2019-2020 Theme:
Economic Security for Women
Message from the President
I do hope that all of you are well, staying calm and finding some joy during these challenging times. I, along with the Board, consider our membership the AAUWSA community. We hope that if we can do anything for you to help you get through these challenges, that you will contact us.
It has been an honor to serve as President these past two years. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you as we shared time together at our monthly meetings and at various activity groups. Each of you come with your own talents and ideas, yet we share the common goal of advocating for women and girls that someday all will be considered equal in our economy, education, and all areas of life. My gratitude extends to the Board for their support, advice, hard work and encouragement. Our meetings, committees and other activities would not have been effective and enjoyable without their efforts. I encourage you, as members of AAUW to consider joining an activity group that you have not attended or serving on one of our committees. I will continue to serve on the board as past president and look forward to seeing all of you next fall when we hopefully meet again.
Please take time to go to the all-new National AAUW website. It is upgraded and much easier to navigate. There is a webinar link there to learn more about the history of the website and the features of this new one. The site is
Your membership team, consisting of Kathy Dickey, Membership VP and Kathy Kraft, Treasurer, have done a great job of making your continued membership easy by adding the on-line option for membership payment. I hope you will take that opportunity and continue to support AAUW. Find more about this further in the newsletter.
The current board and incoming new officers will be meeting in June to plan for next year. If you have any concerns or planning ideas for us to consider, contact me.
I wish all of you a happy and healthy summer.
To Peace,
Suzanne Benson
AAUW San Antonio President
Message from Your President for 2020-2021
Thank you for electing me as your new AAUW San Antonio President -- I’m very much looking forward to AAUW 2020-2021! These are challenging times, yet we are extraordinary women and we will forge an alternate path forward to continue to enable our work in advancing equity for all women and girls. The coming year will be focused on economic and physical well-being for all. During the summer, your Board will be working to plan activities and programs. With the help of technology we will stay connected, maintaining our physical distance for as long as is mandated. Some of us have tried out Zoom already with Wine Women and Wisdom, as well as plugging into the recent AAUW Convening which had over 70 members connected Texas-wide! It’s also possible to connect simultaneously by phone. This can work well for several of our interest groups.
I am extremely honored to serve as your president and look forward to our collaboration as we learn, work and enjoy our times together. Stay healthy, calm and tuned in for more news on events for next year. See you in September – what a great idea for a song!
Cheryl Fuller
AAUW San Antonio President-Elect
Membership Renewal Time
It is time to renew your membership for the 2020-2021 fiscal year which begins July 1. The dues are $88.00. If you renew by May 5, you will be entered into the Early Bird Drawing and one lucky member will receive free membership for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
To renew online, you received an email last month from membershipinfo@aauw.org. Open the link, click renew and pay with a credit or debit card.
Members who prefer to pay by check may write the check to AAUW-SA and mail it to Kathy Kraft, 2534 Ashton Village Dr., San Antonio, TX 78248.
Thank you for supporting AAUW!
Kathy Dicke
Vice-President Membership
I was totally surprised when Suzanne Benson announced that my name was submitted for TX AAUW's OUTSTANDING MEMBER AWARD for 2020. It has been my privilege to have belonged to AAUW since 1964. AAUW was my savior to interact with educated women when I moved away from the Minneapolis-St. Paul MN area. During the years, I became more and more passionate about equity for women and girls as I saw how women and girls, including myself, were relegated to second place. No matter where I was: traveling in an RV, working with FEMA, living here or there, I always found a branch and felt so proud and privileged to be a part of these women. You are many of those women. Thank you for your fellowship, your friendship, your work to foster equity for women and girls.
Karen Reichensperger
Check out all the awards won by
San Antonio at the
AAUW Texas Virtual Convening
A big welcome to the officers for 2020-2021!
Thank you to those who voted by email.
• Cheryl Fuller – President
• Kathy Dickey – Membership VP
• Diane Carr – Program VP
• Wondra Chang – Secretary
• Kathy Kraft – will serve her second year as Treasurer
AAUW Greatest Needs Fund
Are you getting tired of staying at home? Surprisingly, I am not. I enjoy the peace, the time to graciously think of my family and friends, to think about getting to my hobbies and to do chores that have sat for some time. I know that none of us are going to the theater or cinema, to churches, to restaurants. How about using some of the money (yes, save some but not all) and give to the AAUW's Greatest Needs Fund? We have many worthwhile, even critical endeavors to support and a reserve to build up. Go to
. Click on "Donate." Then on "Use my gift where it is needed most." Just that easy! We can make an impact while sitting at home.
Two-Minute Activist
We can't march in the streets right now. You might have other priorities for your money. Yet, you can use your time (minimal, yet impactful) to advocate for equality for women and girls. Sign up to get regular AAUW alerts to be able to take timely action. Yes, even in these days when COVID-19 is on so many legislators' minds, AAUW does the work for you so that your input is timely. You then send emails and/or texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. It's easy. Just click this link and complete the information:
Two Minute Activist
Five Star National Recognition Program
The new Five Star National Recognition Program rewards branches for aligning their work with the AAUW strategic plan and other initiatives that foster the mission of advancing gender equity for women and girls. The San Antonio Branch is working to receive all five stars: Programs, Advancement, Communications and External Relations, Public Policy and Research, and Governance and Sustainability.
To obtain the Advancement star we must have a $30 per member contribution to the greatest needs of AAUW. The goal for the San Antonio Branch is $2,700 by June 30, 2020. Go to the
website and donate so AAUW can use your gift where it is needed most.
by June 30, 2020
2019-2020 Officers
President Suzanne Benson
President Elect Cheryl Fuller
VP Membership Kathy Dicke
Co VP Programs Eleanor Skelley
Co VP Programs Eva Nwokah
Secretary Cheryl Fuller
Treasurer Kathy Kraft
Cancelled until further notice.
4541 Fredericksburg Rd. 78201
Meet at 12:00 noon for lunch.
Start playing at 12:30 pm.
Contact Pearl Eng
Cancelled until further notice.
DoubleTree Hotel
37 NE Loop 410 at McCullough 78216
RSVP to Lola Hill
Saturday, May 16, 10:00 am
We will pick books for the oncoming year. Cheryl Fuller is our Zoom Master and will send directions and codes for getting to the meeting.
RSVP to Cheryl Fuller
Cancelled until further notice.
RSVP to Fran Vetters
Wednesday, May 13, 5:00 pm
Wednesday, May 27, 5:00 pm
Contact Helga Anderson for more info.
Cancelled until further notice.
Movie, time, and place selected by the group and announced the day before.
RSVP to Fran Vetters