A UH Mānoa RIO and Office of Civic and Community Engagement Program
January 2022 Newsletter
The American Association of University Women at UH Mānoa (AAUW at UHM) is and will continue to be active for the 2021-22 academic school year.

The mission of our Registered Independent Organization (RIO) is to promote the values of AAUW on the UHM campus and in the community; we are working towards equality in society by providing the tools necessary for women to gain economic security, to pursue their education, and advocate for women's rights.

AAUW at UHM's internship program, consisting of five students from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, is housed in the Office of Civic and Community Engagement, under the supervision of Director Atina Pascua, and sponsored by the AAUW Honolulu Branch.

To become a member, please email [email protected] expressing your interest. We will ask follow up questions at that time. In order to have an active-status in our RIO, we ask that you attend at least one event every semester. We have no membership fees. Our RIO is open to everyone!
Upcoming Events
AAUW at UH Mānoa's events are kindly sponsored by
the UH Mānoa Office of Civic and Community Engagement (OCCE)
Where Do We Live? Parenting Through Exploring Our ʻĀina

Saturday, February 26, 2022
9:00am - 11:00am HST
In-person at Mānoa Heritage Center
The second part in our "Where Do We Live?" series will engage parents and caregivers in a tangible experience of ʻāina as a community. ʻĀina’s influence cannot remain in the realm of theory, but must also be experienced through the senses. Join AAUW at UH Mānoa, the OCCE, and Student Parents at Mānoa to explore ʻāina together in Mānoa Valley! The whole ʻohana is welcome and lunch bentos will be provided.
The Hunting Ground Film Screening and Talk Story with Annie E. Clark
February 12, 2022
4:00pm HST
Location TBD
Pupus will be provided.

AAUW at UHM and the Office of Civic and Community Engagement are cosponsors of this event, presented by AAUW Honolulu.
The Hunting Ground is an exposé of rape crimes on U.S. college campuses, their institutional cover-ups and the devastating toll they take on students and their families. Annie E. Clark is a co-founder of End Rape on Campus and a lead complainant in the Title IX and Clery complaints against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After directly working with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, she helped write the Bi-Partisan Campus Safety and Accountability Act.
Welcoming AAUW at UHM's Newest Intern
Meet Rebecca Körössy, the newest member of the AAUW at UHM intern team.
Rebecca's bio:
Hello! My name is Rebecca Körössy and I'm originally from Stockholm, Sweden where I grew up in a Sámi household. I am a transfer student from Kapiʻolani Community College to UH Mānoa, where I will continue my studies in Global Environmental Science. I am passionate about women's rights, indigenous rights, and climate issues and I am excited to join the AAUW at UHM team to continue to support women in education and to focus on Title IX. In my free time I enjoy getting involved in restoration work around the island, hiking, and cooking. 
We Asked a Friend: New Year Reflections
For this month's edition of We Asked a Friend, we asked each other: What do you want to do more and/or less of in 2022? We encourage you to reflect on how you would answer this question.
AAUW at UHM Intern Coordinator
Marine Biology Undergraduate Student
"More of: Taking a breath and meditating; relaxing, reading, writing, baking and hiking; living in the moment. Less of: Stress and taking on too much."
AAUW at UHM Intern
Philosophy Graduate Student
"What I want to do more of in 2022 are one-minute mindfulness breathing exercises when I wake up and before I go to bed. The constant underlying stress and anxiety intimately bound to living in Covid times for the past two years has definitely taken a toll on my mental health. I am hopeful, however, that taking these couple minutes to ground myself before a new day begins and when it ends will help as I enter the new year."
AAUW at UHM Intern
Educational Administration Graduate Student

"This year, I would like to spend more time outdoors and away from my computer/workspace. I have learned to really value physical activity, even if it’s just walking around the neighborhood in the morning."
AAUW at UHM Intern
Environmental Science Undergraduate Student
"For 2022, I want to spend less time in front of screens. Difficult since we are doing distance learning, but I want to minimize sitting on my phone and computer because all of this screen time adds up, and I feel like you get so tired from it."
AAUW at UHM Communications Intern
Communication Graduate Student

"I want to show more compassion and less judgment—for both myself and others—this year. The pandemic has taken its toll on all of us, and it's important to remember that this is a difficult time for everyone. We're all just doing our best."
AAUW Honolulu Branch Updates
AAUW Honolulu was founded in 1905 as the College Club. Created to promote “the higher ideals of education among women,” it became an official branch of the American Association of University Women in 1922.
Check out AAUW Honolulu's website and January newsletter to learn more.
AAUW Honolulu 2022-23 Undergraduate Scholarships

AAUW Honolulu is accepting undergraduate scholarship applications now through March 15, 2022. To learn more about the scholarships and eligibility criteria, visit the AAUW Honolulu website.
Hawaii Community Foundation
Graduate Scholarships

The Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) will be accepting scholarship applications from November 15, 2021 through January 31, 2022. AAUW Honolulu provides funding to HCF for graduate studies. Visit the HCF website to apply.
[email protected] | (808) 956-4641