Volume 114 Issue 6

2022-2023 Theme:

Supporting Marginalized Women and Girls

During This Time of Change

Message from the President

Dear Members,

Over the past two weeks, I was able to travel to see my youngest grandson graduate Cum Laude from Norfolk State University, my alma mater. As I reflect and rejoice in this wonderful occasion, I think how grateful I am to have grandsons who had the opportunity and access to continue their education at institutions of higher learning. I am cognizant of the fact that marginalized people do not have the same level of support and access as my grandsons. As we continue our advocacy, it is important that we do what we can as an organization to support efforts to provide pathways for all students to reach their full potential. I would like to also congratulate all other fall 2022 graduates. 

Just as my grandson is moving to the next phase of his life, and new adventures in the new year, I am also excited about upcoming programs and fundraisers for AAUWSA.


So, what can we look forward to in the New Year? First, is fundraising. Fundraising is very important and ongoing for AAUW National as well as AAUW branches. National had to cut more than two thirds of their staff. This affects how well and when they respond to branches and their needs. In order to alleviate budget constraints, it would be nice for members to donate to their Greatest Needs fund. This will allow them the needed flexibility in managing their operations budget. The operations budget accounts for 4% of the overall AAUW budget.

In addition to giving at the national level, your local AAUWSA needs additional funds to support programming throughout the year. Here are four ways you can support:

1.     AAUWSA’s ongoing fundraising continues with the annual raffle donation. This year we tried automating the raffle donations to save on operational costs. You still have a chance to win the $300 or $100 VISA card. The drawing is January 7, 2023.

2.     Champagne and Chocolates in February (Book Scholarship)

3.     Bingo in May (Branch donation to National)

4.     You can donate at any time to our local branch. 

Second, for the New Year, we can look forward to exciting program. Listed, are events happening the first four months of the year:


As you review our past monthly programs, you can follow our investigation of access to STEM/STEAM education by local girls and marginalized youth that would lead to increased employment in those sectors by women and other marginalized groups. Last month our speaker indicated that the CAST schools were located in some of the lower income areas, and open to all students. However, being accessible and open to all are two different things. In this case, access to the schools by marginalized children was not available. On January 19, a group will visit The Institute of Cyber Security to learn what it offers, to whom it is offered, and accessibility. 


Get excited! February will be the first month of in-person General Meeting for AAUWSA. This is a hybrid meeting so the meeting notice will provide the address for those meeting in person and the Zoom link for those attending from home. We look forward to seeing you in “real life”!!!


March is Women’s History month. Kathy Dicke is asking for volunteers to help develop and deliver a program to the students at the Young Women’s Leadership Academy of San Antonio. The program will provide information on AAUW, and how it is relative to them now and in their future.

Also in March, we may be attending the San Antonio City Council meeting. That is still a work in progress. We will email Constant Contact updates.


We will present the graduate scholarship winners to the membership. This should be a highly attended meeting. Look for more on this meeting as we approach April.

Lastly, please go to the Texas AAUW website (click here) to read more about our lobbyist, Kate Kuhlmann, and the legislation she will be following for us.

I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful Holiday season!

Diane Claiborne-Carr


AAUW San Antonio

“The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” Melody Beattie

2022-2023 Branch Leaders

Executive Committee


Diane Claiborne-Carr       

President Elect


Vice President Membership

Ruth Lyle                         

Vice President Programs

Monica Ruiz-Mills               


Ashlee Martinez      


Adrien Frank  


Suzanne Benson

Standing Committees

Public Policy

Pat Sanford


Adrien Frank


Karen Reichensperger

Eleanor Skelley    


Martha Steele


Kimberly Henry


Malinda Gaul


Mary Ellen Pratt


Kimberly Henry





Patricia Tucker

Community Coordinator



Betty Russell


Michelle Burk

Member Outreach

Kathy Dicke


Saturday, January 7, 2023

11:00 am

Link to be sent by

President Diane Claiborne-Carr

Gift Card Drawings

November Meeting Recap

Carol Bertsch, Certified Elder Attorney, presented “Getting Your Affairs in Order.” During the presentation, we learned about the importance of a Financial and Medical Power of Attorney, an Advanced Directive, a Transfer of Death Deed, and other considerations when estate planning. You can view the presentation on our website, and you may visit the Law Offices of Carol Bertsch | Elder Law | San Antonio, Texas website (assistingseniors.com) or call for additional information at 210.892.4555.

We are planning for our in-person/hybrid meeting in February and will be sending more information in the February newsletter. Our February speaker is: Airika Buford, Project Director, Bexar County Educational Success Program, UTSA Program. She will present “It Takes a Village: Creating a Holistic Pipeline of Support for Students with Experience in Foster Care.”

AAUW San Antonio Textbook Scholarships

 $300 VISA Gift Card


$100 VISA Gift Card



We are continuing the tradition of raising funds for the textbook scholarships that AAUW SA awards annually to assist women attending a college or university in Bexar County to purchase textbooks. We will have a drawing for $300 and $100 gift cards at a special virtual meeting January 7, 2023. You do not need to be present or a member of AAUW to win.


Please support this worthy effort by donating to this drawing.

  • 1 Ticket for any donation of $10 
  • 3 Tickets for any donation of $25   
  • 10 Tickets for any donation of $80                 


This year you can donate online by debit card or credit card by clicking the link below and following the instructions.




Once your donation is complete, GalaBid will

automatically send an email

with an identifying number

based on the amount of your donation.


You may also donate by check:

Payable to AAUW San Antonio

Mail check to:

Adrien Frank

   140 Patterson Ave., Apt 104            

   San Antonio, TX 78209

Include the total number of tickets for which you

are donating on the memo line of your check.

 Once we receive your check, someone on our team

will contact you with details about your tickets.


The last day we will receive donations is January 4, 2023.


All tickets generated by your donations online and via check will be combined into a randomizer that will select winners. You can only win one prize. The first draw will be for the $300 gift card and the second draw will be for the $100 gift card.


Please forward this email to family/friends who may want to donate to our fundraiser. 


Thank you in advance for your generosity. Textbooks cost hundreds of dollars each semester. Winners often tell us that receiving the AAUW SA scholarship has enabled them to stay in school or work less which allows more time to study and achieve better grades.


By automating the drawing, we save some operating dollars to apply to the scholarships.


Thank you for making this year’s Textbook Scholarship Fundraiser another great success.


Sincerely yours,


Kimberly Henry, Chair, Fundraising (864-387-0585)

Ruth Lyle, VP Membership

Adrien Frank, Treasurer

Institute of Cyber Security & Innovation - NEISD San Antonio

Institute of Cyber Security and Innovation Tour

San Antonio is home to the country’s second-largest concentration of cybersecurity experts and nearly 40 cybersecurity companies have headquarters in San Antonio.

NEISD wants to create a space that prepares students for the workforce and introduce them to an industry that has infinite potential.

The AAUW SA Community Outreach Committee is organizing a tour of the Institute of Cyber Security and Innovation (ICSI) on Thursday, January 19, at 10:00 am. Space is limited so, contact Adrien Frank: [email protected] or 210.867.9838.

Students Seyma Kilic and Andrea Navarro and Teacher Mrs. Pullido will be our tour guides.  

Adrien Frank

Public Policy

The midterms are over and the 88th Texas legislative session begins January 10, 2023. AAUW Texas and AAUW San Antonio are not standing idly by in the interim. At the state public policy Zoom meeting on November 15, members from branches around the state reviewed their Get Out the Vote efforts. Some had become Voter Deputy Registrars and had registered high school seniors in their communities. Some had worked at their local poll sites during early voting and on election day. Some expressed approval of and admiration for the assigned judges at their sites for exemplifying bipartisanship and strict observance of the stated procedures. Members reported that all poll watchers had been certified and were treated respectfully, as were all voters.

Attendees on Zoom also reported that some AAUW branches have worked directly with the League of Women Voters. LWV is well known for its online information and strategies to increase citizens' political awareness. The Austin LWV has a Capitol Corps to assist groups with setting up meetings with legislators and contacting them to introduce or influence bills of interest. San Antonio LWV provides training that voter registration workers need to make presentations in area schools and provides them with mentoring and opportunities to present in schools.

On December 1st, AAUW Texas Programs VP Terry Whaley hosted a Zoom meeting to introduce Kate Kuhlmann of HlllCo Partners. Kate and the staff of HillCo Partners will work with our organization during the 88th Texas Legislative Session, which will start on January 10, 2023. November 14 was the first day of bill filing by legislators, and 921 bills and resolutions were filed. Many more filings will take place through March 10. The AAUW Texas committee members will follow bills which match our policy priorities, and legislative information will be shared periodically. Kate provided charts and graphics that highlighted the legislate process, where the legislature stands now, and information on how to contact our legislative representatives and follow bills through the process. See the chart below.

Many more filings will take place through March 10. The AAUW Texas committee members will follow bills which match our policy priorities, and legislative information will be shared periodically.

Pat Sanford

Public Policy Chair, AAUW SA

Public Policy Committee, AAUW Texas


Women’s History Month at YWLA

AAUW-SA is participating in Women’s History Month at YWLA (Young Women’s Leadership Academy) on March 31, 2023, 11:30 am, 2123 W. Huisache. We will be leading small group discussions with the juniors and seniors on gender and pay equity, Title IX, advancing women in leadership and other issues. If you would be interested in helping with this seminar, please contact Kathy Dicke, 314-249-8319.

Hybrid Meeting Survey

Please complete this survey and let us know your preferences for future meetings.

Click Here to Take the Survey

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL)

NCCWSL will be in person this year!!!! National will be sending information to the Branches in December. This national premier workshop will be the last week in May at the University of Maryland. We are planning on sending some students again this year. More to come.

Shape the Future Membership

Invite a friend or family member to attend a meeting. If they join after attending a San Antonio AAUW event or meeting the National dues are only $33.50, AAUW Texas $13, and San Antonio Branch $16 for a total of $62.50.

Thank you for supporting AAUW!

Ruth Lyle

Vice President Membership



Have you read an interesting book? Binged a great tv series? Listened to new music? Visited an exciting city, country, art exhibit, music festival, restaurant?

Let us know so we may share it in our newsletters.

Click Here to Share


Check Out the new

The Dogfather II

13032 Nacogdoches Road 78217

or the original

The Dogfather

6211 San Pedro Avenue 78216

Program Schedule for 2022-2023

January 7, 2023: Gift Card Drawings

February 4, 2023: Access for youth in the foster care system (Aligned to DEI topic: Systems that Foster Disparities and Inequities)

Speaker: Airika Buford, Project Director, Bexar County Educational Success Program, UTSA

Program: It Takes a Village: Creating a Holistic Pipeline of Support for Students with Experience in Foster Care.

The Bexar County Fostering Educational Success Program (BCFES) is a collaborative effort to improve access and retention of youth and young adults interested in or pursuing higher education. The presenter will provide an overview of the model, strategic framework, and the special initiatives put in place to fill in the gaps in resources and support services for BCFES participants. Lastly, the presentation will discuss the community support needed to ensure that pipelines of support like these are sustainable and how to become a part of the village that help to improve the educational trajectory of students with a history in foster care.

March 4, 2023: The Status of Women in San Antonio Update (Aligned to DEI topic: Disparities and Inequities)

Speaker: City of San Antonio Member TBA

Program: Status of Women in San Antonio

The Status of Women in San Antonio report was commissioned by the city of San Antonio to provide an overview of disparities in San Antonio in the areas of gender, health, well-being, economic opportunities, political participation, and safety.

April 1, 2023

Lead: Dr. Karen Reichensperger, Scholarship Committee Chair

Program: San Antonio AAUW Scholarship Winners

May 6, 2023: Scobee Girls STEM Summit (Aligned to DEI topic: Equity)

Speakers: Michelle Risse and Andrea Montano

Program: Scobee Education Center: STEM Education for Young Women Interested in STEM Careers

This presentation will reflect on the programs Scobee has provided through the Artemis Academy for Girls, the Scobee STEM Summit and what research tells us about how general STEM careers currently reflect our population. The Scobee Education Center has hosted the Scobee Girls STEM Summit since 2016 and funded an all-girls STEM camp.

Committee Members:

Monica Ruiz-Mills

Judy Branch

Mary Ellen Pratt

Martha Steele

Interest Groups


Wednesday, January 25

4:30 pm




239 E. Grayson Street

RSVP to Helga Anderson

By Sunday, January 22, 2023

[email protected]


No Culinary Adventures

in January

Ali Heller

[email protected]


Call a friend on this date and go for lunch at a place you have been wanting to try.

See you on February 9, 2023!


Monday, January 2

12:00 noon


14424 San Pedro Ave. 78232

Contact Pearl Eng

[email protected]




Saturday, January 21

10:00 am

Hidden Valley Road

by Robert Kolker

RSVP to Diane Carr

for Zoom Link

[email protected]

2022-2023 Officers

President Diane Claiborne-Carr

Vice President Programs Monica Ruiz-Mills

Vice President Membership Ruth Lyle

Secretary Ashlee Martinez

Treasurer Adrien Frank


You can donate to the AAUW San Antonio Branch for Scholarships by making a check out to AAUW SA and sending it to Treasurer Adrien Frank, 140 Patterson, #104, San Antonio, TX 78209.

You can also donate to AAUW Greatest Needs

by clicking HERE.

The Two-Minute Activist
The Two-Minute Activist is a source of information on topics relating to women’s issues. It also enhances our ability to send emails and texts to legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. Sign up on the AAUW webpage to get regular alerts to be able to take timely action.
You can also text “AAUW” to 21333 to get AAUW action alerts via text. 

Follow AAUW San Antonio on:

Facebook www.facebook.com/aauw.sanantonio

Twitter @AAUW_SanAntonio

LinkedIn AAUW San Antonio

For more information visit the AAUW websites: