advertising items. Specifically from Pennsylvania. Alarm devices and such. To reply, click here .

Unusual one pound peanut butter tins . Tin litho or paper label. To reply, click here .

Marshmallow Tins, Smaller than 5 Pound Size. To reply, click here .

American Cookie, Biscuit and Cracker Tins and Boxes . To reply , click here .

Columbian Stove sign made by the Keeley Stove Co. in Columbia PA To reply, click here or call 717-572-3108.
VITAMINS advertising, displays, signs, bottles, and anything related: Hadacol is an example. Most would come from the 1930’s thru the 1970’s. Also anything related to cod-liver oil and WEIGHT-LOSS, REDUCING, ANTI-FAT, and OBESITY ITEMS. To reply, click here .
Early tin signs lithographed by Tuchfarber, Wells and Hope, Worcester Sign Company, Sentenne and Green, etc. I can pay more for good condition, but would be interested in any condition. Don Lurito also in the directory. To reply, click here .
Dwinell-Wright Co. Royal Ground Spice Cardboard Spice Boxes. One side displays horizontally. Approximately 3.75" by 2.25". Any type of spice is OK. To reply, click here .
ENSIGN Perfect and ENSIGN Perfection vertical pocket tobacco tins to enhance my collection. Feel free to contact me at 614-888-4619 or to see if you can help fill the voids.
Tall 1 lb. Mallard Coffee Can - Shows duck taking off. To reply, click here .
Chewing gum packs, sticks, wrappers, full boxes, lifesavers, candy bar wrappers, displays, and boxes.  Anything candy related. To reply, click here
Pre-1900 advertising items related to: barbed wire, farm fence gates, tools for erecting or mending wire fences, and farm fences. Only primary material please--no ads from newspapers, etc. Larry W. Love. To reply, click here .
Armour Foods Signs, Cardboards, Store Displays, Die-Cuts Wanted. To reply, click here .
Cigar advertising tip trays, pinbacks, or any unusual cigar advertising items. Harry Cohn: To reply, click here .
Edmands Coffee Company, Edmands Tea Company, 1776 Coffee, American Beauty Tea, Japan Tea, Devonshire Tea, (imported by Edmands, Boston/Chicago):  Any items such as tins, signs, paper, or anything else related to the Edmands family of companies in Boston is desired. To reply, click here .
The AAAA Checkerboard is a monthly e-newsletter that is made available to all AAAA members at no cost. The mission of the Checkerboard is to increase knowledge about antique and collectible advertising among AAAA members. The Checkerboard also provides news and updates about AAAA. It is produced each month with the exception of the four months per year when the award-winning PastTimes print newsletter is published. Paul Lefkovitz ( ) serves as the Editor of the AAAA Checkerboard. Copyright, 2019, Antique Advertising Association of America