University Woman Texas
Volume 72 l Issue 5 l April 2021

AAUW National Election
April 7, 2021 - May 17, 2021

From The President
Greetings AAUW of Texas Members,

Spring has sprung! We are all looking forward to recovery from the Texas Snowmageddon 2021 and some sense of control over the COVID pandemic. I hope each of you is receiving a vaccine as soon as you are able.

Many thanks to Dr. Lynn Hagan LCSW for her three part series of Self Care workshops. If you missed these, links to the videos will be on the AAUW Texas website.

Please read the information from all the different AAUW of Texas officers so you are up to date on everything AAUW Texas. 

And VOTE! In the AAUW election as well as any local elections to make your voice heard.

Gloria Long
AAUW of Texas President
Congratulations to
 Tyler AAUW! 
They have been awarded One Star but have submitted for Five Stars!
San Antonio AAUW has been awarded Four Stars!

Legacy Circle
Legacy Circle welcomes the newest Texas members

Vanessa Bostick
Tyler Branch
Cheryl Fuller
San Antonio Branch

Plan Wisely - for Today’s Needs and for Tomorrow

How do you take care of the people and things that matter most to you – now and for the future?

Through careful planning, you can benefit your loved ones and your charitable interests while investing in equity for women and girls. Some reasons to create a plan include:

·       Taking care of loved ones
·       Memorializing someone you care about
·       Advancing equity for women and girls through AAUW
·       Increasing current income for you and/or others
·       Passing more on to heirs with reduced taxes
·       Reducing income tax
·       Avoiding capital gains tax

As you consider what is important to you and how to reflect that in your legacy, we invite you to reach out to us. Our knowledgeable gift planning staff is available to assist with any questions you may have. You may also request a Legacy Circle brochure by calling or emailing AAUW’s National Office. You can make a difference in the lives of women and girls by joining the AAUW Legacy Circle.

For assistance, contact Heather Miller, AAUW National’s Director of Advancement, at: 202-785-7766 or by email, at 

Jackie Littleton of the AAUW Legacy Circle Team is also available to assist you and may be reached by email, at
Making a Difference for the Future
If you are considering including AAUW National in your estate plans, please accept our thanks. So often, wonderful and committed AAUW members make these gifts, but we are unable to thank them because we don’t learn of their decision during their lifetime. We ask that you let us know so we may honor and celebrate you in the Legacy Circle. These gifts make a huge difference, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity.
Here is some suggested wording for your attorney: “After fulfilling all other specific provisions, I give, devise, and bequeath ___% of the residue [or $______ if a specific amount] to AAUW National, a District of Columbia charitable corporation [Tax ID #52-6037388] currently having offices located at 1310 L Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005.” 
Howdy from AAUW Texas A&M!

My name is Kelby Kosel and I am the President of AAUW's student chapter at Texas A&M University. In recognition of April as Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, our chapter is hosting a T-shirt fundraiser benefitting I Am Priceless, a nonprofit that works in the Bryan/College Station community to empower female survivors of abuse. Will be offering both a T-shirt ($20) and a sweatshirt ($30), and you can find the link to support our fundraiser here. Please email me at with any specific questions. Thank you for your continued support of AAUW!
Promoting AAUW Equity Policies in Texas
The AAUW Texas Board of Directors has produced a public policy position statement specifically for the 87th Texas Legislature:    
AAUW has broken social barriers to equity for women and girls since 1881 and is strongly continuing advocacy today on all three organizational levels: national, state, and local branches.  AAUW Texas is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors from branches within the state and represents over 1,000 members in cities and towns. Since the AAUW mission focuses on gender equity priorities, AAUW Texas provides direct communication with its members through quarterly conference calls, exchanging timely information about public policy and other essential AAUW elements. It also publishes University Women Texas (UWT), an online periodical for all state members. 
During the 87th Legislative Session, AAUW Texas will prioritize its organizational responses to proposed legislation in the following areas: Women's health care, Childcare, Pay equity and family paid leave, Job training and advancement for women, Voting rights and voter suppression, Sexual discrimination, Redistricting, and Budgeting. Individual AAUW members are encouraged to monitor and contact their federal and state senators and representatives regarding any topics which interest them. 
To facilitate this responsibility, the AAUW Texas has also recently hired a qualified lobbyist, Kevin Stewart, who is well acquainted with legislators, state law, and legislative procedures. He has clients who have similar equity concerns, and has encouraged AAUW Texas to affiliate with coalitions who are developing responses to issues of common interest. As a result, several other organizations have provided valuable webinars with timely information about equity legislative issues. An Austin resident, Mr. Stewart goes to the Capitol regularly and meets with staff in the legislative offices to communicate the AAUW Texas position on specific bills to their legislators.
As Mr. Stewart continues to identify bills related to our equity concerns, he is consulting periodically with an AAUW Texas 'advisory group.' Its members include the State President, Gloria Long, State Public Policy Chair, Pat Rehm, West Harris County Branch Public Policy Chair, Georgia Kimmel, and San Antonio Branch Public Policy Chair, Pat Sanford. Together they review currently proposed bills and consider the priority level of each one and whether or not to take appropriate actions. Their timely bill track information will be shared with interested public policy advocates throughout the state, as it is available. 
Now more than half way through its 140-day session, the 87th Texas Legislature is humming along at accelerated speed. The filing of bills has ended, and legislators are meeting in committees during extended days to process priority issues. With members' participation and Mr. Stewart's expertise, AAUW Texas will continue to focus upon bills related to our mission's priorities and to act collectively when group advocacy will be most effective. 
The next quarterly public policy Zoom meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, at 4:00 PM. Interested AAUW Texas officers and members are invited to receive and share current information on legislative issues. Contact Pat Rehm, AAUW Texas Public Policy Chair, at for the link and more information. Please join us!
What's Happening Around AAUW Texas?
Central District
Marsi Liddell

Happy Springtime, Happy Passover, Happy Easter, Happy April Fools’ Day, Happy Covid Vaccination.  Have a Happy.

It certainly seems like we may have made a tiny pirouette into the 2nd quarter of this year, but before we get too wild and giddy, I wanted to take the time to applaud all of Branches in Central District. Many of them have added new members, some of them have found a way to create successful online fund-raisers, a few of them have worked diligently to attain their 5 Star. The Presidents of all these branches should be commended and congratulated on their leadership and adaptability; and the members recognized for their resilience and dedication to AAUW and its mission. In at least one case, a President and her family contracted COVID but trooped on both personally and professionally.  Hopefully, there were not a lot of situations with those health concerns.

With just a little bit of luck and science, I think it is possible for us all to witness a return to something a bit closer to what we remember as “normal” in the coming months. I certainly hope so. I would love to meet and greet folks face to face –in person—instead of just seeing them as tiny boxes on my computer screen or phone. I’ll look forward to a time when I can shake hands without gloves and smile without a mask covering it.

In the meantime, please stay safe, stay engaged in AAUW, and remember to let your voice be heard in the upcoming membership amendment vote this Spring.

AAUW Election

April 7, 2021
May 17, 2021
All members are encouraged to vote in the AAUW National election concerning the membership requirement in our bylaws and our Public Policy Priorities. Please look for your unique voting number in your email around April 7 and do not delete that email.

All voting will take place online starting April 7 and ending May 17, 2021. A member may send a request to AAUW for a paper ballot to: AAUW, 1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005. Paper ballots must be requested by April 16 and returned with a postmark no later than 11:59pm ET on April 30.

For information you may visit the AAUW website at these locations:

For voting information:

For answers to questions about the bylaws change:

For information about updates to our Public Policy Priorities:
Elected Officers  
Gloria Long
Melodia Gutierrez
Barbara Cager
Margie Poole
Diane Roberts
Mary Smith

Elected District Representatives
Betsy Calabro
Marsi Lidell
Sara Wood
Emelia Hoefle
Lucy Barrington

Standing Committees
Ann Berasley
Pat Rehm

Appointed Positions
Crystal Gacia
Lynn Hagan
Karen Reichensperger
Marina Rivers

Communications Team
Malinda Gaul
Janani Janakiraman
Pam Wolfe

Program VP
Membership VP
Finance Officer

South District
Central District
North District
North District
West District

Public Policy

Diversity and Inclusion
SHARE Grant Coordinator
College/University Rep
Branch Services

UWT Editor/Email Communications