It’s already November and the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us. It seems appropriate to take some time and think about the last year – what’s improved, what’s next, and what are our favorite positive thoughts on the meaning of “thanks”. Shall we start with being thankful for each other? Our sisterhood in AAUW, the women who just may have brought us through some of our greatest challenges – those of pandemic, illness, ageing, maybe even misbehaving children? And then there are the fun times – maybe this year you got to eat in a restaurant a time or two, gather in small groups with friends, and stay in touch with others via remote access (yes, that Zoom gizmo!).

I hope you’ll agree we’ve had some great meetings with speakers that raised our consciousness, answered our questions, and most recently, addressed a load of burning questions on AAUW Advocacy and Legislative issues and processes. Thanks to our Texas AAUW President Gloria Long and her team for a terrific panel discussion at our October meeting. Be sure to view the video on our AAUW SA website. It is packed with information to keep in mind as we look to voting this November.

On November 2 you have the opportunity to vote on eight Texas propositions on the ballot that were passed by the state legislature and must be passed by a majority of voters to take effect. These are constitutional amendments that could affect your life, well-being, and finances. In order to fully understand and be ready to vote, please go to or for unbiased pros and cons on each proposition. The last day to register to vote is October 4, with early voting October 18-29. Vote at any polling location in Bexar County.

We’re looking forward to our November 6th presentation on Educational Equity: The San Antonio Initiative presented by Dolores Zapata-Caballero, Director of Operations for AlamoPROMISE at Alamo Colleges.

May you all enjoy the season and thanks for your year-round enthusiastic support of our AAUW spirit!

Stronger together—
Cheryl Fuller
AAUW San Antonio President