Participate As a Member of the AASHTOWare Project Task Force
Who we are:
Kevin Fox, Chair, MI
Janet Treadway, Vice, OH
Jamey Wilhite, AR
Charles Groshens, MN
Charles Nickel, LA
Lisa Durbin, MT
Vonda Lane, TN
Lanny Campbell, KS
All AASHTOWare‐ related travel expenses are reimbursed by AASHTO, including:
•        Airfare
•        Hotel
•        Meals
•        Personal car mileage
•        Rental cars
•        Taxis and shuttles
What we do

The AASHTOWare Project Task Force (PTF) is responsible for providing oversight and strategic direction for the support, maintenance and enhancement of the AASHTOWare Project software program. The PTF is seeking individuals interested in volunteering to serve on this vital product task force.
Benefits to your department:
  • Influence the continuing growth, direction, and improvement of the AASHTOWare Project product suite.
  • Proactively incorporate product changes into your department’s operations.
  • Acquire valuable contacts with other member departments and benefit from their experience.
What does a PTF member do?
The ideal PTF candidate will:
  • Be actively involved with AASHTOWare Project with knowledge of one or more AASHTOWare Project business areas. 
  • Have information technology experience supporting the AASHTOWare Project product.
  • Put the best interests of all AASHTOWare Project licensees ahead of individual agency concerns.
PTF Candidate Overview
In addition to talented programmers, good software development requires direction from users with business knowledge. Dedication is important to make sure AASHTOWare Project meets customer expectations and remains technologically sustainable well into the future. That’s why the PTF is asking that interested candidates gain the support of their agency management to travel and commit the time necessary to serve on this task force prior to submitting their application.

PTF members are selected from agencies licensing AASHTOWare Project and each agency gets only one representative on the PTF at a time. Selected candidates will be eligible to serve up to two three-year terms. A list of individuals not selected for the current vacancies will be maintained for future positions.
Members must be able to:
  • Travel five to eight times per year; including four task force meetings, the Users Group conference, and other meetings/presentations from time-to-time.
  • Use AASHTO-provided collaboration software.
  • Participate in weekly conference calls as necessary to conduct business between meetings.
Candidate resumes should be sent to Brian Korschgen by March 8, 2019.
Brian Korschgen, Project Manager | | 202.624.8566