April 2021
and Renewal
“It’s been a long year.” How many times have we said this to ourselves, to our colleagues, to our students, to our families…? There’s no denying it! And yet, as the academic year draws to a close, as graduations are upon us, and as spring is taking hold, we can also pause for a moment, and say, “Wow! Look at all we have learned and done this year!” Not that it all ... (read more)

Best wishes,

Marilyn Amey
Interim Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Development
Making an Impact
Reflection and Regeneration
Finishing up the academic year isn’t the same flavor as past years. We’ve had a taste of a much different year and there’s no better time than the moment to reflect on what was accomplished, set aside, or re-imaged. With the spring sun comes a deep breath out, then pause, and the inhale of hope for the opportunities ahead. Read more
Thank you, Ann Austin!
We, in AAN, want to take a moment to celebrate with and thank our colleague, Ann Austin, who begins as Interim Dean of the College of Education on July 1 following the retirement of Robert Floden from the university. Ann’s appointment offers the college the opportunity to plan into its future at this time of change, create new initiatives across the university, and prepare for a search that will take place during 2021-22. This is terrific news for the college to have such a well-informed, nationally recognized leader at its helm during this transition, and someone who cares deeply about its future. Yet, it also means that we will not see Ann as connected to AAN over the next year. Her commitment to faculty development in all its areas never waivers, as has been evidenced in her outstanding work as Associate Dean for Research in the college. While she will be offering her insights and good counsel to AAN from a different vantage point, we know she will still be helping to chart the path forward on issues of academic careers for the college and the university as a whole in her newest role. We celebrate Ann’s hard work and dedication that has strengthened AAN for so many years, look forward to continuing collaborations with her and wish her the very best as she transitions into the Interim Deanship. Congratulations, Ann!
Celebrating the
Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program 
Each spring, we celebrate the outgoing cohort of the Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program (ALP) Fellows while welcoming a newly selected cohort for the coming year. While we are unable to host an in-person celebration this spring, we would like to acknowledge the work of the 2020-2021 ALP Fellows and announce the incoming cohort for 2021-2022. Read more
Beronda Montgomery talks
"Lessons from Plants"
Join Science Gallery Detroit for a riveting discussion and discover how plant behavior and adaptation can offer valuable insights for human thriving. April 22 at 6 p.m.

Spring 2021- Conversations with MSU Leaders
Conversation on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Plan at MSU
President Stanley charged the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Committee to examine, among other areas, the composition and success of our faculty, staff, and student body; research and scholarship; curriculum and educational programs; community engagement; and the culture our community members live and experience each day. The DEI Steering Committee will share the DEI Report, Plan, and Recommendations. Co-chairs Wanda Lipscomb and Luis Alonzo Garcia will engage in discussion with Jabbar R. Bennett, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, and university leaders on the next steps and implementation.

First Friday Outreach and Engagement Write-Ins
Please join us on the first Friday of each month for three hours of dedicated time to advance your scholarship. Past participants have written journal articles, grant proposals, book chapters, theses or dissertations, curricula, pieces for public audiences, and community engagement portfolios. Participants should plan to write for the full three hours. We start the write-in by sharing writing goals for the day and wrap up with accomplishments and next steps. Write-Ins are free, but registration is required.

MI-ACE Women's Network Conference:
Advancing Women in Higher Education
June 14-15, 2021 (Virtual) - Hosted by Madonna University
MI-ACE remains committed to bringing you the professional networks recognition, skill development, and support that have been so important to Michigan women in higher education each June. Once again, the MI-ACE Conference will welcome educators from public and private colleges and universities, from faculty and administration, from urban and rural institutions. No other conference offers the opportunity to approach the challenges of higher education from such a wide variety of perspectives in an atmosphere that is affirming and supportive. Conference Agenda

To honor MSU's membership in the MI-ACE Women’s Network, faculty and staff will have unlimited FREE registrations for this event.

DRN Summer Stay Virtual Writing Retreat 
The Diversity Research Network offers:
  • writing in community
  • presentations on writing and writing practice
  • nationally known consultants on writing and career support
  • self-care practices
  • daily roundtables as an accountability practice
  • supportive space for diverse scholars

View a comprehensive list of educator development resources.
The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity offers live and recorded webinars, courses, and workshops covering many topics that pertain to different stages of academic careers. For example, learn how to plan your academic year, your term, and your weekly schedule in a way that is aligned with your tenure and promotion criteria. To receive many resources at no cost to you, register with your NetID for an account linked to our MSU institutional membership.

Register for a 14-day Writing challenge Registration opens May 19th. Login to NCFDD with your MSU account to learn more.
Gratitude is so important. Join us in the simple act of saying thank you. The #iteachmsu team believes that a wide educator community (faculty, TAs, ULAs, instructional designers, academic advisors, et al.) facilitate learning across MSU. But, on such a large campus, it can be difficult to fully recognize and leverage this community’s teaching and learning contributions. In this form, we invite you to give a shout-out to the educators in your MSU life, and we'll pass your gratitude along by sending a thank you from #iteachmsu!
Members of the MSU community are invited to nominate a supervisor/administrator who consistently supports the worklife (professional/personal) needs of their employees/staff through positive leadership and managerial practices. Nominations open until July 31
Impacts shared about another educator
via #iteachmsu Thank an Educator:
Thank you to:
“Brittany demonstrates the epitome of student support, critical analysis, and curriculum development. For me, she was *hands down* the most supportive educator at MSU during a very difficult Fall 2020 semester due to socioeconomic and health issues caused by the pandemic. Brittany was caring and persistent in her communication with me to make sure I developed a plan to successfully manage my coursework. For many students undergoing a crisis, this kind of "hands-on" advising is needed. Brittany understood that and never once made me feel like I was a "burdensome" or "irresponsible" student-- because that's not who students are when they are going through traumatic experiences. I am not working again with Brittany in Spring 2021 and have received so much practical and thoughtful feedback on my course content. All of the advice and suggestions that Brittany gives me feel so tangible because she takes the time to provide detailed feedback. I have implemented many of the ideas and content I've gained through the MAET program in my other roles at MSU and have received nothing but positive feedback. Brittany is leading the hell out of this program and I have learned so much from her. Thank you for everything you do, Brittany, because I see you and am deeply grateful that you are in this role." 
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