
October 2022                                                                                                            View as Webpage

Mission Statement

AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

In this issue:

Mission Statement

President's Letter

The Directory is Here!

October General Meeting

The Directory is Here

Useful Links

AAUW AZ Fall Forum

Diversity Awareness Month


New members

Scholarship Committee

Caring and Sharing

Public Policy

Arizona Adventures

Prepare to Vote in AZ

College Connection:

  -Grounds for Thought

  • Title IX

  -What Students are Saying

  • Scholar Athletes

  -Mentors for Student Teachers

  -Save the Date - Food Drive

 -Calendar Dates

Special Interest Groups

Branch Information


“If I waited until I had all my ducks in a row, I’d never make it across the street. Sometimes you just have to gather up what you’ve got and make a run for it.” Judge Lynn Toler


I think most of our ducks were lined up quite well for the start of our 2022-23 year. Thank you to our hospitality committee for providing a great choice of breakfast goodies to welcome us back. Our Public Policy team presented a great update on many current issues, especially on the ever-changing education agenda before the AZ legislature. The team is going to remind us, challenge us, and bring us the latest information this year.

Welcome to our newest members, two of whom were with us and introduced themselves. We look forward to your participation and expertise. Our Special Interest Groups are busy, I heard many plans being made, and several e-blasts of information have already been in my email. The Board approved a new budget with some needed increases for our committees to continue and improve their dedicated work.

We had a basket raffle and made another $180 for our scholarships. The fund-raising committee is active and planning. I think we’ll see some new initiatives this year. You’ve already seen some changes in the delivery of the Branch newsletter. Constant Contact, a widely used company of digital and email marketing is being used. If you didn’t get your newsletter, check your spam or junk mail. My first one went there as my email service didn’t recognize the “sender”. I moved it to my inbox, and voila, no more issues with it.

I can’t promise a duck isn't going to wander here and there, but with our Board, committees, and your help, we’re in a line to help implement our Mission. See you in October! 


Karen Bunting, President 2022-23


October General Meeting

Thursday, October 20

9:00 A.M.

Sun City West Foundation Webb Room

14465 RH Johnson Boulevard

Sun City West, AZ 85375

The Maricopa Community Colleges: Preparing a Future-Ready Workforce


As our region continues to recover from the economic shock of the pandemic, our community colleges are more crucial than ever. Dr. Linda Thor, member of the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board, will speak about how the Maricopa Community Colleges, the largest workforce training provider in Arizona, is curating a robust talent pipeline for key industries across the region. Learn how collaboration and innovation opened opportunities ranging from bachelor's degrees in areas of high workforce demand to quick-start semiconductor technician boot camps. Higher education in a post-COVID-19 world will also be explored.

The Directory is Here!!

(Thank You Nancy Wilson and Committee)

A treasure-trove of information on who and what you need to know for the

2022-2023 year. 

Pick up your copy at the October General Meeting. A PDF version

is posted on the Branch website in the Membership (password-protected) section.

Directory 2022-2023 


There is so much happening within our organization. Stay current on AAUW initiatives and activities at the National, State, and Branch levels:

AAUW National:

AAUW Arizona State:

AAUW NWV Branch:

(Site is under renovation)



AAUW AZ Fall Forum




Saturday, October 29, 2022

10:00am - 3:30pm

In Person


Scottsdale Community College- Indigenous Cultural Center (ICC)

9000 E. Chaparral Rd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85258

            Please register by Monday, October 17: 


Sponsored by American Association of University Women (AAUW) of AZ

October is Diversity Awareness Month

Paige Robinett, AAUW Staff member

        Know the difference between diversity & inclusion and act on that.

  • Diversity is being invited to the dance.
  • Inclusion is being asked to dance.
  • Belonging is feeling safe enough to dance like nobody is watching.


Cindy Ferguson, Co-Chair

The Membership Committee will meet on Thursday, October 13th at 2:00 pm at the CIT Bank on RH Johnson Blvd to plan the first New Member Gathering of the year.


New members will have the opportunity to:


  • Meet Branch Leadership
  •  Connect with other members new to the AAUW Northwest Valley Branch
  • Learn about the many Special Interest Groups available for their enjoyment and enrichment
  • Find out more about the important AAUW mission initiatives.


For more information contact Cindy.

Please welcome our newest member:

Wanda Lauterborn

Look for the ❤️ Heart on all new members' name tags and say Hello!

Scholarship Committee Meeting


Tuesday, October 27 at 1:30 PM

Lu Marchese’s home

22505 N. Homestead Lane

Sun City West, AZ 85375

Anyone who is interested in the Scholarship Committee

Please email Lu Marchese, or call at


Sharing and Caring

By Sheryl Saddoris


If you or anyone you know in our AAUW branch could use a word of encouragement, a thinking of you, or a sympathy card, please let me know. I would love to send them a card to let them know we’re thinking about them. Send an email to Sheryl Saddoris.

Public Policy for October:

"Do You Know Your Legislators"

Cindy Ferguson and Becky Saylor will be presenting some important Voter information during our Public Policy 5 Minute Information session. Do you know who your legislators are?

Arizona Adventures

Our next adventure, open to all Branch members, is set for Tuesday, October 25. We will tour the Arizona State Capital and hope to have our legislators join us in the Capi museum. Lunch will follow at Cracker Barrel.

AZ Adventures normally has outings the 4th Friday of the month; October is an exception. For details and reservations, contact either Kate King623-546-4175; or Rosemary Dougherty, 623-760-8479.

Prepare to Vote in Arizona

(Bonnie Boyce Wilson)

General Election Date:  November 8

Early voting ballots mailed:  October 12

Use to

  • search for your voter registration
  • request a ballot-by-mail
  • find polling locations
  • check status of your ballot-by-mail
  • more

Do your homework on ballot initiatives. Generally speaking, Arizona allows laws to be enacted in three ways:

  1. by direct the legislative action
  2. by referral of the legislature to the ballot
  3. by citizen initiatives, also called propositions, where enough citizen signatures are gathered for the initiative to go on the ballot.

There are eight ballot initiatives confirmed for the ballot and three more possible. You can find the proposals and pro/con arguments at


Grounds for Thought:

Title IX - A Work in Progress

We continue to celebrate the passage of Title IX 50 years ago, but there still is work needed to fulfill its promise. Sylvia Braaten, the daughter-in-law of branch member Beryl Flathman-Braaten, is the Assistant Coach of the Women's Rugby team at Harvard University. She responded to the College Connection Team's concerns about the status of Title IX.

From her insider's position as both a player and coach, Sylvia shared these observations about Title IX:

  • There are fewer opportunities to gain experience and exposure - women lack the "old boys' network" and well established formal or informal networks and peer support.
  • Gender stereotypes of what is acceptable for women in high performance roles still exist. This can be around family roles and different expectations of women vs. their male counterparts when it comes to balancing work and family demands.
  • Only 4% of sports media coverage goes to women. 83% of sports editors are men.

She concluded by stating, "There continues to be the argument that women's sports need to bring in more revenue prior to increasing women's sports media coverage and prime time viewing. However, the opposite is true - more media coverage, more support, more funding, more accessibility = more money in women's sports."

Submitted by Ann Mitchell, Co-chair, College Connection Team

What Students Are Saying:  Scholar-Athletes

Rosemary Dougherty and Kate King flank the four scholar-athletes they interviewed at Glendale Community College in early September 2022. Left to right: Riley, Maya, Jada, and Kylie.


Maya is majoring in Criminal Justice.  Kylie is majoring in Business Management. Both want to get basketball scholarships to a 4-year school.


Jada is studying Elementary Education.  Riley is majoring in Exercise Science working toward a degree in physical therapy or rehabilitation. Neither will continue with volleyball as they complete their four-year degrees in their majors. 

We had prepared a few questions in advance and explained that we would like to follow-up with them in February.


They seemed enthused that AAUW members might attend some of their games and gave us the basketball and volleyball team schedules. It would be nice if we could round up some members to go cheer them on.

All four students were recruited to play either basketball or volleyball and all received scholarships.


GCC Teams belong to the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). They can travel up to three hours for a game. GCC is known for its good volleyball teams; they won the Nationals in 2016.


Balancing of sports activities (games, travel, practice, dinners) with academics and personal life is VERY challenging during the basketball/volleyball seasons. It is hard to prioritize but they must keep up on academics or they lose their scholarships. They either live at home or in an apartment – when they leave the house, they look like “pack animals” since they have to bring everything with them for all activities during that day. To manage they must have decent time-management skills. They generally squeeze in homework before practice or a game and for a few hours after. One student schedules class for only 3 days, so she can deal with life chores on the other days. It can be overwhelming, but they get support from teammates and coaches when necessary.


Sports and team play have contributed substantially to their personal lives. They've learned essential life skills and core characteristics: staying disciplined, working as a team, getting along with persons from different backgrounds or that you don’t necessarily like, and becoming more extroverted.


Concerning gender parity in sports, they feel this exists at GCC. They hang out socially with men’s teams and find the men are very supportive of women’s teams. Each shows up to the other’s games, sometimes because games are scheduled close to theirs, but also because there’s a natural connection and understanding between athletes. Men's and women’s teams have so much in common they appreciate and understand what each other is going through.


Their early interest in sports and their families' support of their interest was universal. All of the women were athletic as children and most enjoyed playing numerous sports when younger. Their families encouraged their pursuit of sports and also played a role in helping each decide which sport to specialize in for high school and college. One woman's dad wanted her to pursue basketball but she selected volleyball because her mom played volleyball in school and was a significant role model for her. One student’s interest in sports spawned from following her brother around and playing everything that he played.

Mentors for Student Teachers

Ann Mitchell

Six AAUW Northwest Valley members met with Dr. Amy Hogan via Zoom on September 19 for an orientation to the mentoring program for student teachers at Ottawa University. 

Mentors include Dorothy Alexander, Karen Bunting, Adrienne Kirschner, Kathleen Long, Sharon Phelps, and Barbara Potter.

All of the participants were surprised that the student teachers are the "Teacher of Record" in their classroom. Dr. Hogan shared that 30% of Arizona teachers are not licensed. The student teachers in the Ottawa University program are working toward their certification and the AAUW mentors will be supporting them with observations and suggestions. The mentors and their student teachers will meet in-person as a group on October 20th on the OUAZ campus. We will keep the branch posted as this new program unfolds.

November 17, 2022


Donation Event at the General Meeting to benefit the
Glendale Community College Food Bank
Co-chairs: Mary Jo Blum, Barbara McCart, Gail Peterson, and Diane Smith. 

Calendar Dates:

We Need Your Help and Participation

November 9 - 9:00 a.m.

"College Students -

Challenges and Dreams"

Special Guest Speaker, Michelle Acantar, Interim Director of Community Development, Glendale Community College.

Location - Mitchell rental house in SCW.

November 17

"More than Mac & Cheese"

Collection of individually wrapped food items and personal care products for the FOOD PANTRY at Glendale Community College. The collection will take place before the November general meeting. Food insecurity is an ongoing issue for college students and negatively impacts their classroom success. Please help by donating packages of instant meals, snack foods, dried fruits, peanut butter & jelly, etc.

November 21: 8:30-11:30 a.m.

November 22: 12:00-3:00 p.m.

Resume Reviews

The Teacher Education staff at Glendale Community College has requested the assistance of AAUW members who will meet in-person with students to review their resumes. You will get the resumes ahead of time so you will be in a position to offer suggestions for improvement. You will meet with each student for 30 minutes to assist them with their resume. This will take place on campus.

This is our opportunity to make the AAUW Mission matter in the college community!

 If you can help with any of the activities, please contact Ann Mitchell.

Co-Chairs: Linda StyrwollKaren Diaz

Monday Book Club

Meeting: 2nd Monday, 10 a.m.



Next meeting Oct 10 in the Foundation Board Room. Book: Heartland by Sarah Smarsh.

Contact: Diane Wilbur, 623.944.2666


Open Book Club

Meeting: 3rd Monday at 2 p.m.



Next meeting Oct 17. Book: My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir by Katherine Johnson.

Contact: Betty Merwin


Evening Book Club

Meeting: 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m. at a member’s home

The Deborah Channell Memorial Book Group. Membership is limited to 12.    

Contact: Anne Burris623-640-4663



Non-Fiction Book Club

Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 6 p.m. AZ time

(All year round via Zoom)

Next meeting Oct 12. Book: Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin.


Contact: Janet Murphy



SnowBird Book Club

Meeting: 1st Tuesday at 1 p.m. AZ time

(All year round - Hybrid)

Next meeting Oct 4 at CitiBank, 19432 N RH Johnson Blvd, SCW. Book: The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles.


Contact: Lorie Lux or Sharon Phelps 


Great Decisions

Meeting: 2nd Tuesday at 2 p.m.


Next meeting Oct 11 at home of Sharon Phelps. Topic: "The Quad Alliance," Chapter 5 in 2022 book.


Contact: Sharon Phelps


Memories to Memoirs

Meeting: 1st Monday at 9:30 a.m. AZ time,


Next meeting Oct 3 at home of Sharon Phelps. Writing prompt: Three adjectives I would like others to use to describe me.


Contact: Joye Kohl (see Directory).

RSVP to Sharon Phelps


Mexican Train

  • Group I: 1st Thursday at 1 p.m.-4 p.m.

Barbara McCart, 623-330-5708. Contact leader for location.

  • Group II: Meets January-April

Sue Knippen, 419-692-8611

Sharan Paul307-660-8381


Mah Jongg

Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 1 p.m.


Contact: Ellen Erickson, 701-741-6735



  • Meeting: 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 1 p.m.

Contact: Pat Riffle623-546-1254

  • Meeting: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1 p.m. 

Contact: Nancy Wilson623-252-7436


Snowbird Bridge

Meeting: 1st and 3rd Friday at 1 p.m. 


Contact: Nancy Wilson623-252-7436



Meeting: 4th Monday, 1 p.m.


Next meeting Oct 24 at home of Sharon Phelps.


Contact: Sheryl Saddoris



AAUW Hiking Club

Email Judy to be put on the Club’s mailing list. Hike details are sent to Club members.


Contact: Judith Neigoff 


Food and Wine I 

Meeting: 4th Wednesday at 4 p.m.



Next meeting Oct 26. Theme: Sensational Sherries. Contact club leaders for location.

Contact: Marlene Gates, 623-556-4998 or

Kathleen Padula, 623-234-3993

Food and Wine II

Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.


Next meeting Oct 19. Theme: Welcome Back Wine Wednesday. Contact leaders for location.

Contact: Kathy Morgan or Pherne Lewis

Food and Wine III

Meeting: 3rd Wednesday at 4 p.m. 

(All year round)

Next meeting Oct 19. Contact club leaders for details.

Contact: Susan Hershberger or Suzanne Lowe


Genealogy Gals

Meeting: 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m. 



Next meeting Oct 14 at the home of Paia Parodi. Topic: "Ringing Wedding Bells." Coffee: 9:00, meeting: 9:30.

Contact: Ann Mitchell (see Directory)


Women’s History

Meeting: 3rd Friday at 9:30 a.m.



Contacts: Joye Kohl (see Directory) or

Debbie Hansen



AAUW Travel Club ** NEW CLUB**

Traveling to Santa Fe, Wednesday, October 26 -- Sunday, October 30. Club rented a big VRBO house in Santa Fe and a 12-person van for transportation. Both Club members and non-members are welcome.

Details and reservations, email Barbara Hoida or call her at 414-881-8464.


Officers – 2022-2023

President - Karen Bunting

President Elect - Marge Whitman

Program VPs - Dorothy Alexander, Ronda Clark

Membership VPs - Cindy Ferguson, Linda Clancy

Finance VP (Treasurer) - Tina Byrne

Recording Secretaries - Kathleen Long, Deborah Engle

Corresponding Secretary - Rosemary Dougherty

Chairs and Appointees - 2022-2023
College Connection Team - Ann Mitchell, Joye Kohl
Directory - Nancy Wilson, Judy Neigoff
E-blasts – Marge Whitman
Event Coordinator - Rosemary Dougherty
Facebook Administrators - Joye Kohl, Fran Menzel, Nancy Wilson
Health Officer - Dale Maron
Historian - Marge Haberman
Hospitality/Greeters - Rosemary Dougherty, Suzanne James,
Sharon Phelps
Newsletter - Marge Haberman. Doris Montrose
Photography - Rosemary Dougherty
Public Policy - Sharon Phelps. Suzanne Lowe
Scholarship Committee - Lu Marchese, Patt Bowers
Sharing and Caring - Sheryl Saddoris
Special Interest Groups - Karen Diaz, Linda Styrwoll
Technical - Sara Schmitt, Karen Bunting, Marge Whitman

AAUW NWV Newsletter:  Nine issues published September thru May.  

**Newsletter deadline: 20th of the preceding month**

Submit all articles to Marge Haberman.  Reporters and photographers – we need your time and talent!

Format text in Microsoft Word and photos as Jpeg.