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- President's Message
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President’s Message
Happy New Year! While it's tempting to reflect on how once again our country failed to elect a woman for president, I prefer to focus on the future. Looking ahead to 2025, AAUW MH has a full slate of exciting events: Programs by CEAC and DEI, the Wildflower Run, and Lobby Days.
Read more HERE.
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AAUW Honoree Nominations for 2025
Nominate members to be recognized for their outstanding service to the branch as an AAUW Honoree. Send your recommendation to Carol O’Hare, selection committee chair, by March 1.
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Those who received the award within the last five years are not eligible. For a list of past honorees and award criteria, go HERE. | |
Morgan Hill Branch Recognized with 5 Stars
We are proud to announce that our branch has been awarded the prestigious 5-Star recognition from AAUW National for the third consecutive year! A huge thank you to Suman Ganapathy for her outstanding work in completing the application process.
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Additionally, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to all our members for their dedication and contributions. This achievement is a testament to the exceptional efforts of everyone involved in making our branch truly outstanding!
Read the congratulatory email from AAUW National HERE.
Read Suman’s application HERE.
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Welcome New Members
Total membership is now 206! Our newest members are Leila Reyes, Michelle Robleto, and Laura Schenkelberg, pictured below. Other new members include: Deborah Africa, Diana Jimenez, Daniela Martinez, and Sherry Murray.
Read more HERE.
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The Wildflower Run March 30, 2025 Needs you!
We encourage your participation in the 42nd annual Wildflower Run, whether in a competitive run, a fun run, or feeling the satisfaction of volunteering. We've already put plans into action and have a stunning new T-shirt available to members.
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Read more about the Run, new Co-Director in training, and how to order T- shirts before the January 25 deadline HERE. | |
2025 Wildflower Fund Giving Campaign
Each year we ask members to contribute to The Wildflower Fund, which supports all our branch’s charitable activities, including local scholarships and grants for women and girls, Tech Trek camp, and national AAUW programs.
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The Fund includes gifts from members, contributions from Wildflower Run corporate sponsors, and proceeds from the Run.
Please make your gift today. Read more HERE.
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Watch for the Branch Dues Increase Survey
In the second week of January, you will receive an email survey to give your feedback on potential branch dues increases.
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Your input is vital in determining the appropriate dues adjustment. For background information to help you make an informed decision, click HERE.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts, ensuring that we move forward with a fair and sustainable approach. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
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2024 Philanthropy Honorees
Marian Sacco, recipient of AAUW’s 2024 Community Foundation Philanthropy award, was honored at the Philanthropy Gala on November 15.
Two other branch members were also recognized: Harpreet Vittal (selected by Leadership MH) and Amy Martinez (Community Law Enforcement Foundation).
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More than 20 members attended in support of AAUW and other non-profits. Some are pictured here with Marian. Amy is next to her on the right, and Harpreet is fourth from the right. Watch AAUW’s video about Marian HERE. | |
November Program Report
The November program, Defying the Odds: Brain Health, Dementia Prevention and Dementia Care, was supported by the Susan and Charles Berghoff Foundation, AAUW MH, and MHUSD.
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Moderated by member Claudia Rossi, RN, a panel of distinguished bay area health professionals addressed public health data, what it reveals about challenges ahead, and how to improve brain health and reduce dementia risk. The importance of advanced care planning was also included. Over 40 individuals attended in person and on zoom. | |
Gift of Reading Book Sort
Members of AAUW, Friends of the Library, and the community sorted books donated for the Gift of Reading, a holiday book drive organized by BookSmart Community Advantage. The 16 boxes of new books will go to children at eight local schools.
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Volunteers included Krisse Boursier, Sheila Dunwoodie, Jessica Harris, Freddie Lee, Karen MacDonald, Misao Kusuda Michelfelder, Carol O’Hare, Jan Sanders, Kris Shepherd, and Teresa Stephenson.
Special thanks to Margaret McCann for hosting, and to Rich Hinnenkamp for delivering books to schools.
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Holiday Fun
Our annual Holiday Lunch at Giorgio’s on December 8 was a marvelous success. We enjoyed the festive atmosphere, tasty food, excellent company, and traditional holiday music provided by our very own Ukeladies.
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It was a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with new members and to connect with old friends. Our AAUW branch knows how to celebrate, as we look forward to all the wonderful programs and activities that lie ahead in 2025. | |
Member Profile: Sandra Lim
Sandra Lim has been a lifelong advocate for education and women’s rights. She has three college degrees and spent the majority of her career as a teacher; she has also been a volunteer tutor. She was only 25 years old when she first joined AAUW in Cupertino and began her advocacy efforts. When she moved to Morgan Hill in 1986, she became an active branch member here. Read more about Sandra.
Click HERE for the story.
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Travels in Italy
In November, Carol Holzgrafe and Joanne Rife enjoyed their long delayed Road Scholar trip to Rome, Florence and Venice. The weather was perfect, the trip director phenomenal and they saw the sights and sounds of these great Italian cities. The high point was certainly a private trip to Vatican City and time spent in the Sistine Chapel with just 17 other people. Florence was all art and Venice all water, including the requisite gondola ride.
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Travels to India
Suman and Gautam Ganapathy recently visited India with their daughter, Rheanna. Accompanied by Suman’s family from Kolkata, they explored Bishnupur, West Bengal, once ruled by 62 Malla
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Kings (between 694 CE–1947), and renowned for its terracotta temples (1600–1800), vibrant visual arts, music, and exquisite Baluchari silk sarees. Suman was inspired to buy her first saree in 34 years - a stunning handwoven piece. | |
Out To Lunch Bunch
The Out to Lunch Bunch interest group gathers monthly at local restaurants. It was been going for about 20 years, except for a break during the pandemic.
Patti Trantow missed the group and so restarted it last year. Read more about this fun, social group HERE.
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Morning Mingle
What is Morning Mingle and why should you add it your monthly calendar? Read Robyn Carrillo’s article to learn more HERE.
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Member News: Bob Blaine Obituary
Bob Blaine 1932-2024
Bob Blaine, former AAUW MH member, died in October. He joined the branch in 1987; his first wife Irene Blaine was a founding member.
Bob was Wildflower Run co-director for three years in the early 1990s. In 2006 he was recognized for his financial support of the Run as the branch’s first Philanthropy Honoree. He also served as newsletter editor. Our condolences to his wife Helen Lindsey.
Read Bob’s obituary in Morgan Hill Life.
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Join the Newsletter Team
Welcome to Julie Page Griffoul, a brand-new member who has volunteered to be Layout Editor for the newsletter email. Thank you, Julie!
If you are interested in being involved with our Branch bimonthly newsletter, we are still looking for someone to help with copy editing. To learn more, contact Marian at: aauwmh.newsletter@gmail.com.
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Update on NCCWSL
The leadership program that our branch has supported for many years, National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) held in Maryland, will no longer be organized by AAUW National.
Consequently, members of the Santa Clara County AAUW Interbranch Council (IBC) have discussed searching for an alternative leadership conference located in the west coast.
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If you have any suggestions or contacts at local colleges that might organize such an event, please help by contacting Marian Sacco. | |
2024 Community Action Grants
This year, the Community Action Grants committee reviewed 14 applications from a variety of community groups looking for financial assistance for their projects. We selected ten incredible programs and allocated a total of $8,500, in $500 and $1000 increments. These grants are supported by Wildflower Fund donations and Run proceeds.
Learn more about our recipients’ projects HERE.
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Ukuladies Support Community Solutions
The members of the AAUW's Ukuladies group pooled their funds to "adopt" a family this holiday season. Partnering with Community Solutions in Gilroy, they purchased holiday gifts for a single mother and her eight-year-old son to brighten what otherwise might have been a difficult time for them during the holidays.
This was just one of about 300 families that Community Solutions works within our local community.
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Check out the photo of the non-profit organization's warehouse filled with dropped-off gifts to be distributed to families. Such a lot of joy to be unwrapped this year! | |
Young Women Leaders Update
The YWL members have been hard at work planning their Leadership Conference for March 22, 2025 to be held at Central High School.
They have completed the grant application for the County Commission on the Status of Women.
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Under the direction of Kaylyn Nguyen, the marketing committee has designed the conference flyer and are updating the YWL website. Additionally, YWL members contributed gifts to a Community Solutions family and helped with BookSmart’s Gift of Reading book drive. | |
Leadership Morgan Hill at 30 Years
Leadership Morgan Hill celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2025 with a kickoff event on January 22 at Guglielmo Winery at 5:30 pm. Everyone is invited.
To see a list of recent LMH participants that AAUW has sponsored, click HERE.
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ISPF-AAUW Treasurer Needed
The AAUW Interbranch Special Projects Foundation (ISPF) Treasurer keeps track of income and expenditures for the fundraising activities of Santa Clara County AAUW branches.
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Morgan Hill’s Wildflower Fund is one of the largest accounts with ISPF, and so we are being asked to find a replacement for the current treasurer, who is retiring after serving for many years.
Please consider supporting the work of AAUW in this important position. Read more about it HERE.
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Title IX and Gender-Based Scholarships
Read why some educational institutions may not want to list our available scholarships and why they should. This article was written by the co-chair of the AAUW CA Public Policy Committee.
For more information about Title IX and local schools, contact Susan Rife, MH Advocacy Coordinator/Public Policy Chair.
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Tired of those sticky paper name tags?
Order a nifty name badge from:
Make It Mine, 101 Main Street, Morgan Hill
408-776-0556 or mim@garlic.com
The price is $12 plus tax.
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