- AAAA Convention is Just Around the Corner!
- Space-Age Collectibles
- Recent Finds
- AAAA Members in the News
- Made in Chicago Museum
- Early TCCA Newsletter Collection Available
- Wanted Items
- Toby Jug Museum
The AAAA Convention is Just Around the Corner
It is hard to believe the 2018 AAAA Convention is almost here! Registrations have been very strong--the number of sellers will exceed that of any other AAAA Convention in recent history. The total number of AAAA attendees will be greater than our other recent Midwest conventions. Between AAAA attendees and our partners, the Graniteware collectors, Cracker Jack Collectors Association members, and the public, we expect to have around 300 people involved in our event.
It is too late to register for the entire Convention now but if you live in the Chicago area, please plan to join us for the free Public Day, Friday, July 27. The Silent Auction will take place between 1:00 and 3:30 PM. Room Hopping will be held between 3:30 and 5:00 PM and, again, at 6:30-10:00 PM.
Come to the Embassy Suites at 707 Butterfield Road in Lombard. See your old friends, strike up some new acquaintances, tell some stories, buy a treasure, and have a great time.
Space Age Collectibles Website
AAAA Board Member Jeremy Blum just published a comprehensive new website called
. The well-designed and attractive website is dedicated to Midcentury Futuristic Design aka Space Age design. Midcentury Futuristic Design is bright, angular, and attention grabbing. It can also be humorous, weird or whimsical. Often called Space Age, Atomic, Googie or even Jet Age. The term Space Age is primarily used on the website as Midcentury Futuristic Design is a mouthful. It dates to around 1954 - 1964, a very optimistic forward looking age.
There are over 500 images in 18 categories on the website. Most of the images are from Jeremy's personal collection. The majority is advertising related, as this attention grabbing style was well-suited for advertising. Most of what isn't his fall into the over-the-top concept car and roadside sign categories. He felt he needed them to complete the website. Enjoy!
AAAA member Robert Ray is enjoying his recent acquisition of a rare Sun Coffee tin, shown in the photo to the right. It features an iconic and delightful anthropomorphized image of the sun.
It was manufactured in San Diego by the Adams-Henry Company, successors to G. H. Ballou & Co., dealers in coffees, teas and spices. (Reference: "Another Side of History" web site-focusing on the San Diego and Pacific Beach area.
The scarcity of this tin, and more broadly the Sun brand, is suggested by the fact that it does not appear on any internet reference sites (e.g. Worthpoint) nor is it included in the very comprehensive listing of 1 Pound coffee tins that appeared in the Volume III, Number 6 issue of PastTimes, which purported to include "all known" examples of non-keywind 1 pound coffee tins.
Nice discovery, Robert! Thanks for sharing it with your fellow club members!
It is always exciting when AAAA members or antique advertising are considered newsworthy. AAAA members Chuck and Sherry Krull not only made the news, their smiling faces are featured on the cover of a recently issued magazine! The Summer, 2018 issue of Senior Living, published by News Banner Publications, exclaims "Berne couple has a 'store' of stores." The three page cover story that follows chronicles the Krull's move from Sandusky, Ohio to the Ft. Wayne area of Indiana.
The article tells the enchanting story of the Krull's 40 year adventure as significant collectors of vintage advertising. Some of their most noteworthy acquisitions are described, along with the joy they experienced along the way. Several photos accompany the article which provide just a glimpse at their truly extraordinary collection.
If you have any vintage advertising items in your collection that were manufactured in Chicago, you may be curious about the company's history. As you may have discovered, resources that shed light on the histories of smaller companies are very scarce. Now there is a place where you can obtain a staggering amount of information about Chicago-based companies over the years. It is the "Made in Chicago Museum". It is actually a virtual museum, available on the internet at the following link:
Hundreds of companies, both big and small are featured on this valuable web site, providing a surprising amount of in-depth information about each company. Abundant photos of products and advertising augment the well-written, scholarly articles. The site itself is very efficiently designed. The user-friendly format provides listings of companies arranged alphabetically, by product category, and by time frame. The site is easy to navigate.
Better yet, this virtual museum has been given a physical presence through August, 2018. The Edgewater Historical Society and Museum on Chicago's north side is featuring a special exhibit entitled, "Made in Chicago: An Industrial Industry in Everyday Objects: 1900-1970. Two hundred objects from the collection of the web site's creator, Andrew Clayman are featured. Those attending the AAAA Convention in Chicago might wish to visit this exhibit. For information about hours, etc., call 773‑506‑4849.
Many of the items on the web site and in the exhibit are examples of vintage advertising. Therefore, if you have any interest in Chicago produced products, check out this generous gift to our hobby.
Early TCCA Newsletter Collection Available
AAAA member, Burton Spiller, would like to find a home for a large collection of "Tin Type" newsletters, published by TCCA (Tin Can Collectors of America) in the early days of collecting antique advertising. TCCA was the predecessor of AAAA. He is downsizing his collection and would like to donate the TCCA newsletter collection to somebody that would appreciate it. If you would be interested in obtaining this collection, please call him at 585-264-8968 or email him at bottlebug@aol.com.
Those traveling to the AAAA Convention may be interested to know there is a Toby Jug Museum in Evanston, just north of Chicago. It will be open Saturday July 21 (they are open the first and third Saturday of each month). Cross collecting is common so in case any of you antique advertising buffs are also interested in Toby or Royal Bayreuth, you may want to check out this museum while you are in Chicago. For further details visit: www.tobyjugmuseum.com.
In this column are those sought-after items of desire that seem to be elusive. If you know where any of these items can be acquired or if you have one available, please click the link to reply directly to the seeker. To place a listing in this column,
click here
. There is no fee for AAAA members. Up to three listings per member are permitted.
Singer Sewhandy Model 20-Green-regular paint, not hammertone. To reply,
click here.
National Biscuit Company, Nabisco, Uneeda Biscuit, Uneeda Bakers, Muth Bakery, NBC Bread toys, signage, tins, containers, displays, historical items. Please Email
jbarney@ameritech.net or call (937) 205-2232.
Early Cigarette Rolling Papers: Pre-1940’s - American, Zig Zag, Braunstein Freres, Bambino, and Ottoman papers wanted. To reply,
click here.
Top Condition Sunset Trail Oval Cigar Tin-White version. To reply,
click here.
Convention Hall Coffee Tin-One pound yellow version. To reply,
click here.
Antique/Collectible Banking and Financial System "Give-a way" and advertising items. Specifically from Pennsylvania. Alarm devices and such. To reply,
click here
Unusual one pound peanut butter tins
. Tin litho or paper label. To reply,
click here
Marshmallow Tins, Smaller than 5 Pound Size.
To reply,
click here
American Cookie, Biscuit and Cracker Tins and Boxes
. To reply
click here
Columbian Stove sign
made by the Keeley Stove Co. in Columbia PA To reply,
click here
or call 717-572-3108.
Continental Cubes Tobacco Tin:
(Larger pocket tin....one size above the normal size pocket). Also large red 3 lb. Franklin coffee tin canister (Ben Franklin face). To reply,
click here
VITAMINS advertising, displays, signs, bottles, and anything related: Hadacol is an example. Most would come from the 1930’s thru the 1970’s. Also anything related to cod-liver oil and WEIGHT-LOSS, REDUCING, ANTI-FAT, and OBESITY ITEMS. To reply,
click here
Early tin signs
lithographed by Tuchfarber, Wells and Hope, Worcester Sign Company, Sentenne and Green, etc. I can pay more for good condition, but would be interested in any condition. Don Lurito
also in the directory. To reply,
click here
Dwinell-Wright Co. Royal Ground Spice Cardboard Spice Boxes.
One side displays horizontally. Approximately 3.75" by 2.25". Any type of spice is OK. To reply,
click here
Perfect and ENSIGN Perfection vertical pocket tobacco tins to enhance my collection. Feel free to contact me at 614-888-4619 or
to see if you can help fill the voids.
Ice Cream Advertising.
Mr. Ice Cream desires better ice cream advertising including: postcards, trade cards, letterheads, billheads, booklets, poster stamps, blotters, magic lantern slides, pinbacks, watchfobs and pocket mirrors. Allen Mellis, 1115 West Montana St. Chicago, Illinois 60614-2220.
. To reply,
click here
Empty tin cans (new) to place vintage labels on.
Different sizes preferred. Do you know of a source where these can be purchased in volume? To reply,
click here
Tall 1 lb. Mallard Coffee Can
- Shows duck taking off. To reply,
click here
Chewing gum packs, sticks, wrappers, full boxes, lifesavers, candy bar wrappers, displays, and boxes.
Anything candy related. To reply,
click here
Pre-1900 advertising items related to: barbed wire, farm fence gates, tools for erecting or mending wire fences, and farm fences.
Only primary material please--no ads from newspapers, etc. Larry W. Love. To reply,
click here
Armour Foods Signs, Cardboards, Store Displays, Die-Cuts Wanted. To reply,
click here
Cigar advertising tip trays, pinbacks, or any unusual cigar advertising items.
Harry Cohn: To reply,
click here
Walt Foster Art Books Store Floor Rack:
To reply,
click here
JG Flynt Sir Walter Raleigh Pocket Tin:
To reply,
click here
Vintage Photos of General Stores or Soda Fountains
. Authentic 1890-1930 examples only--no modern reprints please. Mounted photo or RPPC. Interior or exterior. Send scan. To reply,
click here
Firecracker Packs:
Collector buying all old fireworks-packs, boxes, advertising, whatever. To reply, call 931-237-3646 or
click here
Lefkowitz & Sons Company Soda Fountain Collectables:
I am seeking any soda fountain product or equipment labeled "Lefkowitz". To reply
click here
Posters of Beautiful Women or Children Advertising a Drug Store or Country Store Product.
Pre-1930. Preferable with product shown in image. Original frame and good condition a plus--also NOS country store or drug store products, advertising of any kind, or any product with great graphics and full of contents a plus. To reply,
click here
Spice Tins WANTED!!
Hard core collector looking for brands I don't have and upgrades for ones I do have. Looking for good old spice tins with pictures. Birds, people, trains, etc. I have a few traders but mainly a buyer. To reply,
click here
Minnesota Brewery Items
including Hamm's, Grain Belt, Fitgers, Gluek and others. Also collect rare Minnesota advertising pieces. To reply,
click here
Vintage Baseball/Football Cards:
Pre-1970 Only To reply,
click here
Clicquot Club:
Lighted Clicquot Club advertising clock made by Telechron and Telechron lighted advertising clock.
To reply,
click here
Yellow Kid Wanted:
The more unusual,the better. To reply,
click here
Harvard Brewing Signs/Lithographs:
To reply,
click here
Ivanhoe Pencil Tin:
Fair price and also finder's fee paid. Approx 1" diam, 9" long, blue in color, round, with picture of Ivanhoe on horseback. To reply,
click here
Noaker Ice Cream Company Canton, Ohio
: 13" Round ice cream tray from "the Noaker Ice Cream Company Canton, Ohio" in good or better condition. It has the boy & girl eating ice cream on the front. To reply,
click here
B.T. Babbit Soap Advertisement Posters:
See Antique Advertising Encyclopedia (Vol. II) by Klug page 54 and 55. Condition is very important. To reply,
click here
Tin advertising, give-aways and other collectibles produced by the company. To reply,
click here
Edmands Coffee Company, Edmands Tea Company, 1776 Coffee, American Beauty Tea, Japan Tea, Devonshire Tea, (imported by Edmands, Boston/Chicago):
Any items such as tins, signs, paper, or anything else related to the Edmands family of companies in Boston is desired. To reply,
click here
Heathman Bakery, Dayton, Ohio:
Interested in any items related to this business. To reply,
click here
Indianapolis Brewing Company Ephemera:
Circa 1920. Specifically looking for signed documents. To reply,
click here
The AAAA Checkerboard is a monthly e-newsletter that is made available to all AAAA members at no cost. The mission of the Checkerboard is to increase knowledge about antique and collectible advertising among AAAA members. The Checkerboard also provides news and updates about AAAA. It is produced each month with the exception of the four months per year when the award-winning PastTimes print newsletter is published. Paul Lefkovitz (
) serves as Editor of the AAAA Checkerboard. Copyright, 2018, Antique Advertising Association of America