Spring is here and we made it without a blizzard this year! With COVID cases dropping and promises of heading toward a more normal life, it’s wonderful to imagine starting up the next AAUW year with hope for in-person meetings. We’ll continue to follow the guidelines and keep you in the planning loop.

We were especially honored to have Julia T. Brown, AAUW National Board Chair, as our March guest presenter, speaking on a multitude of topics on women, AAUW and its programs, our role in improving the drive toward equity for women, and the challenges of work/life balance. Be sure and see the recap in this Newsletter, as well as her presentation posted on our website.

Our April 2nd meeting features our annual Graduate Scholarship and Textbook Scholarship awards. The committees, headed by Karen Reichensberger, reviewed the highest number ever of applicants – 32 for textbooks and 21 for graduate -- from a group of highly qualified young women students. The winners will join us at our April meeting and the graduate scholars will speak to us about their backgrounds and career goals.

April is also our Annual Membership Meeting and we will conduct member voting for the new branch officers for the 2022-2023 AAUW SA year. Check out the article in this Newsletter about the candidates and branch elections. Note the article on renewing your membership – it’s that time and there’s a special bonus for those paying early! (e)

Our 50th Texas AAUW Conference is coming soon – totally virtual on April 30th, 9:00-5:00. Make sure you register – it’s free but you will need the Zoom link to enter! An array of interesting speakers, celebration of 50 years of Title IX, and a Golden Opportunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of AAUW Texas are all on the agenda.

Be grateful for all that is good in our lives and for having our community in AAUW with whom to share it. Especially keep in mind the women and children of Ukraine and donate, as you are able, to help them through their terrible struggle.

Stronger together –
Cheryl Fuller
AAUW San Antonio President