Attendance Awareness Month Update
May 25, 2018
Use Data to Spur Action! 

Do you know which students in your school are missing so many days they are academically at risk? You can leverage attendance data to identify which students most need positive, engaging supports to address barriers to getting to school. Ask school or district officials about the availability of chronic absence data. We created data tools for districts that can be used to examine patterns and identify which schools and students are at risk. Download data tools for crunching chronic absence numbers
Attendance Works! 

Your gift will help fund more great resources to raise awareness of the importance of attendance for student achievement.

What to Do When

Late spring colds, allergies and asthma can keep many students home. Health providers and school nurses have an important role in ensuring students don't miss school unnecessarily because of chronic illness or lack of access to health care. This is a good time to enlist health care providers to share information about attendance during back-to-school checkups. See our tools for health providers.
Community Spotlight

Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom created an Attendance Awareness Month Campaign web page that urges schools not to forget nutrition staff when developing activities to boost attendance. The page offers tips for developing a breakfast program and urges schools to review their attendance data to identify students who are missing too many days. The Beyond Breakfast blog was developed by the School Nutrition Foundation, a member of Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom (PBIC). Find out more.
Research Spotlight

Our new report Seize the Data Opportunity in California: Using Chronic Absence to Improve Educational Outcomes, analyzes chronic absence data recently released by the California Department of Education through its DataQuest portal. Developed with the Center for Regional Change, University of California Davis, and Children Now, the report can be a model for other states because it demonstrates how publicly available chronic absence data can inform decisions about how resources can be allocated to address chronic absence in schools and counties.

An interactive data map developed by the Center for Regional Change shows the schools and counties most affected. 

Tweet It!

Now that #ESSA requires #chronicabsence reporting, what do we do w/ the data? @attendanceworks report Seize the Data Opportunity w/ @ChildrenNow @UCDavis Center for Regional Change shows what we can do: #SchoolEveryDay
Webinar Spotlight

This year's webinar series highlights the value of using a community-wide approach to strengthen student attendance. Our next free webinar, Team up for Attendance: Community Matters, is on August 15, 2018 11-12:30 pm (PT) / 2-3:30 pm (ET). Registration opening soon!

ICYMI, we've posted online the PowerPoint presentation and recording of the first two webinars, Leadership Matters, (3/28) and Working Together Matters (5/8). Find them on our website.
Resource Spotlight: Teaching Attendance Online Curriculum

We've developed an online, interactive series of courses so you and your colleagues can learn how to improve attendance in your school. Created in partnership with TeachingReady, the Teaching Attendance Curriculum offers knowledge, guidance and resources for principals, teachers and school support staff to help you reduce chronic absences in grades K-12th. Register to access the course.
Event Spotlight

IEL's annual National Family & Community Engagement Conference July 11-13 is where school and district administrators, educators, parents and families, community partners and others come together to focus on solutions that expand engagement through family-school-community partnerships. We'll be speaking at a plenary and two workshops. Learn more.

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading's GLR Week in Philadelphia July 23-27 is designed to accelerate learning and strengthen the connections that exist within a growing network of 360+ communities in 43 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Canada. Join us at two workshops and a concurrent Plenary on Thursday called "Reducing Chronic Absence Requires a Trauma-Informed Response". Register here.
Sponsor Spotlight

Thank you to our Attendance Awareness Month Campaign sponsors!


Safe and Civil Schools

French Toast
Partner Spotlight

The Attendance Awareness Month partners help spread the word about upcoming webinars, events, new publications and research in newsletters and on social media. We send updated materials every few weeks leading up to September. Find  the full list of partners here. Contact Catherine Cooney [email protected] if your organization would like to join and help spread the word about attendance.
Tweet It!

Teaching Attendance Curriculum by @attendanceworks equips teachers & support staff w/ the guidance & resources they need to reduce #chronicabsence in K-12. Learn at your own pace using this free, interactive resource. Register: #schooleveryday @CSODFoundation

@attendanceworks "Seize the Data Opportunity in California" w/ @ChildrenNow @UCDavis Center for Regional Change is a model for  how #chronicabsence data reported by states can be used to allocate resources to improve outcomes: #schooleveryday @CCSSO @CADeptEd

Facebook Post:

Seize the Data Opportunity in California: Using Chronic Absence to Improve Educational Outcomes, released May 2018, by Attendance Works, the Center for Regional Change, University of California Davis, and Children Now, is a call to action. The analysis urges anyone interested in improving educational outcomes to use chronic absence data recently released by the California Department of Education to identify which schools and groups of students most need support, so they have an equal opportunity to learn. The analysis can be a model for other states because it demonstrates how publicly available chronic absence data can be used to inform decisions about how to allocate resources to address chronic absence in schools and counties. Find the report.

An interactive data map developed by the Center for Regional Change shows the schools and counties most affected.
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