March 2020 Newsletter
Membership Renewal
AADE Mid-Continent memberships are for the calendar year (expire in January). Please make sure your membership dues are up to date!

Renew  your membership
First-time  registrant

If you are unsure of the status of your membership dues, please email
Mid-Con Sporting Clays
Date:  Fri, Mar 27, 2020
Time:  9 AM
Cost:  Varies - see below
RSVP:   Register

  • 4-Man Teams
  • Tournament will be a 100 round main event
  • Participants are responsible for their own shells 
  • Tournament is limited to the first 35 teams
  • Lunch and Door Prizes will be held after the morning round
  • One member of each team will win a gift card
  • Payment options are available. Break the cost up over a few months time frame. Hint, Master Class.  

Registration Options:
  • A Class: $500 for 4 Man Team*
  • AA Class: $750.00 One (1) 4 person team, 1 Cart and (1) Station Sponsorship 
  • Master Class: $1,450.00 Two (2) 4 person teams, (2) carts, (8) Mulligan / Game Stations, and (1) Station Sponsorship

Sponsor Options:
  • Station Sponsorship $200

Check the  event page  for more registration details.

  • Last day to register - Fri, March 20th
Mid-Con Bass Tournament
Date:  Apr 3-4, 2020
Time:  All day
Cost:  $350 per 2-man team
Location:  Lake Texoma - Catfish Bay
RSVP:   Register
REGISTRATION: Friday, April 3rd at Catfish Bay Pavilion Complex 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Join us for a FISH FRY and Door Prizes Beginning at 5:00pm

FISHING START TIME: Saturday, April 4th 7:00AM
WEIGH IN: Saturday, April 4th at 3:00PM at Catfish Bay Pavilion Complex

  • Boats may be used that are 12 feet or longer. Contestants may not change boats during tournament hours.
  • A team is not permitted to approach nearer than 50 yards to any other boat which is tied or anchored unless permission has been granted
  • A liability release will be signed at registration.
Sponsorship options:
  • General Sponsor = $100
  • Goody Bag Sponsor = 140 items
  • Hat Bill Sponsor = $600
  • Shirt Sleeve Sponsor - Logo on sleeve of shirt, displayed on video display and announced at event = $200
  • Shirt Back Sponsor - Logo on back of shirt, logo displayed on powerpoint display and announced at tournament = $350
  • Shirt Front Sponsor - Logo on front of shirt, logo displayed on powerpoint display and announced at tournament = $750
Mid-Con Golf Tournament
Date:  Fri, May 29, 2020

Save the date and plan to join us for the 16th Annual AADE Mid-Continent Golf Tournament at Buffalo Rock! Details to follow!
The American Association of Drilling Engineers was founded in New Orleans in 1978. Formation of the AADE was based on the fact that no existing organization was consistently providing technical exchange specifically for Drilling Engineers. The AADE is an all-volunteer organization of independent chapters licensed by the National Board.

In awarding the Nate Fleming and Paul E. Legg Memorial Scholarships, we seek to help men and women of ability and character within the American Association of Drilling Engineers to aid and extend their education. This enables them to meet the career demands of today’s job market and entrepreneurial arena.

Applications must be mailed and received by May 1, 2020 . Applications received after that date will not be considered.
Scholarships will be awarded at the July 2020 meeting.

A Special "Thank you" to our sponsors for the 2020 AADE Symposium & Exhibition!
Mark your calendars! Upcoming AADE events:
05/29 - AADE MidCon Golf Tournament
2020 Officers

President – Steve Garrison
Vice President, OKC – James Hankins
Vice President, Tulsa – Chris Cavner
Secretary – Jessica Ubbenga
Treasurer – John David Willmon
Chapter Rep – Geree Wald Morton

Steering Committee

Sammy Graham, Chuck Henkes, Matt Hill, Cody Martin, Courtney Strang, Scotty Turner, Les Wald
What is AADE?
To provide the forum for the dissemination of practical drilling technology to those employed or interested in the drilling industry.
To be a leading forum for the dissemination and interchange of drilling practices and technology. 
To promote professionalism and respect within the drilling industry, the community, and the environment in which it co-exists.
Get Involved!
Do you want to get more involved in AADE Mid-Continent? Reach out to one of the officers or steering committee members. You can also send us an email at