January 2025

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As we move into 2025, it’s exciting to reflect on the momentum building within the agri-food industry and at the AAC.  


As an organization, we have been placing more emphasis on industry engagement, and this is now paying off with the formation of new partnerships and information to better serve our full agri-food industry. We have consulted our members to gain better knowledge of their current issues, needs and opportunities and are actively using this insight to shape our programs and priorities.  


Last December, we convened our 29th Annual General Meeting, at the Delta Hotel and Conference Centre in Guelph. It was truly a highlight of the past year, bringing our members and stakeholders together for a day of energetic networking and learning around the theme of “Setting Tomorrow’s Table”. A moderated panel of industry experts sparked important conversations on the topic of agri-food innovation and how critical this will be for the growth and sustainability of Ontario’s agri-food sector.  


Applicant presentations from both the Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative and the Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability Program also provided tangible examples of how projects funded through AAC-delivered programs are shaping the advancement and resilience of Ontario agri-food businesses. Investments in innovation, advanced technology, automation, energy efficiency and systems improvements are top of mind as we prepare the future of Ontario’s agri-food sector. 


In keeping with this future-forward outlook, the AAC 2050 Committee is gaining momentum. An expanded group of industry experts, representing the full agri-food continuum, helped complete a foresighting exercise last fall. With support of the Intersol Group, a series of meetings helped identify the drivers of change that will shape the future of Ontario’s agri-food industry, how they are shifting and what the impacts might be. Based on this preliminary work, a series of scenarios have been developed that might help us understand what our sector could look like in the short, medium and long-term.  


This is very exciting work and the AAC 2050 Committee is thrilled to facilitate this process. As a next step, we hope to engage more industry stakeholders, and will be announcing an event to examine this work and help chart a course for industry action. Ultimately the impact of this committee will be determined by the level of collaboration and industry buy-in. We encourage you, as industry stakeholders, to join us in envisioning a sustainable, vibrant food system for Ontario. Further details will be forthcoming. More information about the 2050 committee can be sourced on AAC’s website.  


As always, we’d love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the team with your comments or questions. 

Melanie DiReto, AAC Executive Director 


The Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative (IDCI) is now fully subscribed.  

30 new projects were approved in December allocating the remainder of the $1.5 million earmarked for the Initiative. 

IDCI was launched in September 2023 to provide cost-share funding support for deadstock management to address immediate and short-term deadstock capacity needs at businesses and municipalities across the province. Eligible program applicants included new or existing deadstock service providers, commodity associations in business to support livestock producers, Ontario municipalities, commercial operations requiring deadstock services and waste management companies for mass carcass emergencies. Though IDCI’s first 12 months, nearly half the funding had been allocated to 11 projects coordinated by Ontario’s deadstock service providers and food processors. 

In October of 2024, OMAFA expanded the IDCI’s eligibility requirements to include on-farm deadstock management activities coordinated by Ontario livestock producers. This change was made to accommodate feedback received from the Livestock industry. Industry response to the expanded program eligibility was immediate. Within four weeks (program intake closed December 4th), nearly 60 new applications had been received from Ontario livestock producers for projects to undertake planning and assessment activities or to fund equipment upgrades and modifications to increase their deadstock capacity and collection. After funding was fully allocated and the intake closed, AAC staff has continued to field questions about the program and if an additional intakes will be announced. 

This overwhelming and quick response serves to highlight the importance of addressing deadstock capacity issues across the province and is an indication of how the industry has viewed the IDCI as a positive step to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of Ontario's livestock sector. 

The Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative (the Initiative) is funded through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP). Sustainable CAP is a five-year (2023-2028), $3.5-billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. The Agricultural Adaptation Council is delivering the Initiative on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness. 


Since 1995, the AAC has been supporting growth and innovation in Ontario's Agri-Food sector, delivering over $340 million in program funding. Our 'At a Glance' publication highlights the nearly three decades of program delivery, showcasing the diverse projects that have shaped the industry.

Here are some highlight of our 29 years of program delivery:

  • 4,200 projects approved
  • $340MM+ in funding committed
  • 41 programs funded
  • 55 member organizations.

Get a closer look at how AAC envisions a vibrant agriculture and food industry where ideas are fostered for sustainable growth.

Read the full publication here.



The Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) has created an opportunity for organizations to engage top-tier graduate students through its new master's-level internship course.

The initiative allows organizations to leverage the expertise of OAC graduate students on projects that address critical organizational challenges and contribute to the advancement of strategic goals.  

Possible projects include sustainability audits, operational process evaluations, and assessments of emerging technologies. By participating in this program, organizations can benefit from the high-level skills and innovative perspectives that students bring.

Organizations are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to work with OAC graduate students and enhance their capabilities with highly qualified, motivated individuals.



The Veterinary Incentive Program provides grants for newly licensed veterinarians who practice on food animals in underserviced areas of Ontario. The $5 million program provides eligible veterinarians with up to $50,000 in grant payments.

Applicants must apply to the Program and request funding using the Application Form found online at www.adaptcouncil.org/program/vip. Completed Application Forms are received on a continuous basis.


The Veterinary Incentive Program is funded by the Government of Ontario to provide grants for Newly Licensed Veterinarians who practice on Food Animals in Underserviced Areas of Ontario. The Agricultural Adaptation Council is delivering the Program on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.


We are pleased to highlight an incredible opportunity for women entrepreneurs in Agri-Tech and Innovation coordinated by AAC member, Bioenterprise.

Learn how to make a real impact in the green economy!

Bioenterprise and PARO are delivering this great initiative. It is a FREE 6-week program from February 13 to March 20, 2025, designed to equip women-led businesses across Canada with the tools, knowledge, and network to embrace sustainable practices and thrive in the green economy.



This month, the AAC and Canlead teams gathered for our quarterly "townhall meeting". These days are welcome opportunities to reconnect in-person, measure progress and develop professional skills.

The day started at the Guelph Curling Club where team members had the chance to try a new sport. We engaged in some friendly competition and had a great time!

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