A UH Mānoa RIO and Office of Civic and Community Engagement Program

May 2023 Newsletter

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Join our RIO

The American Association of University Women at UH Mānoa (AAUW at UHM) is and will continue to be active for the 2022-23 academic school year.

The mission of our Registered Independent Organization (RIO) is to promote the values of AAUW on the UHM campus and in the community; we are working towards equity in society by providing the tools necessary for women to gain economic security, to pursue their education, and advocate for women's rights.

AAUW at UHM's internship program, consisting of nine students from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, is housed in the Office of Civic and Community Engagement, under the supervision of Director Atina Pascua, and sponsored by the AAUW Honolulu Branch.

To become a member, please email [email protected] expressing your interest. We will ask follow up questions at that time. In order to have an active-status in our RIO, we ask that you attend at least one event every semester. We have no membership fees. Our RIO is open to everyone!

Congratulations To Our Class of 2023

We wanted to send a special farewell to our three amazing interns representing AAUW at The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Liza Marie Corotan

Liza is getting her master's in communication. Her thesis was on small businesses use on social media. She has been working as a communications intern at AAUW at UH Mānoa since January 2022. Focusing on the AAUW Honolulu branch, and working on their newsletters and social media accounts. Liza is planning to grow her business which launched in December 2022 providing social media services to small businesses in Hawai’i. She is working closely with Two Line Marketing in preparation to be their Social Media Manager to well-known companies on O’ahu.

Chloe Long

Chloe is getting her bachelor’s in communication with a minor in communicology. She has been with AAUW at UH Mānoa since January 2022, as a communications intern, writing the AAUW at UH Mānoa newsletters and running the social media accounts. Chloe is starting her internship position in June with Servco Pacific Inc. in Honolulu on their communications team.

Megan Wettlaufer

Megan is getting her bachelor’s of science in Marine Biology as well as certificates in the Honors Program and the Marine Option Program. She has been a programming intern since October 2022, putting on events focusing on food allergies, movie nights, and STEAM machine challenges. Megan is moving to Washington State to begin her job as a Physical Therapy Aide to get some clinical experience before she goes medical school for Hyperbaric Medicine. 

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The month of May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month celebrates the historical and cultural contributions brought to America. In 1977, AAPI heritage was only recognized in the first ten days of May, but in 1992, congressmen expanded it to a full month.

AAPI Heritage Month helps to increase awareness and understanding of the diverse cultures and histories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, promoting greater inclusion and respect for these communities. This month also serves as a reminder of the challenges and discrimination faced by AAPI communities, highlighting the ongoing need for social justice and equity for all Americans, regardless of their background.

For more information on AAPI Heritage month click here!

Mental Health Awareness Month:

De-Stressing for Finals

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and just as finals are around the corner, we wanted to ask our AAUW at UH Manoa interns what ways they de-stress from studying and how to finish up the semester on a positive note.


My end of semester de-stress strategy is to eat my meals away from my desk and not do any work during those times. This allows for a good and much needed break from studying. It also keeps my breaks within a reasonable timeframe and I usually feel refreshed and ready to hit the books again when I get back to my desk.


A de-stress strategy to implement leading up to finals/during finals is to pack grab & go snacks in your bag. Sometimes when we are caught up on studying for a final, finishing a paper or a group project, we may not have time to buy food or make food. This can help you get through the day.


My de-stress strategy when studying for finals is I try and remember to take breaks and get up from my desk to rest my eyes and get a snack. That way I can breathe and relax for a little bit. 


My favorite way to de-stress is by hanging out with my friends! Currently our favorite game to play is Happy Salmon, which is a quick game that gets us moving. However, if we are really busy then we will study together instead. If I am by myself, my favorite ways to de-stress are through baking and painting. Recently I have loved making carrot cupcakes that I will eat throughout my painting sessions!


I love to do screen breaks on heavy study days. I often get headaches, so I go for a drive on my moped in the valley, write in my journal for a bit, or talk to my roommates. Just twenty minutes offline really grounds me. If I’m very overwhelmed a nap always does wonders.


During finals week, I try my best to take breaks between studying so I don't overwork myself. Sometimes I'll study at a park or a Cafe and take little walks or tea breaks to de-stress. For those who can't find the motivation to study, I highly recommend having a study session with your friends so you have someone to work with and can hold each other accountable.


As finals week approaches, I think it is super important to spend time outside with nature. My favorite activities that help me de-stress from school work are going to the beach, going on long walks, and adventuring on hikes. We often lose track of time getting cooped up in our study spaces and it is essential that we take time to breathe fresh air to open up our minds!


A de-stressing strategy that you can use to prepare for finals is to time yourself and stop studying or working on a stressful assignment to reset your mind every once in a while. Often, students are unable to manage their time properly, and that results in disorganization. Remember to take breaks. Take a deep breath, hold it, and exhale slowly. Do this a couple more times to ease your frustrations and remember that it's okay if you can't finish a task all at once!


I like to de-stress by going to the beach and just relaxing!

Participate in a Research Study on Food Insecurities

Wendy Lum is a graduate student with the College of Education - Educational Foundations Program here at UH Mānoa. 

For her masters thesis, she is conducting a qualitative study on the topics of food insecurity among UH Mānoa students. She's hopeful that the outcome of this study will help further raise awareness and be a resource to our UHM community.  

KCC Corner

It's hard to believe we are already at the end of the 2023-24 school year. For many of us, the year coming to a close means different things, but for all of us - it means taking one step closer to taking control of our future. One way you can take control is by registering to vote; students are able to vote in the people they see fit, for the America they want; why not make use of it? 

Click below he link to update your voter registration. It only takes a few minutes!

Register to Vote!

AAUW Honolulu Branch Updates

AAUW Honolulu was founded in 1905 as the College Club. Created to promote “the higher ideals of education among women,” it became an official branch of the American Association of University Women in 1922.

Check out AAUW Honolulu's website to learn more.

AAUW Honolulu Scholarship Deadlines

Girls Talk Back application deadline: May 5, 2023

Career and Development Leadership Grant deadline: May 15, 2023

To learn more about the scholarships and eligibility criteria, visit the AAUW Honolulu Website.

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