
July, 2020
In This Issue

  • 2020 AAAA Virtual Convention: Special Issue
  • Press Release: Route 32 Acquires Showtime Auctions
2020 AAAA Virtual Convention: Necessity is the Mother of Invention!
The disappointing need to cancel our 2020 Convention due to COVID-19 led to an innovation that proved to be a very good thing: a Virtual Convention. In spite of the anticipated little gaffs, goofs, and glitches, the Virtual Convention proved to be a very enjoyable and memorable event! It is estimated that well over 100 people participated in the Convention in some way, including the Zoom meetings on Saturday and Sunday and the Room Hopping site which is accessible from the AAAA web site. Enthusiastic attendees reported that they had great fun, learned a lot and delighted in seeing wonderful examples of antique advertising. A strong sentiment was expressed for more Zoom meetings in the future. That will be discussed by the AAAA Board.

Read on to learn more about the 2020 AAAA Virtual Convention.
Room Hopping (Room Sales) is Still Taking Place!
As always, Room Hopping was a popular and successful event. One hour each day was devoted to "live" room hopping presentations. Presenters included David Meinz, Steve Lefkovitz, Alice Muncaster, Tom Morton, and Mike Bartels.

In addition to "live" room hopping, thousands of items were made available for sale by 15 AAAA sellers on a special web site that could easily be accessed from the AAAA web site. All price points were represented in the 15 "rooms" from pricey rarities costing several thousand dollars to inexpensive, fun items costing just a few dollars. Early word was that sales were very strong!

Good news! Room Hopping is still going on! No Zoom involvement is needed.

To go to the Room Hopping web site, just click on the link below. Room Hopping will continue until July 22!
The image above shows part of the "Hotel Hallway" where the Room Hopping takes place. Treasures await you behind every one of the 15 seller's doors. The photos presented below give you just a tiny glimpse of the hundreds of images of thousands of examples of vintage advertising that will be available until July 22. (Note: Items shown below may already be sold.)
Collections! Collections! was presented by Remey Rubin and David Briggs on Saturday. Each provided a wonderful and educational tour of their outstanding and truly unique collections. The items displayed were a veritable feast for the eyes!
Attendees could not stop raving about the unbelievable variety and depth of Remey Rubin's diverse and fascinating collections. In the image to the right, Remey can be seen in the small thumbnail photo talking about one corner of his sprawling and extensive acquisitions. The collections cover very broad ground but tend to focus on smalls. People were impressed and delighted by how the items were displayed. Remey made just one request and that was to not ask how his collections are dusted! Remey's Powerpoint presentation can be viewed by clicking here. A video recording of his presentation may be made available in a future issue of the Checkerboard.
Likewise, people were enthralled by the once-in-a-lifetime display of gorgeous Victorian period posters presented by David and Bettie Briggs, shown to the left. The tour was accompanied by a thoroughly-researched docent-style presentation of the detailed history and significance of each piece they featured. Enthusiasts of early lithography were over the moon as they viewed breathtaking and one-of-a-kind examples of truly stunning early posters.
On Sunday, Chuck Kovacic presented a seminar entitled "Damaged Goods, Restored Values". Chuck can be seen in the image to the right discussing the "before" version of his favorite restoration. Chuck brought to bear a lifetime of wisdom, training, and experience in demonstrating how the restoration of antique advertising is conducted. He even shared simple tools and techniques that can reasonably be attempted by non-experts. Amazing before-and-after examples of his craft were displayed. Click here to view a PowerPoint presentation of his seminar. It is anticipated that an edited video recording of the seminar will be made available in the August issue of the Checkerboard.
Favorite Advertising
Favorite Advertising is a popular AAAA Convention exhibit where the "best of the best" in vintage advertising can be seen and admired. After viewing the items, a vote is taken by participants to identify "Best-In-Show" winners in five categories:

  • Signs: Metal or Porcelain
  • Signs: Paper or Cardboard
  • Tobacco Tin
  • Tin-Other than Tobacco
  • Favorite Other Item

The exhibit is a long-established tradition at AAAA Conventions. And this year was no exception. Photos of 47 entries were presented to the participants in the Zoom meeting. After viewing each item twice, attendees voted on their favorites.

Click here to view the display of all 47 entries.

The following were designated as "Best-In-Show" winners, based on the vote tallies (drum roll, please):
Best-In-Show: Signs-Metal or Porcelain
Gary Bagnall
Austin's Dog Bread Sign
Best-In-Show: Signs-Paper or Cardboard
Don Lurito
The Uncle Sam Range
Best-In-Show: Tobacco Tin
David Hirsch
Durham Smoking Tobacco Store Bin
Best-In-Show: Tin-Other than Tobacco
Phil Sarrel
Huntley & Palmers Breakfast Biscuits
Best-In-Show: Favorite Other Item
Winner: Gary Bagnall
Dog Display for S & S "Alpine" Underwear
Our heartiest congratulations go to each of the the Best-In Show winners! It is nice to be acknowledged by your peers. Each of the winners will be receiving a certificate suitable for framing.
Just like our in-person Conventions, a series of raffles was conducted. Twenty-six drawings took place between Saturday and Sunday.

Prizes included: $25 and $50 eBay gift certificates funded by donations from Showtime Auctions, Chupp Auctions, and Morphy Auctions; annual subscriptions donated by Antique Trader, Antique Weekly, & Journal of Antiques and Collectibles; copies of Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide 2020, and AAAA Memberships.

The drawings went off without a hitch and 26 happy winners will be receiving their prizes soon.
Break-Out Groups
On the second day of the Convention, the large group was broken out into seven smaller groups for a bit less than an hour. Although suggested topics were provided, each group discussed whatever they wished. All groups were observed to be quite active. Participants reported that they had a great time meeting new people and re-connecting with old friends.
Convention Sponsors
AAAA is deeply appreciative of the support tendered by its 2020 Convention Sponsors. If you have an opportunity to show your appreciation to them, please do so!

Our 2020 Convention Sponsors are:

  • Antique Trader
  • Antique Week
  • Chupp Auctions
  • Journal of Antiques & Collectibles
  • Kovels Publications
  • Showtime Auctions (Now Route 32 Auctions)

Thank you, 2020 Convention Sponsors!
Membership Meeting
The annual meeting of the AAAA membership was conducted. President Steve Lefkovitz called the meeting to order. The highlights were as follows:

  • The Financial Report was provided by Treasurer Jeremy Blum. He reviewed the revenues and expenses for the organization over the past year. He concluded by reporting that AAAA is in very solid financial position with a robust cash balance.
  • Michele Lefkovitz read Amy Vehling's Membership Report. She reported that AAAA currently has 326 members, which is slightly higher than past reporting periods. AAAA has remained very stable at around 300 or more members for several years. Please report any changes in contact information to Amy. If you are not receiving the Checkerboard e-newsletter, let Amy know.
  • Web Site/Facebook: Steve reported on various Facebook ideas. New Board member Alice Muncaster volunteered to assist with Facebook. Paul Lefkovitz reported that we have brought on a talented programmer he has known for years on an indeterminate/interim basis. Technically, though, we are still looking for a qualified member who can also fill a regular Board position. One suggestion was offered which will be checked out.
  • Publications: Paul Lefkovitz expressed his appreciation for the excellent articles that have been submitted for publication. Paul extended special kudos to Gordon Addington, Associate Publications Editor, who has been very dedicated and successful in recruiting outstanding publication materials. If you are interested in writing an article or submitting photos, contact Paul.
  • Conventions: Paul reported that we will be back at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Reading, PA July 21-24, 2021. The following year, we will be back at the Embassy Suites in Dublin (Columbus), Ohio, July 13-16, 2022. Paul asked for feedback regarding the current 2020 Virtual Convention. The response was enthusiastically positive and, in fact, broad support for a Virtual Convention in January was expressed. That idea will be discussed by the AAAA Board.
  • "Other" Agenda Items: No other items were brought up by the membership.

Steve Lefkovitz adjourned the 2020 Membership Meeting.
There are many good folks to thank and acknowledge for contributing to the success of the 2020 Virtual Convention.

  • Most importantly, kudos go to the dozens of members who overcame their fear of technology and mistrust of Zoom to attend this Virtual Convention. Without attendees, there would be no Convention!
  • A big thanks goes to Remey Rubin, David & Bettie Briggs, and Chuck Kovacic for their wonderful seminar presentations.
  • Appreciation goes to David Meinz, Steve Lefkovitz, Alice Muncaster, Tom Morton, and Mike Bartels for their live Room Hopping presentations.
  • We are beholden to the 15 sellers who made thousands of examples of desirable vintage advertising available for sale in our Room Hopping site.
  • Thanks are tendered to Alice Muncaster, our new Board Member, who served as our official Convention photographer. She also provided helpful input into the planning process and conducted a live room hopping presentation.
  • Special acknowledgement goes to Bob Hunt, assisted by his wife Bev, who provided vital assistance and support in a myriad of ways. He was involved in six training sessions, provided important input into convention planning, oversaw several key Convention activities, and offered help wherever and whenever it was needed. Bob is an amazing guy!
  • Michele Lefkovitz, however, gets the "prize" for offering hours of unbounded support, encouragement, creative ideas, sounding board feedback, and Zoom practice sessions to Paul literally on a daily basis throughout the planning process. She also carried out several active roles during the Convention. This event could not have taken place without her. Thank you, Michele!
With Hope for Next Year
As much as this Virtual Convention was a pleasant surprise, we look forward to a healthy 2021, where we can get together once again, break bread, share hugs, and dive into the buying and selling of vintage advertising treasures with renewed gusto!
Press Release: Route 32 Auctions Purchases Showtime Auctions
Wanted Items
In this column are those sought-after items of desire that seem to be elusive. If you know where any of these items can be acquired or if you have one available, please click the link to reply directly to the seeker. To place a listing in this column, click here . There is no fee for AAAA members. Up to three listings per member are permitted.

Banjo related advertising wanted Pre-1940s. Long time collector buying banjo company signage, catalogs, billheads, periodicals, minstrel banjo items such as posters, broadsides, sheet music ( pre-1870s ) with illustrated banjo covers, early photographs showing banjo players (pre-1915). My main collecting interest is in 19th century material. To reply, click here.

Wanted top condition: Squirrel Brand Salted Peanuts 10 lb store tin; Convention Hall 1 lb coffee tin (Kansas City tin) yellow and/or green version; Gail and Ax Navy tobacco tin (kidney shaped pail); Sunflower brand 1 lb pry-lid coffee tin (Atchinson, Kansas). To reply, click here.

Antique American Medicine Bottles by M. Knapp... soft cover book with price guide. Printed in 2012. [email protected] or 781-248-8620 also, see my other want ad for Clarke’s ephemera and bottles.

Looking for 3 Vintage Tins: American Eagle "Oriental Mixture" tobacco (dimensions approx. 6.5" long, 2 3/4" wide, 1.5" tall); 1 Gal. Indian Head Hydraulic Brake Fluid; and Packham´s Caramel Toffee. Any offer is welcome and any condition considered. To reply, click here.

Advertising Thermometers Pin-Up Girls: Only 1900 to 1960 with or without the calendars. Any information on these thermometers would be welcome since I can not find any books, articles catalogs or anything relating to these advertising pieces. Trades and purchases sought. To reply, click here.

Morton Salt, older items, and also Pacific Coast Borax, especially a crate or box. email [email protected] or call Peggy Dailey 612-522-9211

Comic Book-Related Advertising Items: Must be from before 1980. To reply, click here .

Clarke’s Vegetable Sherry Wine Bitters, Sharon, MA & Rockland, ME: All sizes, variants, smooth/pontil base. Especially need labeled Clarke’s any size! Also, any Clarke’s ephemera…trade cards, almanacs, newspaper ads, etc. Charlie Martin Jr., 781-248-8620. Email: [email protected]

George Petty: Advanced collector looking for unique or rare items. Photo’s, store displays and non paper items. NO Esquire pages. Pete Perrault. To reply, click here or call (502) 290-7661.

Ice Cream Advertising: Mr. Ice Cream desires better graphic ice cream advertising including: postcards (Advertising and RPPC), trade cards, letterheads, billheads, booklets, poster stamps, blotters, magic lantern slides, pinbacks, watchfobs, and pocket mirrors. Allan Mellis, 1115 West Montana St. Chicago, Illinois 60614-2220. [email protected] To reply, click here.

Stock food, poultry food, veterinary advertising wanted.  Posters, medicine packages, give-aways. Email [email protected] or call (256) 520-5211.

White Plastic 7" Tall "Pole Sign" Thermometers advertising local/regional gasoline/oil/service station brands such as: SPEEDWAY 79; SUPER 98; TOPCO; ROCKET; HANCOCK; BELL; OKLAHOMA. NOT the major national brands like Texaco. Peter Capell. To reply, click here.

Singer Sewhandy Model 20-Green-regular paint, not hammertone. To reply, click here.

National Biscuit Company, Nabisco, Uneeda Biscuit, Uneeda Bakers, Muth Bakery, NBC Bread toys, signage, tins, containers, displays, historical items. Please Email [email protected] or call (937) 205-2232.

Early Cigarette Rolling Papers: Pre-1940’s - American, Zig Zag, Braunstein Freres, Bambino, and Ottoman papers wanted. To reply, click here.

Antique/Collectible Banking and Financial System "Give-a way" and advertising items. Specifically from Pennsylvania. Alarm devices and such. To reply, click here .

VITAMINS advertising, displays, signs, bottles, and anything related: Hadacol is an example. Most would come from the 1930’s thru the 1970’s. Also anything related to cod-liver oil and WEIGHT-LOSS, REDUCING, ANTI-FAT, and OBESITY ITEMS. To reply, click here .
Early tin signs lithographed by Tuchfarber, Wells and Hope, Worcester Sign Company, Sentenne and Green, etc. I can pay more for good condition, but would be interested in any condition. Don Lurito  [email protected] also in the directory. To reply, click here .
Dwinell-Wright Co. Royal Ground Spice Cardboard Spice Boxes. One side displays horizontally. Approximately 3.75" by 2.25". Any type of spice is OK. To reply, click here .
ENSIGN Perfect and ENSIGN Perfection vertical pocket tobacco tins to enhance my collection. Feel free to contact me at 614-888-4619 or [email protected] to see if you can help fill the voids.
Edmands Coffee Company, Edmands Tea Company, 1776 Coffee, American Beauty Tea, Japan Tea, Devonshire Tea, (imported by Edmands, Boston/Chicago):  Any items such as tins, signs, paper, or anything else related to the Edmands family of companies in Boston is desired. To reply, click here .
The AAAA Checkerboard is a monthly e-newsletter that is made available to all AAAA members at no cost. The mission of the Checkerboard is to increase knowledge about antique and collectible advertising among AAAA members. The Checkerboard also provides news and updates about AAAA. It is produced each month with the exception of the four months per year when the award-winning PastTimes print newsletter is published. Paul Lefkovitz ( [email protected] ) serves as the Editor of the AAAA Checkerboard. Copyright 2020, Antique Advertising Association of America