March 6, 2020
Wait no longer-- registration for 2020 AAJA National Convention (#AAJA20), from July 29 to August 1, 2020, in Washington, DC, is now open at early bird rates for members and non-members .

In case you missed it, see who’s planning your convention program this year.
AAJA Statement on the Expulsion of
Three WSJ Correspondents from China

AAJA's Board of Directors and AAJA-Asia jointly released a statement in support of the three Wall Street Journal correspondents who were expelled by the Chinese government in February.

The Asian American Journalists Association stands by the three Wall Street Journal correspondents whose press credentials were revoked by the Chinese government on Feb. 19.
The Chinese government targeted the Journal’s deputy China bureau chief, Josh Chin, and reporters Chao Deng and Philip Wen, saying the move was punishment for a recent opinion piece published by the Journal.

As a professional journalism nonprofit with a significant presence throughout Asia, AAJA supports press freedom and the safety of journalists around the globe. We believe that the ability of these three journalists to do their jobs without fear of expulsion or retaliation is of utmost importance, particularly at a time when audiences worldwide are seeking credible and objective information regarding the spread of coronavirus. AAJA urges the Chinese government to reinstate their press credentials so they can resume their work.

AAJA remains ready to be a resource for news outlets and correspondents in the U.S. and Asia Pacific.
AAJA's Guidance on Coronavirus Coverage
Submit your work (or a colleague's) for the 2020 National Journalism Awards by April 22
AAJA is now accepting entries and nominations for the 2020 National Journalism Awards and the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award.Winners will be announced at #AAJA20. Submit your entries by  Wednesday, April 22 .

AAJA offers two award categories. If your piece covers AAPI communities, you may submit it under the AAPI Issues category. Otherwise, you may submit it under the General Excellence category. 

Categories for both Excellence in AAPI Issues & General Excellence:

  • Written Journalism
  • Television/Online Video
  • Radio/Audio
  • Multimedia
  • Student Journalism

Eligibility Requirements : Please visit to review each category's requirements and criteria. Each entry may only be submitted to one category. 

Apply to Be the Next Voices Program Co-Director by March 29!
"What if saving journalism really has more to do with new models of storytelling, ones that help people get up in the morning and live consciously, rather than make them more afraid or resigned and want to stay asleep?"
– Alex Tizon

Now in its 30th year, Voices is a student program that provides aspiring journalists with career-ready skills to succeed in the continually-evolving media landscape. By nurturing relationships between students and professionals, Voices also gives students the opportunity to tap into mentors’ networks and begin their own while also providing AAJA journalists leadership and management opportunities.

Mentor the next generation of newsroom leaders as co-directors of the Voices multimedia journalism training fellowship for college and graduate students.

Apply to be a part of the AAJA Speakers Bureau

Nominate yourself or someone else for the AAJA Speakers Bureau! We're aiming to launch an AAPI-focused listing of subject matter experts in late spring. Our goal is to elevate the broad experience and expertise of AAJA members and AAPI leaders to the media and greater community. Won't you join us?

Requirements and Guidelines for Journalists: 
  • Current membership in AAJA
  • On-camera/in-studio experience, e.g. broadcast, cable, social media (webinar, podcast, etc.)
  • Experience being interviewed by an anchor or journalist in the subject matter.

Requirements and Guidelines for AAPI Subject Matter Experts:
  • Five years of experience (education + work experience) in subject matter 
  • On-camera/in-studio experience, e.g. broadcast, cable, social media (webinar, podcast, etc.)
  • Experience being interviewed by an anchor or journalist 
  • Experience with web-conferencing for interviews and/or presentations
  • Experience being a reliable source
  • News or video clippings
  • Published works or opinion pieces

Open Scholarship & Fellowship Opportunities

Check out the AAJA Jobs Board , Mathison , and the #aaja-jobs Slack channel for career opportunities.


The Maynard Institute for Journalism Education and Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications announce their partnership for this year’s Maynard 200 journalism fellowship program, aligned in their mission to galvanize diversity in media and to bolster careers of more journalists of color nationwide.

The Maynard 200 program supports the next generation of storytellers, managers/leaders and media entrepreneurs of diverse backgrounds by providing relevant training courses, resources and mentorship for a year by distinguished media professionals and experts in various disciplines. The application deadline is March 30, 2020. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Awards for Reporting on the Environment
Hello AAJA! The Society of Environmental Journalists would like to invite you to submit to our Awards for Reporting on the Environment, which recognize the best environmental reporting of the last year.

Enter your stories on environment, energy, business, agriculture, or other related issues. The best overall entry will receive the Nina Mason Pulliam Award for Outstanding Environmental Reporting : $10,000 cash prize, plus expenses to attend the #SEJ2020 Conference in Boise, ID, September 23-27, 2020, courtesy of the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.

A total of $7500 in cash prizes are also offered in ten categories.

The deadline to enter is April 1, 2020, 11:59 p.m EST. Stories must be published from March 1, 2019 to Feb. 29, 2020 (books must be published in calendar year 2019). For more information and to enter, please visit our website . We look forward to reading your stories!
Did you produce (or consume) some great journalism recently?
Put your work on our radar , so we can feature you next member highlights.