November 2024

President's Message

AAUW Florida…Elevating Our Impact

Let Your Voice Be Heard…Vote!

Welcome Noetic November! The month of November brings reminders of thankfulness! We were all impacted by either Hurricane Helene or Milton. Many homes were damaged from wind and water, and most were without power for days. It was a humbling experience, but Floridians are resilient! I am thankful we made it through the storm, and I am thankful for each of you and your unwavering support of AAUW Florida!

In October, the AAUW Florida Branch Presidents convened. It was an insightful and informative meeting. It was decided, based on feedback from the branch presidents, to conduct Florida Regional Conferences again for 2024-2025. More details will be provided in the months to come. Also, the Pathways to Leadership Project, led by Past President Bea Holt, will be piloted with branches beginning in November, feedback to be provided.  I am truly honored to serve with these capable and skilled leaders.

The Public Policy Committee, led by Dr. Mary Gatta and Dr. Patrica DeWitt, conducted a timely and insightful forum on LGBTQ+ Families and Florida’s Don’t Say Gay Law, in October. The guest speaker, Clark University Professor Abbie Goldberg, shared her research on the impact of the law on LGBTQ+ parents. If you missed the presentation, a link to the recording will be posted to our website. Thank you, Public Policy for helping us elevate our impact!

Although the Florida Board of Directors did not meet in October, due to the storm’s impact, the below topics of interest are shared to engage members, empower our community, and elevate our impact. Click the link(s) to gather more information on items of interest.

o  Director of Development/Fund Chair

o  Parliamentarian

o  Historian

Lastly, the election is just a few days away! Are you Ready to Vote? There are important issues on the ballot, such as reproductive freedom, women’s economic security, and education. Get ready by utilizing voter resources at, LWV 2024 Nonpartisan Voter GuideAAUW National, and AAUW Florida. Become an informed voter and elevate your impact! Remember voting is not only your Civic Right, but it is your Civic Responsibility.

Wishing you and your families a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


K. Lee-Smith, Ph.D.

AAUW Florida President

Your Vote is Your Voice... Be Heard!

Upcoming November Events 
Register Here
Register Here

Empower Girls and Women!

Become an AAUW Fl Board Member

Interested in learning more about one of the available positions?

Contact Juanita Zwaryczuk, Committee Chair, at

Branch Grant Funding- $100-$1500 Awards

Questions? Contact Diana Sells, Director for Program.

Access past approved projects and the Guidelines and instructions, as well as all applicable forms on the AAUW FL website under the Branch Resources page.

Addiction, Public Health & Criminal Justice

Thursday, November 14 – 6:00 pm

Registration required – Registration – Zoom Link

Come hear Rutgers Professor Patricia Roos talk about her new, deeply personal book sharing her son’s struggles with mental health and addiction, that led to his death at twenty-five years old. Professor Roos will share ways to realign our public health and criminal justice policies to address the overdose crisis.

For more information contact:

Mary Gatta, Ph.D., AAUW FL Co-Public Policy Chair

Pat DeWitt, Ph.D., AAUW FL Co-Public Policy Chair

Reminders When Heading to the Poll

On November 5, polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you are in line by 7 p.m., you can vote. Following the dual hurricanes we recently experienced, check for potential changes to your polling precinct before heading to the polls.

Additionally, in order to vote, bring one or two forms off your photo ID with your signature.

Make sure your voice is heard!

"In 1999, Floridians voted to make school board elections nonpartisan because education was considered sacrosanct. This November on our ballot, Amendment 1 seeks to overturn this long-standing tradition."...

"Amendment 1, proposed by the Florida Legislature, would require “members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather than a nonpartisan election.”

AAUW Florida Supports a No-Vote on Florida's Amendment 1, which will keep School Board Elections non-partisan.

Read more

Reference: DeWitt, P. & Gatta, M. (2024, September 19). Florida school board politics to worsen if Amendment 1 passes. The Florida Times-Union

"...the Right to Abortion Initiative, ... seeks to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution, ensuring that no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare provider." ...

"The amendment reinforces the idea that reproductive choices should be made based on medical advice and personal circumstances, not political agendas."

AAUW Florida Supports a Yes-Vote on Florida's Amendment 4, which would limit government interference with abortion.

Read more

Reference: Douglass, M. (2024, September. pp.7-8). AAUW Tampa Newsletter: September 2024.

Where Kamala Harris Stands on Key Policy Issues 

Abortion: "Harris favors federal legislation to reinstate the nationwide protection of abortion access that Roe v. Wade had provided." 

US Borders: "Harris..., considers the influx of illegal immigrants part of a global migration crisis and a humanitarian issue..." 

Supreme Court: "Harris appeared receptive to the idea of expanding the Supreme Court...," as reported by the Politico in March 2019." 

Taxes: "...Harris supports the 35 percent corporate tax rate in place before the Trump-era tax cuts." 

Reference: Smith, J. (2024, October 30). Where Kamala Harris stands on key policy issues.

Gun Rights: Harris reportedly will "ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require universal background checks, and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people." 

Reference: CBS News. (2024, October 30). Trump and Harris on guns: Where they stand in 2024.

Where Donald Trump Stands on Key Policy Issues 

Abortion: " Trump has wavered on his abortion stances this campaign cycle, but has ultimately leaned on abortion being a state’s right." 

US Borders: Trump vows "If elected to a second term, he’s pledged to deport millions of people living in the country illegally. "

Supreme Court: Trump "took credit for appointing the three Supreme Court justices who helped overturn the constitutional right to abortion..."

Taxes: Trump "... wants to trim the corporate tax rate to 15% and cancel any tax hikes that happened under President Joe Biden."

Reference: Fox 5 DC. (2024, October 30). Election Day 2024: Vote Donald Trump, economy, abortion, immigration, housing. Fox5DC.

Gun Rights: Trump "believes that every American has a God-given right to protect themselves and their family and has proven through his actions that he will defend law-abiding gun owners..." 

Reference: CBS News. (2024, October 30). Trump and Harris on guns: Where they stand in 2024.

For information contact: 

K. Lee-Smith, Ph.D. - AAUW Florida President 

D. Rostick-Owens, Ed.D. - AAUW Florida and Tampa Director of Communications

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AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy.