Member's Notice
Mentorship Program
We are in the process of developing a new mentorship program and we are working on getting funding to assist us in building the infrastructure (resources, online portal etc.). So if you are willing, please vote on this application as the grant is awarded to the applicant with the most votes! You can vote once on each device. And please share with your friends, family and colleagues!
New Membership Website training
Did you miss the AGM and need help with navigating the new AAFMP membership portal?

Join us for a one hour webinar showing how to enter CC activities, complete actions plans and process your renewal. We will be able to answer questions live in event you, or your friends, have not yet processed your renewal. No pre-registration required.

May 28, 2019 1:00 pm
Claiming hours for the AGM in the new membership portal continuing competence system?

Under independent learning you can claim 6 hours if you attended the business meeting, and up to 4 hours for the training sessions.
2019-2020 Practice Permit Renewals

This years' practice permit renewals are being done through a new membership portal (

DO NOT change you profile information on the old CAPF or CAPFT websites as this information can no longer be transferred to the new database.

All regulated members should now have received an email from with a link, a login and a temporary password.

Please check your Junk and Trash folder if you are unable to find the email or set a rule to allow emails from If you are still unable to find the email please call or email the AAFMP office.

Not all portions of the new site are functional yet.

You will be required to update your password when you log into the new portal. The password security requirements will be listed in the email you received.

If you are not in compliance with your continuing competence program hours, you will be required to submit an action plan for Registrar approval prior to being able to renew your practice permit.
CAPF 2019 Dues
Regulated Member (RPF & FIT) $460
Associate Member $87
Inactive Member $87
Non-Resident $205
Student Member  No Cost
Retired Member    No Cost
Honorary Member    No Cost
CAPFT 2019 Dues
Regulated Member (RPFT & RFT) $460
Associate Member $87
Non-Practicing Member $87
Student Member  No Cost
Retired Member    No Cost
Honorary Member    No Cost
With support from Alberta Innovates and the Alberta North American Waterfowl Management Plan Partnership, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is leading the development of an Alberta Wetland Field Guide based on the Alberta Wetland Classification System . From May to September 2019, we are consulting with interested and knowledgeable stakeholders who have ideas and feedback for how to make the Field Guide an effective and practical field tool. To view a 15 minute webinar overview of this project, please click here .
Softree Engineering free podcast.
Which reforestation practices should be used
to adapt to climate change?
Researchers from the University of British Columbia invite forestry and conservation practitioners and scientists to share their views about reforestation strategies to adapt to climate change in Canada's forests. The questionnaire will require approximately 15 minutes to complete.

15 prizes of $100 will be raffled. Winners will be given the choice of either donating the money to a charity of their choosing or receiving a gift card.
Please click here for more information on CAPF job board .
Please click here for more information on CAPFT job board .
We don’t know a planet like this. The greenhouse effect is in full swing and even if we stopped greenhouse gases today, the earth would continue to warm beyond what we have ever known. Adaptation is a necessity, and we need to be ready. It’s not the end of the world, but it is the end of the world we know. Jason Edwards has a positive and hopeful message about how we can begin to adapt to our changing environment.
Courses This Week
  • May 30-31 Soils Science Workshop
  • May 31 Intro Bird Identification
  • June Intro Boreal Wetlands - Online
ABWRET-A Course - ABWRET-Reg - Grassland Vegetation Inventory - Wetland Policy Basics Online Course
Fall exam date is October 26, 2019

Exam fee $200.00 per writing

Reading lists, preparation resources and online webinars are available here
Join the Facebook exam study group! You can ask questions of the moderators and other members that are preparing for the exam.
Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals
320, 3203-93 St. NW
Edmonton, AB T6N 0B2
(780) 761-8733 |
Disclaimer - The views and opinions expressed in any link or article, belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policy of AAFMP, CAPF or CAPFT