October 2024

President's Message

AAUW Florida…Moving Forward with Fortitude…

“If we can see it, we can achieve it!”

Welcome “Optimistic” October! I trust and pray you are safe and recovering from Hurricane Helene.  This storm had a major impact on several states and the lives of many. I am looking forward to an “Optimistic” October!

The AAUW Florida Atlantic Regional Conference was held 27 – 29 September 2024, in Glen Allen, VA.  Eleven (11) AAUW Florida members were registered; but many were unable to attend due to flight cancellations/airport closures due to the storm.  However, like the dedicated and optimistic AAUW Florida members we are, a few were able to persevere and attend. I look forward to hearing and sharing the conference details!

The State Board and National Liaisons met during September. The below topics of interest were discussed to engage our members, empower our communities and elevate our impact:

o  The Gender Pay Gap Widens-AAUW Press Release 

o  Election Resources

o  Five Star Page

o  Governance and Tools

o  Community Hub Resources and Training

o  College/University Toolkit 

o  State and Branch Tools

o  National Speaker Request

o  Work Smart and Start Smart Workbooks

o  Past National Webinars'

o  Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative

o AAUW Fellowships & Grants (Open Date Sept. 16th)

Open AAUW Florida Board Positions: Please consider serving in one of these mission-essential positions. If interested email: President@aauwfl.net

  • Director of Development/Fund Chair
  • Parliamentarian
  • Historian

Lastly, the election as of October 1, is thirty-five days away. Are you Ready to Vote? There are important issues on the ballot, such as reproductive freedom, women’s economic security, and education. Get ready by utilizing voter resources at Vote411.org, AAUW National and AAUW Florida. Become an informed voter and elevate your impact! 

Your Vote is Your Voice... Be Heard!

National Voter

Education Week

October 1-4

Deadline to

Register to Vote

October 7

LGBTQ+ Families and Florida’s

Don’t Say Gay Laws

October 8 (Tue., 6 PM)

Register Here

It’s My Vote!:

Home Stretch Activities and Voter Protection

October 16 (Wed., 7 PM)

Register Here


for to Request to Vote

by Mail in the

State of Florida

October 24


K. Lee-Smith, Ph.D.

AAUW Florida President

Kudos Are In Order:

AAUW Florida Board Members

Make an Impact in the Community

We are thrilled to celebrate the efforts of AAUW Florida Membership Director, Marjorie Fontalvo, Ed.D., who recently made a significant impact by engaging with local university students to promote voter participation.

The event was a tremendous success, with the “It’s My Vote” stickers running out in less than an hour, showcasing the enthusiasm and engagement of the students at USF. 

Kudos and Thank You, Dr. Fontalvo!

We continue our celebrations by acknowledging the accomplishments of AAUW Florida’s Co-Public Policy Chairs, Pat Dewitt, Ph.D., and Mary Gatta, Ph.D., for recently having a letter published in The Florida Times-Union discussing Amendment 1 and AAUW Florida’s stance!

This is a significant moment for Drs. Dewitt and Gatta, and we encourage everyone to read the letter here: https://www.jacksonville.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2024/09/19/florida-school-board-politics-to-worsen-if-amendment-1-passes/75252661007/.

Kudos and Thank You, Drs DeWitt and Gatta!

For more information contact:

Mary Gatta, Ph.D., AAUW FL Co-Public Policy Chair

Pat DeWitt, Ph.D., AAUW FL Co-Public Policy Chair

Will You Answer the

Call To Lead?

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis

The 2024-25 Nominating Committee continues the diligent search for candidates interested in the following 2025-2026 positions:

  • President Elect
  • Director for Finance
  • Director for Programs

If not yourself, perhaps you would like to suggest a Branch member who would be just right for one of these important positions.

AAUW Florida Nomination Committee.

  • Juanita Zwaryczuk (Lake Wales)
  • Marcia Hill (Bradenton)
  • Elie Bozzone (Flagler)
  • Jane Wittick (Northern Palm Beach)
  • Susan Wagner Carter (New Smyrna Beach)

Interested in learning more about one of the three available positions?

Request a detailed description of each position, eligibility criteria, and the application process, by contacting Juanita Zwaryczuk, Committee Chair, at namastejfz@gmail.com

Treasurers Talk-

Join the Conversation

While summer says “vacation,” it is one of the busiest times for branch treasurers who are collecting dues, preparing year end reporting and developing the budget for the coming year. 

Please join me on Zoom Thursday, October 10th at 6:00 PM to discuss topics of concern to our branch treasurers. Join AAUW Florida on October 10, 2024 @ 6pm ET for, Treasurers Talk, an engaging and informative session for AAUW Branches.

All Branch Treasurers, Assistant Treasurers, and Presidents are warmly invited to our inaugural Treasurers Talk. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Treasurers, share your experiences, and receive valuable assistance in managing your finances.

Ellen Roche will be on hand to address your questions, discuss leadership development in finance, and share her best practices for financial records retention. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn from others and discover new strategies that can benefit your branch!



Branch Grant Funding- Spread the Word

Access the Guidelines and instructions, as well as all applicable forms on the AAUW FL website under the Branch Resources page.

AAUW Florida is funding mission-based programs or project ideas ranging from $100 to $1500 to support the women and girls achieve their full potential.

Prepare and submit your proposal today as the October 1 deadline has passed! Proposals must have a direct community impact and align with AAUW-FL’s mission, vision, and initiatives.

Questions? Contact Diana Sells, Director for Program.

Lets Talk HB 1557- Don't Say Gay Bill Impact:

AAUW Florida Public Policy Education Forums Continue

Tues., Oct. 8, 2024

Join a conversation with Clark University Professor Abbie Goldberg where she shares some findings from her research on Impact of HB 1557 (Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill) on LGBTQ+ parents in Florida; and we discuss next steps in regard to research and collaborations on this important issue. (RSVP for this session!)

You will need to RSVP for each session individually. Once you RSVP you will receive a Zoom link for the session. If you have any questions, contact Mary Gatta, Ph.D., Co-Public Policy Director, AAUW Florida.

For information contact: 

K. Lee-Smith, Ph.D. - AAUW Florida President 

Demetrix Rostick-Owens, Ed.D. - AAUW Florida and Tampa Director of Communications

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AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy.