AADC July 2020 E-news & Douglass Alumnae Highlights
The Power of Our Alumnae Sisterhood Brings Hope
We recently published our latest
AADC Newsletter for Alumnae and Friends
and delivered it digitally via email. It is also posted on our website. In this issue, AADC Executive Director Valerie L. Anderson '81 shared her message of hope. "Our AADC community embodies courage and hope," she says. "As we continue to navigate the impact of the global pandemic and confront racism, the courage and power of our sisterhood gives hope to what we can accomplish together."
We encourage alumnae to reach out and check on each other and to stay connected to
alumnae association. As we gather and connect online, consider joining sister alumnae for an AADC virtual program. Thank you for your support to ensure a vibrant and hopeful future for the AADC and our alumnae community.
Click here to read the issue
Alumnae Highlights: Jameelah Wright '03
Helping Early Childhood Education Teachers Find Their Voices, Agency and Activism
“Being the recipient of the 2020 Julia Baxter Bates Fellowship has prevented me from having to make a tough decision: Continuing with school or taking a break from school?” says Jameelah Wright ’03. The fellowship was established by the AADC Black Alumnae Network (BAN) in honor of the first known African-American graduate of NJC, Julia Baxter Bates ’38, who was prominent in the nation’s Civil Rights Movement.
Jameelah is seeking a doctorate in teacher education and teacher development at Montclair State University, where she has completed her second year. She previously earned her master’s degree in reading specialization from Kean University in 2010. She has expanded her education with courses from several institutions, including UCLA and Penn State. Her work experience includes teaching at the pre-K and kindergarten levels.
“My interests are still developing, but I am very passionate about teacher leadership, teacher agency, teacher advocacy and activism, and informal professional learning, especially as it relates to early childhood educators,” she says. “Often, these teachers are discounted, and they feel unseen. I want to help early childhood education teachers find their voices and to use them for the improvement of their work experiences and for the learning experiences of their young students," she continues.
Together with her doctoral program advisor, she is doing research about the pre-K experience for Black female teachers and students using an “intersectional theoretical framework.” They are examining “how gender, race, sexuality and class inform their experiences in early childhood programs” and hope to present their findings to the American Educational Research Association, she says.
Jameelah authored a piece about building partnerships with parents and families that will be included in an upcoming book, "The New Teacher’s Guide to Overcoming Common Challenges: Curated Advice from Award-winning Teachers," edited by Anna Quinzio-Zafran and Elizabeth Wilkins.
Ultimately, Jameelah’s goal is to continue to teach, do research and possibly head an education department, at a local university. She appreciates how the AADC keeps alumnae connected through events like Cabin Fever, book clubs and AADC Alumnae Reunion Weekend. She has served as Secretary of BAN and as her class fund agent. “I love attending Reunion Weekend and look forward to future ones," she says.
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Take Advantage of AADC Annual Career Symposium and Wellness Empowerment Conference
Ready, Next, Go!
Saturday, September 12, to Monday, September 14
The AADC is excited to host the Fifth Annual AADC Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt ’42 Workplace and Professional Development Symposium this fall with the theme, “Ready, Next, Go!” This year’s symposium will be a virtual, three-part event held from September 12 through September 14. Our workshops will incorporate the concepts of confidence, preparation and execution. T
he first day will include two keynote speakers; the second day will include an inspiring virtual panel; and our third day will include a powerful networking program.
The Symposium Planning Committee, chaired by Ikecia Lenese Mapp ’01, invites all alumnae to participate. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with alumnae across a variety of fields and pursuits! Registration will be available soon.
Empowerment Through Wellness: Focus on Black Women’s Health
Saturday, October 24, 2020, 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Explore your spiritual core, ways to boost mental health and peace of mind and to gain empowerment through wellness as the AADC Black Alumnae Network Jewel Plummer Cobb Sisters Conference Committee hosts this virtual wellness event on Saturday, October 24. This program is being hosted in lieu of the Sisters Conference, which will not take place due to the impact of COVID-19. Chair Dorothy Clay ‘77 and the committee invite all alumnae to participate. A special message about Dean Plummer Cobb's legacy will be presented by her son, Jonathan Cobb and daughter-in-law, actress Suzzanne Douglas. The program also features interactive activities, exercises and self-care strategies from Dr. Carol Penn and Rev., Dr. Stefanie R. Minatee. Registration will be available soon.
Alumnae Share How the Pandemic is Impacting Their Lives
Read about how alumnae sisters are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in our online series, "Sharing Our Stories." To read some of our stories by Meryl Stoller Orlando ’75, Julie Stern-Delfiner '89, MD, Karen McLane Torian '73 and others,
click here
Meryl Stoller Orlando ’75 and Beverly Greenhouse Perry ’76 (l)
Julie Stern-Delfiner '89, MD
Share YOUR story with your alumnae sisters. Did you homeschool your children or grandchildren, completely revamp your business as a result of the pandemic? Are you unemployed? Have your grown children moved back home to quarantine with you? What’s new, different, challenging and worth sharing? We would love to hear from you. Email us at
We're Connecting and Engaging Virtually
AADC Virtual Tea Party with Tina Gordon '72
Sunday, August 9, 4:00 to 5:00 pm
Calling all AADC Sisters! Put on your best hat, your white gloves and grab your scones for another fun, one-hour "Tea with Tina,” h
osted online by Tina Gordon '72, AADC Board Vice President of Marketing and Communications
The AADC offers this special virtual event so we can chat with each other and together online. No actual hat is required, and feel free to put whatever you like to drink in your teacup. No politics, please, just your participation to an open discussion that might include what new and different things you have tried during quarantine, how you are coping, books you have read, resources you might recommend and more. The link to our virtual event will be sent to you upon registration.
Healing Through the Arts
Saturday, August 15, 2020, 1:00-3:00 pm
Explore the creative process and how to express your voice through our next interactive presentation, “Healing Through the Arts." Join sister alumnae for this intriguing virtual event presented by Linda Caldwell Epps ’73,
AADC Board Vice President of Development and
president and CEO of 1804 Consultants, who also serves on the NJPAC Theater Square Development Company Board of Managers. The link to our virtual event will be sent to you upon registration.
AADC Sisterhood Book Club
Saturday, September 5, 2020, 1:00 to 3:00 pm
"Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower"
Consider adding our selected book to your summer reading list in time for our discussion this fall.
We will host a lively discussion with sister alumnae about this excellent essay collection. Author Brittany Cooper was inspired by the experiences of her grandmother and brings them to life for today's generation. The link to our virtual event will be sent to you upon registration.
AADC Virtual Open House
Hosted by the Evergreen Affinity Network
Friday, September 18, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
The AADC Evergreen Affinity Network invites you to a virtual open house. Join us to learn more about AADC history and volunteer opportunities through a Trivia Challenge and to compete with sister alumnae for a chance to win prizes. After registering, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address with information on how to join the virtual event.
Virtual Tour of the Philadelphia Zoo
Sunday, October 4, 2020,
2:00 p.m.
Join Karen Lynch '79, AADC Vice President for Alumnae Relations and experienced Philadelphia Zoo docent, for an interactive and engaging virtual tour of the Philadelphia Zoo. Please share this invitation with sister alumnae. We welcome family, friends and guests! After registering, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address with information on how to join the virtual event.
Double the Classes for Reunion Weekend 2021
Next year it is going to be double the connections and double the classes as we commemorate milestone class reunions from both class years ending in 0s and 5s, as well as 1s and 6s, for a special
AADC Alumnae Reunion Weekend 2021
, from June 4 to 6. The Class of 1970 and the Class of 1971 will join together to mark their Vanguard 50th Reunions. We salute the Class of 1970 and the Class of 1971 for sharing the spotlight. The AADC knows the many ways alumnae cherish and look forward to reuniting, reconnecting and reminiscing with classmates for Reunion. Stay tuned for ways to get involved with the AADC Reunion Weekend Planning Committee and with your class.
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Please note: You will receive a return text message from us confirming that you have opted to receive text messages from the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College (AADC).
Make New Friends & Connect as a Volunteer
The AADC welcomes all alumnae! To get involved as a volunteer, please
email the AADC
or call (732) 246-1600.
Now, more than ever, we are reminded of the importance of our alumnae community. Help keep our alumnae community, the AADC, strong by supporting the AADC Annual Appeal. This appeal is not on behalf of NJC, DRC, Douglass or Rutgers. It supports the AADC’s mission of connecting and engaging all Douglass alumnae.