AASSP & NASSP Announce Finalists for 2019 National Assistant Principal of the Year 
Winner to be revealed during National Assistant Principals Week,
April 8–12, 2019

Juneau, AK – The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has announced three assistant principals from across the United States as finalists for NASSP’s 2019 National Assistant Principal of the Year. Each year, NASSP recognizes outstanding middle level and high school assistant principals who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students. These assistant principals are acknowledged by their peers for the exemplary contributions they have made to the profession.

Meghan Redmond – Alaska is in her fourth year as assistant principal at Chief Ivan Blunka School, a K–12 school consisting of 134 students who can only access the school by boat or plane. Because the remote nature of the school limits opportunities for exposure to various careers and other robust experiences, Redmond leads the school’s quarterly exploration weeks which allow students to focus on one or two courses that help them explore careers and interests—with some leading to industry-based certifications. She also started the Small Schools Matter group to draw attention to the needs of small, remote schools, and recently brought students to the state capital of Juneau to advocate for funding. Driven to provide a culturally relevant education for the nearly 100 percent Yup’ik Eskimo Alaska Native population, Redmond incorporates the native language into the school. Such efforts build trust within the native community—a trust which is often tested by high teacher turnover in rural Alaska. The school’s administrative team focuses on valuing teacher talent in order to retain it, evidenced by a 100 percent staff retention rate for the last school year and the current school year.

"There is no one more deserving on the planet than Meghan Redmond, and I am extraordinarily proud to see her recognized on a national level. She always goes above and beyond to ensure that the students have access to every possible opportunity, and I count myself incredibly fortunate to call her my friend, colleague, and administrative partner!" said Robin Jones, Principal, Chief Ivan Blunka School.

Southwest Region School District Superintendent Steve Noonkesser had this to say about Ms. Redmond, “Meghan is an amazing educator, who pours all of her very considerable talents and energy into serving students. Her work comes in many forms from counseling students about options for their futures, to helping them through the daily challenges they face in their studies, to working with staff in using student data to improve instruction. She plays many roles and provides support to all programs within the school, filling in wherever needed. She is truly a team player who understands the school’s mission and does whatever it takes to promote student success.”

Other finalists are Lainie Kitzmiller from Empire High School in Tucson, AZ and Gregory Schillinger from Rutland High School in Rutland, VT.

"The work of these three leaders reminds us that when you invest in leadership, you invest in learning,” says NASSP Executive Director JoAnn Bartoletti. “They model the kind of forward-thinking, integrated leadership NASSP articulates in the Building Ranks framework , and we are honored to recognize these individuals for their commitment to their students, school, and profession.”

Each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity, and the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools selects one assistant principal to represent their state. Of these, three finalists are named as contenders for the award, with one being recognized as the NASSP National Assistant Principal of the Year.
The 2019 National Assistant Principal of the Year will be announced in April 2019 during National Assistant Principals Week and formally recognized during the 2019 National Principals Conference in Boston, July 18–20. For more information, visit www.nassp.org/apoy .


The Alaska Council of School Administrators (ACSA) is the premier organization providing leadership, unity & advocacy for Alaska public education. ACSA provides the collective professional voice in setting the educational agenda for Alaska. ACSA comprises professional educational leaders of Alaska’s schools and school systems. Members include the Alaska Superintendents Association (ASA), the Alaska Association of Elementary School Principals (AAESP), the Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals (AASSP) , the Alaska Association of School Business Officials (ALASBO) and other central office administrators, university professors. ACSA is also proud to administer the Alaska Staff Development Network (ASDN), providing Alaska’s educators powerful professional learning to improve student achievement through research-based, online learning and face-to face professional development programs. https://alaskaprincipal.org/
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) is the leading organization of and voice for middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and school leaders from across the United States. The association connects and engages school leaders through advocacy, research, education, and student programs. NASSP advocates on behalf of all school leaders to ensure the success of each student and strengthens school leadership practices through the design and delivery of high-quality professional learning experiences. Reflecting its long-standing commitment to student leadership development, NASSP administers the National Honor Society , National Junior Honor Society , National Elementary Honor Society , and National Student Council .

Dr. Lisa Skiles Parady, Executive Director, AASSP, lparady@alaskaacsa.org , 907-586-9702

Bob Farrace, Director of Public Affairs, NASSP, farraceb@nassp.org,  703-860-7252

For more information please contact:

Lisa Skiles Parady, J.D., Ed.D.
Executive Director /  ACSA/ASA/AASSP / 234 Gold St., Juneau, AK 99801
tel  907-586-9702  /  direct  907-364-3889  /  fax  907-364-3805  /  lparady@alaskaacsa.org  /  alaskaacsa.org  @ACSAASDN
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