February is Black History month and we celebrate our nation’s diversity. Perhaps it is most appropriate to harken back to the words of Martin Luther King Jr. when he said, “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”

The pandemic is not over and the strain is evident on the country in general, our medical system, our families, and ourselves. We will continue our membership meetings in virtual mode and take advantage of the diversity of the topics our speakers have been bringing to us. We look forward to discussions on factors affecting pay equity (such as student debt and skills to help women in hiring and promotion) and how to build wealth to ensure promising futures.

Join AAUW’s effort in supporting the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act to ensure that all Americans have free and fair voting rights. Let your position be known to your senators and representatives in Congress. See the Two-Minute Activist information in this issue.

The slate of nominees for our 2022-2023 officers will be presented to members at our March General Meeting, with voting at our April Annual Meeting. We encourage members to consider running – if not this time, maybe another. Details of the positions and Nominating Committee contacts are included in this newsletter.

As we celebrate the month of February and its focus on love, we are mindful of our families and friends, and grateful for the fellowship we share in our AAUW sisterhood. Reach out and help each other through these tough times. Stay healthy, fully vaccinated, with mask on!

Looking forward to seeing you all at our February 5th meeting. Watch for the agenda and Zoom codes coming your way soon. And don’t forget to try your hand at the “Fun Facts” survey!

Stronger together –
Cheryl Fuller
AAUW San Antonio