University Woman Texas
Volume 70 l Issue 7 l September 2019
October 1 Deadlines:
Nominations, SHARE Project Grants,
Bylaws, Resolutions
For more details go to our AAUW Texas website

Your AAUW Texas Board of Directors wants to introduce SHARE: Supporting Hardworking Affiliates Rising to Empower, a new grant program for branches. AAUW Texas Finance Officer Pam Wolfe chaired the AAUW Texas Financial Task Force to develop a strategic plan for using AAUW Texas dues to benefit branches. The SHARE fund has been created to offer three opportunities for branches to apply for grants: (1) branch project grants, (2) National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) grants, and (3) Work Smart/Start Smart grants. 

The SHARE branch project grant application is available on the website for the October 1, 2019 deadline.

Interested in serving on the AAUW Texas Board? Now is your time. Nominations are being accepted for all officer and district representative positions. The nomination form is available on the website for submission by October 1, 2019 , to the Nominating Committee Chair Mary DuBoise [email protected] .


By October 1, 2019 , proposals for proposed bylaws and resolutions must be submitted to the Bylaws Committee Chair Ann Berasley [email protected] .

Named Gift Honorees
I would like to congratulate all these AAUW members who were honored by their branches as Named Gift Honorees. This program is no longer recognized by National, but some of our branches still honor great branch members.

Austin Branch
Nancy Andren
Lilac Bauer
Jackie Hardee
Katherine Staples
Ginny Tannebring
Gail Boston
Linda Welsh 
Resa Dunn
Anita Knight 
Marina Rivers
Betty Schmidt 
Mary Ellen Scribner
Kay Goodwin
Farmers Branch-Carrollton Branch
Brianna Cattell

Northeast Tarrant County Branch
Barbara Brasco
Pat Lucas
Penny Yarborough

North Harris County Branch
Mary Quinn
Mary Kimball
Betsy Calabro
Lena Habiby
Sharon Jeremenko

Tarrant County Branch
Joyce Raessler
Erica Robinson 
Orlew Lauger

Congratulations to them all!

Jean Dodds
AAUW Texas Funds VP 

By now all the Texas AAUW branches should be reaping the benefits of all your hard work to attract new members. Congratulations on your successes. Sharing our AAUW story is important work.

As you look for ways to share your branch story, please plan to participate in the MAP awards program at the AAUW Texas level and the new Five Star program at the AAUW National level. 

In every branch there is always that special member whose work makes the branch run smoother – who always says “yes” when asked – who you just couldn’t imagine your branch functioning without. This is the member your branch should nominate for the state Outstanding Member award, to be given at our April convening in Pflugerville. You may also nominate that member who has only been with your branch 3 or fewer years, but has already made her mark, for the Outstanding New Member award.

To make a nomination for either – or both – of these awards, please submit a narrative (1000 words or less) describing the accomplishments of the member and why she should be named Outstanding Member or the Outstanding New Member. Submissions are due March 1, 2020.

Start thinking about who your branch will nominate and send your nominations to Gloria Long at [email protected] .

If you have a topic you’d like addressed at our November phone call, please send that to me as well, at the above email.

Gloria Long
AAUW Texas Membership VP
We have new wage gap numbers!

Overall: 82* (all women to all men)

Asian Women: 90 (as compared to white, non-Hispanic men)

White Women: 79 (as compared to white, non-Hispanic men)

Black Women: 62 (as compared to white, non-Hispanic men)

Latinas: 54 (as compared to white, non-Hispanic men)

Native women (comes out Sept 26).

Note: The U.S. Census Bureau adjusted their pay data methodology for this year (2018 data) changing the reported gap, but this does not reflect a real change in America. The gap is not statistically different from last year.

You Did It! AAUW Delivers on Negotiation-Training Goal 
With a lot of help from our members, AAUW hit a major milestone in our partnership with the Coca-Cola Foundation to teach women everywhere to negotiate effectively. As of August 23, we’ve trained 102,656 women to ask for the salary they deserve, either through Work Smart Online or in-person workshops. 

We knew our goal of reaching 100,000 women through Work Smart in less than a year would be ambitious. But we also knew our members would deliver — and you did (and then some). To further expand the program, we’re entering into strategic partnerships with, Starbucks Global Academy, the city of Wichita, and many others. Through your support, we’ve engaged 500 professional organizations and state and local commissions through our outreach. The first New-York-based workshop will take place next week. 

A huge thank-you to all who helped us spread the word about Work Smart Online. For those who haven’t, we still need you! Please continue to share Work Smart Online with your networks, including alumni groups and other online communities, and helping us promote women’s economic security.
Texas Freedom Network
Teach for Truth Coalition

Texas has spent too much time, money and effort on a failed abstinence-only approach to sex education. It’s time for change. TFN and SIECUS have released a report with recommendations for the Texas State Board of Education to update the curriculum with medically accurate, comprehensive and inclusive information. #TeachTheTruth

Conference Calls Schedule
NEW PHONE NUMBER 712-770-4800
Pin 622745#

HOW TO: Dial the phone number at the time designated for the call and when prompted dial the pin number ending with #. During the call, please MUTE your phone to avoid background noise. Unmute only when you want to speak. Facebook reminders will be sent in advance with the agendas for the calls. 
And the information is on the AAUW Texas website.

Calls are Changing to Quarterly

Second Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. - Membership with Gloria Long

Second Thursday, 5:00 p.m. - Public Policy with Crystal Garcia

Third Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. - AAUW Funds/Fundraising with Jean Dodds

Third Thursday, 4:00 p.m. - Program with Melodia Gutierrez
April 17-18, 2020

To celebrate the anniversary of 100 years of women’s suffrage
and recognize the fight for equality remains ongoing.
Our Sister Suffragists fought long and hard to win the right to vote for women. Celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage by
becoming a Sister Suffragist.

Donate $100 to AAUW Greatest Needs Fund #9110 between now and the April 2020 Convening and you will be honored as a Sister Suffragist.
Marriott Courtyard
$129 per night
Deadline for reservations: March 27, 2020

As you plan for the coming AAUW year, do not forget to work towards the MAP Award - Membership/Advocacy/Philanthropy.

The criteria is simple:
1. Membership:   The branch can achieve a M for membership by increasing membership by 5% OR having a retention rate of 90% OR recruiting three new members.
2. Advocacy:  The branch can achieve an A for advocacy by planning one mission-based program or event.
3. Philanthropy:  The branch can achieve a P for philanthropy by donating $5 for each member to the Tyler Branch American Fellowship #4268.
Help Complete Another Fellowship

AAUW is one of the world’s oldest leading supporters of graduate women’s education, having awarded more than $115 million in fellowships, grants, and awards to 13,000 women and projects from more than 145 countries since 1888. AAUW Texas members and the state Board of Directors recently completed the Ann Richards American Fellowship, leaving only one unendowed fellowship from the state.

On its 75 th anniversary, the Tyler branch began a $100,000 American fellowship. With only a few years left to complete the endowment, the branch is asking for help. Members who would like to help Tyler complete their named endowment may make online donations to Fund #4268 or send checks in any amount made payable to AAUW with Fund #4268 on the memo line to:

Tyler Funds Chair Jackie Littleton
818 Ashford Court
Tyler, Texas 75703.

American Fellowships are awarded to help with dissertation completion, research leave from accredited universities, and preparation of research for publication. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence, quality and originality of project design, and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.
AAUW fellowship funding helps women manage the growing burden of student debt, an issue that disproportionately affects women. Unique to AAUW’s program, funding may also be used to pay for expenses outside of those traditionally associated with academic study, including child care and transportation — necessities that can help recipients’ continue, return to, and successfully complete graduate programs. AAUW prides itself on providing fellowships and grants for women returning to either extend or complete their academic goals.

Education & Training – Addressing the barriers and implicit biases that hinder advancement of women.
Goal A: Train 1000 Texas women using WorkSmart or StartSmart curriculum by 2020.
Goal B: Establish recurring program activities that support the AAUW mission.
Goal C: Every branch applies for the MAP award.

Economic Security – Ensuring livelihoods for women.
Goal A: Every branch engages in a pay equity activity annually.
Goal B: Provide written or oral testimony on state legislation related to women’s economic security.

Leadership – Closing the gender gap in leadership opportunities.
Goal A: Create a Lobby Corp.
Goal B: Identify organizations that train women to be appointed to governing and advisory boards.

Governance & Sustainability – Ensuring the strength, relevance, and viability of AAUW well into the future.
Goal A: Enhance communication between AAUW Texas and all members in Texas.
Goal B: Build the pipeline of future leaders to sustain the organization.
L to R: Lucy Barrington, Ann Berasley, Susan Roehrig, Ginny Phoenix, Jean Dodds, Marina Rivers, Malinda Gaul, Melodia Gutierrez, Pam Wolfe, Crystal Garcia, Gloria Long, Brenda Moss, Dixie Christian, Barbara Cager
Elected Officers             
Malinda Gaul
Melodia Gutierrez
Gloria Long
Jean Dodds
Pam Wolfe
Susan Roehrig

Elected District Representatives
Brenda Moss
Marina Rivers
Barbara Cager
Dixie Christian
Lucy Barrington

Standing Committees
Ann Berasley
Crystal Garcia
Lynn Hagan

Communications Team
Ginny Phoenix
Janani Janakiraman

Program VP
Membership VP
Finance Officer

South District
Central District
North District
North District
West District

Public Policy
Branch Services Officer/College University Rep
