Greetings AADO Members,

I'm sure this summer isn't looking anything like you imagined back in January when we all were dreaming of summer vacations, family reunions, July and August conferences, and breaks from our day-to-day responsibilities. Yet while it does look different, we have the opportunity to take a deep breath and do some of the things we've been much too busy to do until now. Get a piece of paper and make a list of 10 things you will do before the summer is over. Things that have nothing to do with work. Maybe you can organize that overstuffed closet or read the book that's been collecting dust on your bedside table. How about walking 60 miles in thirty days or finally learning to crochet. Do something just for you.

I look forward to hearing how you spent your summer. Stay safe!!!

AADO July Newsletter Sponsor

Join fellow AADO members during our Power Hour webinar/conference calls. 
Topics include - best practices in fundraising, professional development, career advancement, trends in development and open forum discussions.

Upcoming Power Hours:
August 27, 2020
September 24, 2020
October 22, 2020
November 19, 2020
December 10, 2020

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (ET)
🌟 Spotlight :
AADO Member Selfies!
Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.

Author Unknown
AADO Members share advice and lessons learned
while on their  professional journey

There are over 2,200 members of AADO,
these are some of their stories......

Meet Dionne Kirby
AADO is pleased to announce that Aspen Leadership Group is the sponsor of the rebroadcast of  Our Collective Courage .  

As a result of ALG's generosity there will not be a registration fee. 
Follow the link to register now. Space is limited. 
A rebroadcast of the original conversation in its entirety. 

July 30, 2020 from 2:00 - 4:00pm ET. 

If you missed it the first time - here's your chance. 
If you want to experience it again - come on back!
Nineteen Black advancement leaders gathered in the summer of 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and at the height of a national outcry against racial injustice to address systems of oppression in the field of advancement. Fewer than 11% of professionals in higher ed advancement are diverse, approximately 3% Black, and the current system of developing and nurturing future leaders excludes African Americans. Together they created the Black Leaders in Advancement Pledge - a call to our industry to be an agent of change. It outlines specific actions to live out our virtues of diversity, equity, and inclusion and it calls for a targeted focus on adding a significant number of African American and historically underrepresented professionals to the sector, particularly in leadership roles in advancement. 

Learn more about the Pledge and stand in solidarity with hundreds of African American industry colleagues by sharing it with your organizational leaders and professional networks.
AADO is excited for everyone to see our new job postings page.
You have to see this .......
Do you share the posted job opportunities with friends and colleagues?
Working in partnership with organizations, institutions of higher education, and search firms, AADO assists in the process of vetting potential candidates for senior level fundraising positions.

The goal is to ensure that AADO members are treated justly and with respect throughout the recruiting process, and are considered viable candidates and not simply numbers in the candidate pool. If you are interested in being added to the database, please follow the link to complete the form.
The information you provide will be treated as confidential and will not be shared without your expressed permission. Email questions to:  [email protected]

If you lead a fundraising consulting firm or you are an independent fundraising consultant and would like to be recommended for a potential consulting opportunity, please take a moment to register.

AADO has recently made 9 successful matches.

Aspen Leadership Group
June 2020

AADO is pleased to continue
our partnership with the
Aspen Leadership Group.

Enjoy ALG's
June Newsletter.

AADO does not charge a membership fee. Please make a donation today