July 1, 2023
Upcoming Webinar

World Bronchiectasis Day Webinar
July 1, 4:00-5:00 ET
AAIDA is excited to parter with Global Allergy and Airways Patient Platform (GAAPP) for this special educational webinar on the 2nd Annual, World Bronchiectasis Day! Our speakers from around the globe include Lauren Dunlap, PACS, Ashok Gupta, MD, and Ghulam Mustafa, MD. 

Dr. Mustafa, Dr. Gupta and Lauren will discuss the following:

  • World-view perspectives from both allergy/immunology and pulmonology specialist in diagnosis, epidemiology, therapeutic endpoints and advancements in treatment for non-cf bronchiectasis
  • Overlapping conditions often associated with non-cf bronchiectasis (immune deficiencies, infections, etc)
  • Disease management and lifestyle factors involved from a patient perspective when choosing treatment options and stigmas often associated with diagnosis

Following their presentation Dr. Mustafa, Dr. Gupta and Lauren will conduct a live Q& A session with attendees. This webinar will be recorded live and made available on the AAIDA website and YouTube channels for our community.
This presentation is sponsored in partnership with
Monaghan Medical and Zambon Group.
Bronchiectasis & How it
Impacts Patients
During the 2nd Annual World Bronchiectasis Day, we'd like to educate our community on this condition and what individuals it impacts. Bronchiectasis is a lung condition that causes cough, sputum production, and recurrent respiratory infections. The symptoms are caused by abnormal dilation (widening) of the airways of the lung (bronchi). In some cases only one airway is affected. In other cases, many are affected. In very severe cases, dilation of the airways occurs throughout the lungs. Bronchiectasis can be diagnosed at any age but some of the underlying causes include:

  1. Genetic diseases
  2. Immune deficiencies
  3. Past lung infections
  4. Problems with swallowing causing aspiration of food or fluids into the lungs
  5. Idiopathic (unknown cause)

In healthy lungs, cilia (tiny hair-like structures) move normal amounts of mucus out of small airways into large airways and then the throat. With bronchiectasis, cilia do not move as well, and mucus is more likely to build up in the airways. Failure to clear mucus can lead to bacterial growth, repeated infections, airway damage and more severe disease with worsening airway enlargement.
In-Person Patient Support Group Meeting & Educational Event (Hybrid), August 8th
AAIDA is partnering with Realo Specialty Pharmacy on August 8th from 6:30-8:00 pm ET for an in-person (and virtual) patient support meeting and educational event.

Any patient currently receiving IVIG or SCIG treatment and their caregivers are welcome to attend. Guest speakers include Realo's specialty pharmacists Will Holland, PharmD and Brady Hecht, PharmD. Moderator for the evening will be AAIDA Medical Advisory Board Chair, Michael Rigas, PharmD.
** In-Person Attendees **: Please RSVP by August 1st, to reserve your space. In-person registration is open to 40 attendees and available on a first-come, first-serve bases. Light food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Location: 808 Aviation Pkwy, Suite 100, Morrisville, NC 27560
Walk For Primary Immunodeficiency, Charlotte, N.C on July 29th
During World Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) Awareness Week, AAIDA shared that Charlotte N.C was announced as a National Site for the Walk For PI with the Immune Deficiency Foundation on July 29th. Help raise awareness and get involved by registering below!
AAIDA Participates in Annual Meetings During May and June
AAIDA participated in multiple conferences and annual meetings in May and June to include SCALE, IgNs Patient 360, GAAPP's Scientific Meeting and NICA's Annual Meeting.

AAIDA would like thank Michael Gold, MD, Luba Sobolevsky, PharmD, GAAPP's Board of Directors, NICA's Leadership Team and the entire IAF Team that allowed us the opportunity to participate at no cost. During the conferences we connected with patients, healthcare providers, nonprofit advocates and others to help educate and raise awareness for immunological disease states and overlapping conditions often associated with them.
In the News
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that causes causes thick, red, itchy patches of skin. Recently, scientists have used a technique called spatial transcriptomics to gain new insights into the gene and cell differences that contribute to psoriasis.
Pfizer warns it will soon run out of its penicillin medications, Bicillin C-R and Bicillin L-A. Pfizer estimated that supplies of Bicillin C-R would be depleted around the third quarter of this year, while pediatric pre-filled syringes of Bicillin L-A would be depleted even earlier
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