How many years have you been in business? 2 years as a solopreneur business entity; 20+ years in the industry.

How did you become involved in the medical industry? My mother is a retired Nurse and I would accompany her to the homes of homebound elderly clients as a child and in hindsight those were my earliest memories of what impactful caregiving should be and how to maintain the quality of life, integrity and visibility of our aging community.

What motivates you? That I have the ability, heart and skillset to change systems.

What’s an interesting fact about your business most people don’t know? I am a personal and professional caregiver and consider caregiving to be one and the same.

When did you join the AACCNJ? Approximately 6 months-1 year ago

As someone doing business in New Jersey, how does the chamber help you? ​My experience with the chamber has been very positive to date. I am meeting and connecting with like minded decision makers who understand the village mentality and support.

What has been the most valuable aspect of your AACCNJ Membership? Visibility and access.

What advice would you give to other AACCNJ Members? To think like a Boss and be unapologetic about your gifting.

When you are not working, where do you enjoy spending your time in New Jersey? Spring Lake Beach

What are your current business offerings? Professional Education, Consulting to laymen, businesses and corporations, Caregiver Shop , Podcast 

How can we learn more about you? for any other business endeavors! Online Telehealth
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